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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Lower small lip in this photo. It comes in black and can be painted. On the original GT3 it was not painted. (I have a spare and if I damage mine I will likely not paint the new one).
  2. Well... they stopped making most of the matte finish stuff. Same is true for steering wheel stalks. The buttons are matte only now even if you have to replace a broken one.
  3. Yes, but you will need the lower lip and fasteners also. I'll send you the Aerokit Kit Cup II Install Instructions with part numbers and details.
  4. The switch is only available in matte finish.
  5. For a MY99 - MY01 GT3 front bumper you will need: 996 505 980 02 G2X Front spoiler, primed finish 1ea 996 505 986 00 Spoiler lip 1ea 999 507 427 40 Expanding rivet; 16.0 mm, 8 mm long for spoiler lip 11ea
  6. From what I can find the factory setting is the 2nd hole from the (open) end. But you may need to experiment as your car is heavier (3487 vs 3043) B)
  7. The electronics can likely be transferred but I think the lens and reflectors are glued in. Could be very tricky? Do you have a pic of the cracked one?
  8. 986 731 903 00 01C Mirror housing with light satin black (USA only)
  9. They are larger and do hang down lower also. Expect them to scrape on driveways etc. Perhaps there is a discount on 2 sets :lol:
  10. Unlike some car makers Porsche creates a main harness based on the build order build specs - this means every car is custom. And, there are very few harness sub-assemblies in the Carrera (or Boxster that matter) -- a seat harness is not an available wiring harness. To do this you will need to create your own additional wiring harness and buy the individual parts. I think it can be done but it will be a lot of work running wires. I can email you the schematic (about 2MB) if you are serious about doing this.
  11. There are already quite a number of discussions and comments here on this. Please use the search feature and search for "Porsche coolant" (without the quotes).
  12. Do you mean the front radiator fans or the rear engine compartment purge fan? If it is the engine purge fan then here is the criteria: Switch-on conditions for engine compartment fan (this fan pulls air into the engine compartment) The engine compartment fan is switched on when the engine compartment temperature is > 176 degrees F or the coolant temperature is > 216 degrees F. If the ignition is switched off and the engine compartment temperature is more than 140 degrees F, the DME control module remains in readiness for another 20 minutes. During this time, the engine compartment temperature is retrieved every 10 seconds. If the engine compartment temperature is > 185 degrees F, the engine compartment fan is switched on for 20 seconds. If the engine compartment temperature is still > 185 degrees F after this time, the fan remains on for a further 30 seconds.
  13. Your order codes might help. Can you post a list? O, I could email you the full list?
  14. This is only true on US cars not RoW. It is an option on RoW cars
  15. The TSB is available in the Becker Manuals section by click on Porsche Manuals link here or at the top of each page.
  16. Well, if the light works at start up and the fuse is good then it almost has to be the switch on the handbrake.
  17. I use a butter knife and a cloth underneath to pry it out.
  18. I suggest checking fuse D3 first (fourth row down - 3rd fuse from the left). Did they have the console out for anything? There is a microswitch on the hand brake.
  19. There are 11 possibilities of front bumper part numbers. Please tell us whether you have parkassist, fender flares, headlight cleaning system, etc. All bumpers come prime coated only - so it will need to be painted.
  20. Loren, I have L719 for flat black and L746 for metallic black. This is for all the 996 models. What do you think are the differences? Solvent vs. water based? Well, I don't have the TT paint codes. On the Carrera L741 is water based and L747 is oil based. But I don't think oil based has been allowed on new cars in the US for some time now. Do you have a full TT listing by model year?
  21. Which cupholder version? There are two and only one style will fit in a MY99.
  22. Same as the Carrera I think... 741 for non metallic black and 744 for metallic black. Should be on the sticker on that hood in your garage... :lol:
  23. First the calipers do not need to come off unless you need to change the rotors. If you do, Porsche recommends that you change the caliper bolts each time. I usually don't unless they show signs of wear. Torque is 63 ft-lb and they are a large allen head bolt (sorry, can't remember the size). I would recommend NOT using any type of grease or antiseize anywhere near the brakes. The new vibration dampeners should have adhesive to hold them in place and that is all you need.
  24. Your shouldn't need to take the whole door panel off to change the speakers. Part of the problem on the later cars is that Porsche now has several lower door panels for standard (old style), Bose, and Harmon sound systems. They are all similar but a little different.
  25. If the sensor light came on then you will need new sensors also. The light activation means the sensor has worn through. If you are lucky and change your pads before the light comes on you can usually reuse the sensors.
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