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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Loren - great suggestion - it's hard to describe the noise, it is very erratic, sometimes it seems more frequent, but it's always non-uniform - can only hear it at idle with the windows down. Any faster RPMs and it seems to either be masked by engine/exhaust, or it goes away. My guess would be water pump impeller as you suggest or maybe something in the oil sump??? Car runs great, pulls hard, nothing else noticeable. Any thoughts on urgency if it's indeed the water pump? Yeah, I know - hell it's under warranty - so I should just take it in immediately, but there's a long story there... it's not around the corner. When the impellers start to break and fall off they get circulated in the cooling system and engine - engine temperature usually goes up. In a few cases the water pump bearing goes and then all you have is the noise until it fails in a big way.
  2. Try 5918 or 4916
  3. Press locking levers outward and press in the rollbar until it can be felt to engage.
  4. A broken water pump impeller sounds very much the same. I would get an engine stethoscope and see if you can id the location of the noise.
  5. Sensor is on the bottom of the tank. I think the tank has to come out to change it.
  6. You really need to get a diagnostic check done with a PST2, PIWIS, or Durametric and see what fault codes come up.
  7. No, C4S is a wide body car and your MY99 C2 is a narrow body.
  8. So taking the car to them is a must. If I carry them the car, and the box turns out to be bad, do I have to have it reprogramed again(the key) for the new box? Basically yes. You must have a working alarm/door lock/drive block control to start the car - unless you decide to bypass that whole system.
  9. It is normal to have the air pump come after some sustained driving at speed. This usually happens when you come off the freeway and the car is idling at a stoplight. In most cases about 30 seconds of air pump run time.
  10. Is the coolant tank full? If so, you could have a bad sensor.
  11. If you have a bad coil or spark plug it usually shows up at all speeds and even more so at high RPM.
  12. Keys are programmed to the car - they can not be programmed by themselves. So the car and all keys must be together for programming. The box under the drivers seat is the alarm/door lock/drive block control. Most dealers charge 1 hour labor to program a key (on a working system).
  13. Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST
  14. Thanks--down the road, please post your results. I just noticed that Castrol Syntec 5W50 is also on the approved list. This is a little easier to purchase in MN (or on Amazon.com, for that matter!) Best Regards, Jon As far as I remember, the lastest oil approval list I saw (here in Renntech) only has either 0w-40 or 5w-40. 5w-50 was NOT on the list. I'm not saying 5w-50 will not work well but could someone please confirm whether it's on the approved list? Thanks. Mobil 1 5W-50 has been on the list at least since 2006. Porsche updates the list yearly (usually in March). We always have the latest update here in the TSB section for our Contributing Members (like you :D ).
  15. It would appear that all electronic control is in the switch - only cars with rain sensor have a relay.
  16. No, I think it comes out with the airbag. Just be very careful - you do not want this to go off in your face.
  17. Very likely yes. I would borrow a power bleeder and follow the DIY here.
  18. P0134 Oxygen Sensor Ahead of Catalytic Converter (Cylinders 1 - 3) - Interruption of Signal Open circuit in signal wire or ground wire of one oxygen sensor. Oxygen sensor heating not functioning. Output stage of DME control module faulty. Open circuit to common sensor ground. - Wiring harness - Oxygen sensor - DME control module
  19. Yes Sir, that's it. I do have the rear wiper and would like to get to it. So, if I reading this right.....grab hold of the middle and pull and it should just 'pop' off??? Thanks again, I think I pulled at the edges.
  20. 1. To bleed the system right - you to vacuum refill. 2. I would look the other one over real well. It could be that some debris flew up and damaged the radiator (which could also happen on a new one). 3. Inspection and have the AC pressure tested.
  21. Yes, a bad coil would give misfires and fault codes. Have you had the car fault codes read recently?
  22. Do you have a picture? Very odd as the airbag cover is hinged.
  23. P1123 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 1 (Cylinders 1 - 3) - Lean Threshold This the mixture is too rich - but only on bank 1. Odd with the 1128 and 1130. Hmm... MAF? P1128 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 2 (Cylinders 1 - 3) - Rich Threshold P1130 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 2 (Cylinders 4 - 6) - Rich Threshold This says that DME can not make the mixture rich enough - that is, you have too much air getting into the engine. Could be a bad MAF, a leaking AOS, or even a broken oil filler tube. - Intake air system leaking. - Fuel pressure too low. - Volume supply of fuel pump too low. - Fuel injectors fouled.
  24. Hmm.. I thought that was an LED - and should last almost forever. I guess there could be a wiring problem in the door panel. It is item 12 in the diagram.
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