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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Same thing as RFM says - it is just held in by clips as I recall (that might break depending on their age). The only thing behind that panel is the rear wiper motor (if you have that option).
  2. Um... folks Andy_M is a Contributing Member...
  3. 951.343.031.11 Left Front Koni Sport shock -- to model 89 (944 S2, M474) 951.343.032.11 Right Front Koni Sport shock -- to model 89 (944 S2, M474) 951.333.032.08 Rear Koni Sport Shock -- to model 89 (944 S2, M474)
  4. Sounds, like it is working. I hope the paper gasket is not damaged (sorry, forgot to warn you about that). How does the inside of the throttle butterfly look?
  5. Try 6781 or 6779 I just noticed I mis-typed the serial #... should have been X503 1865. Must be Monday moring... Try 0555 or 0553
  6. I paid $11.80 from Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost). Don't be surprised if you open the bag and the cap says 996.106.447.02
  7. Try 6781 or 6779
  8. :welcome: It would be very helpful if you would tell us the model and year of your. Also the radio model if possible.
  9. It is like a little rotating cylinder (inside).
  10. Where is that TSB??? My car did some big puffs of blue oil smoke when starting over this weekend fo rthe FIRST time in 5000 mi that I've owned it. Was parked ona a monor incline, mostly front higher than rear. Bob The TSB was for Carrera's. TSB 1/02 1716 Blue Smoke from the Engine During High Transverse Acceleration -- dated May 10, 2002
  11. I would have to guess - knowing the color code of the wires and how many might help...
  12. The hoses, pump, and tank are in the left front wheel well. It is pretty easy to take the wheel well liner off and see what is leaking. You will need to remove the left front tire too.
  13. Item 10, I do not think it can be replaced by itself.
  14. The storage bin fits where the CD tray or Cassette tray (or I have been told where the radio is). Storage bin is: 996.552.253.01.01C -- US MSRP $35.81
  15. Try 8973 or 8971
  16. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  17. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST No, post in the link at the end of the FAQ - please.
  18. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  19. Model and year of your car please?
  20. Loren would be able to replace the buckle, Before I removed the seat I had to unplug the electric clip that controls the seat, could that have anything to do with it? None of the testers that I know of at Autozone can reset airbag lights. You can only reset an airbag light with the Durametric software, a PST2 or PIWIS tester. I had this exact same problem today. I removed the drivers side seat to get to the fried module underneath, and when I put everything back together, I had the airbag light on. I discovered I did not have the electrical connector for the seat properly connected, but after correcting this, the light is still on. I also disconnected the battery, but that did not clear it. Does that mean it will stay on until reset by one of the methods described above? The Durametric software, a PST2, or PIWIS will tell you exactly what turned the light on - and allow you to turn it off once the problem has been fixed.
  21. You will need the Durametric software, a PST2, or PIWIS tester to read the alarm fault codes. Most Porsche independent shops have at least one of these.
  22. That does not exist - you would need to make your own.
  23. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...post&p=2107
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