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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Any year car with memory seats. The memory function is what saves the setting.
  2. C1 is engine electronics. I would remove the carpet cover behind the rear seats and then rotate the electronics mount up. Then make sure the DME cable is plugged in and tight. Also, look for chaffing or damaged wires there.
  3. All MY02 and C4S, GT3, TT, and GT2 use 999 053 042 07 - but the wheel hub is different so I do not know if it will fit correctly or not. Porsche has a newer wheel bearing for the Carrera's 999 053 041 03. Is this what you're using for replacement or the older 999 053 041 02?
  4. My understanding is that the silver latches are no longer available - unless you can find a dealer that has some in old stock. Porsche started using electric switches instead in MY2001- on Carrera's. Some folks are spraying them with Wurth Silver Wheel paint then with Wurth Clear Coat Wheel paint. There is a DIY in my DIY section here.
  5. Hmm... perhaps the dealer should have read TSB 8/99 1940 Coolant Expansion Tank (dated 10-22-99) - "Concern: Replacing the coolant expansion tank when an engine is replaced" that instructs them to change the coolant tank to the newer version whenever an engine is replaced. They might have saved you this trouble.
  6. 955 618 040 02 Trailer Coupling Control Unit It has been changed twice (00 and 01). This is the latest number but I don't know the differences.
  7. The same tire jack is used for the 996, Boxster, TT/GT2. The GT3 does not have a tire jack as standard - they have a compressed air bottle instead. You should be able to use that same jack on a GT3 - but there may not be a proper place to stow it in the car.
  8. The are 3 different instrument cluster bulbs. You will have to remove them to see which is which. Never seen these except from a dealer (5-6 USD each). 999 631 302 90 Bulb 1.2W 999 631 303 90 Bulb 1.5W 999 631 304 90 Bulb 3W (ToolPants's bulb pic)
  9. I've sent you a private message...
  10. That relay (996 618 980 03) is only for the PSE. That's why I said to try and remove two grey/pink wires.
  11. The grey/pink wire is the speedometer A signal. Depending on the options in your car it is routed to those optional devices. Every Porsche wiring harness is custom in that sense. You will want it disconnected from the PSE but not the other devices. If you just want the PSE to work ON/OFF (not based on speed) then you can safely remove the speedometer A wire from the PSE connection. You might try bypassing the PSE relay by removing the two grey/pink wires from the back of the relay carrier and joining them separately (not through the relay carrier).
  12. Here is a list (with pics) of the most common switches: http://www.whiteson.org/boxster/mods/switches/
  13. The link is fixed. Porsche more than tripled the price of their paper manuals in January this year. The electronic version of manuals from Porsche is even more expensive. A one year subscription is $5,200.00. Updates would cost the same ($5,200) each year. Makes me glad I bought mine in 2000.
  14. There is a drum brake inside the rotor hub. Turning the sprocket adjuster one way will tighten them down and other way will loosen them. You just need to loosen enough to slide the rotor off.
  15. 996 555 425 03 V01 Left Handle in Silver You got mail also...
  16. You likely need to separate out the grey/pink (speedometer A) wire for the functions you want vs don't want. The speedometer A wire is used for the PSE trigger, the PCM start movement, and the cab top (that I know of). You need to trace down see that the ones you want to use stay connected all the time and only the PSE goes through the switch.
  17. The two most common issues are the switch on the clutch and the ignition switch. Porsche had some problems with ignition switches in the past. They introduced a new ignition switch in production builds as of September 05, 2003. Starting with VIN numbers: 99 64S 62 0554 USA 99 44S 63 5123 USA 99 74S 65 0736 USA 99 74S 69 2289 USA Either way this should still be covered by your warranty.
  18. Technically yes they will fit - but there are different springs and shocks for different optioned cars due to the weight and weight transfer (i.e. a 6 speed get a different setup than a Tip, and/or Cab vs Coupe vs Targa, etc.). There is a great article at the PCA website about this along with some real world testing. You can find it here
  19. Thanks guys - but there are lots of contributors here! :thumbup:
  20. Mark, Have a look at my 3rd Radiator DIY and you will see that each side has a radiator (for engine cooling) and an air conditioner condenser mounted in front of it. For a through cleaning you can remove the front bumper and use a soft brush on the condenser and then loosen the condenser and clean the radiator behind it. Maybe 1 hour total for the bumper cover removal and cleaning.
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