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Everything posted by Loren

  1. 996 107 981 00 Protective Plate (3.4 engines only) Price as of Nov 2003 was $110 (retail)
  2. That is pretty normal to come on at idle after coming off the freeway. It is all based on the O2 measurement before and after the cats. Since you say it comes on at idle when you start it up I would look for a loose or worn wires and supply air/vacuum lines. If you are getting an error code then it means that it can not adjust the air injection mixture. This is usually a leaking line or faulty changeover valve. The valves are operated by solenoids so it could also be wiring or a solenoid that is failing when it is hot.
  3. Which Aerokit is it? The Aerokit II comes with a replacement (short) wiring harness. In the older kit they tell you to remove the the light bulb from the instrument cluster.
  4. The parts list says MY01 and newer but I do not know why they would not fit.
  5. Yes, same Grey/Pink wire on a MY02.
  6. Yes. I don't see why not. You still have a rear spoiler it just raises at speed.
  7. We are talking pre MY02 cars (and kits) here... right? 1. Yes and no. The Carrera Rear spoiler kit is approved with either the standard bumper or the Aerokit Cup front bumper. 2. Yes. The Aerokit Cup front bumper replaces the entire front bumper and it has a small lip spoiler at the bottom. Here is the Aerokit Cup front bumper with lower spoiler on my car. (p.s. the third radiator is an option - lol)
  8. 1. Use the Search button at the top right of each page. 2. In the Search box enter: Instrument Cluster 3. Choose All Forums in the drop down list. 4. Click on "Perform the Search" button. Lots of info here... :D
  9. I would check the two cable connections in the deck lid and the passenger side chassis. If you follow the cable near the deck lid fan it goes to a connector. Plug and unplug the connector looking for corrosion or bent pins etc. Then follow the cable to the chassis near the passenger side tail light. There is another connector there - do the same check. If the cables are good (no cuts or breaks) then the only thing left is the spoiler motor itself.
  10. I've had SO-3's on my car for two years and am happy them.
  11. Actually the Boxster is not on the list:
  12. MY99 C2 or C4? MY99 C2 is throttle cable so there is no software to upgrade. MY99 C4 is e-gas and there may be an update that will work.
  13. The Transmission oil change instructions come from the Porsche Service Manual so perhaps some of the early cars had these covers. Sounds like everything is there... Underbody Covers (current cars)
  14. From the Mobil 1 website: Since I have two of the cars on their short list that were broken in on Mobil 1 -- I tend to agree. I would however make my first oil change at the end of the break in period.
  15. Oh my, my... perhaps you should look for a new dealer. The current PSE fits ALL model 996's regardless of year or engine type. It even says that in the Tequipment catalog and the Porsche Parts List. I'll send you an email...
  16. Sorry I was not clear. The drain tube (usually a rubber hose) should be right under the firewall or just a little further back towards the center of the car. Yeah, I meant passenger side of the battery.
  17. Two things to try... 1. Find the A/C condensation drain tube under the car and pass a stiff wire through it to make sure it is not plugged. Also, have a look at the drain just the left of the battery (in the front trunk) and make sure it is not blocked either. 2. To get rid of the current odor... get the car fully warmed up (or hot even) then open all the windows and turn the heater up all the way (blower as low as it will go). This heat will kill the stuff growing in there. I tried this on my wife's Jeep when the A/C condensation drain on it plugged and it worked pretty well. If you live in a humid area then try shutting the A/C off a mile so from home so the condensation has a chance to evaporate before the car sits in the garage all night. Good Luck! :beer:
  18. Yes. 996 511 011 02 has been the same front hood on Boxster and Carrera from the first production through today.
  19. Yes. The rear has drop links also. Unlike the GT3 they are not adjustable.
  20. 996 512 988 00 Spoiler It is held in place with double stick tape so you only get one try to get it right. My Nov 2003 price list says (are you sitting down?) - $364.86 (retail).
  21. No not really. The industry wide OBD II codes are supported by many generic scan tools... but the Porsche proprietary specialized codes and programming interface in the PST2 can only had in that device. BTW... a PST2 can be purchased by independent shops for about $8000 plus a yearly subscription to software updates for another $2500/year. Also, Gert wrote a message a few weeks ago about Porsche switching over to a new device. Gert's message
  22. The price includes the connecting cable.
  23. This is what I use on my laptop. Nothing fancy - nothing expensive. $122 Car Code OBD-II
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