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Everything posted by Loren

  1. If the bumper alignment is that far off something is wrong. Do you have a pic of the ducting (bumper off). It should look like the one in my DIY.
  2. You've got mail....
  3. Corrosion Technologies Corporation Mine arrived in about 2 days.
  4. 10 ft-lbs with silicone type 1209 from the Drei Bond company on sealing surface.
  5. I just use a regular jack with a hockey puck on the center of it.
  6. You are talking about the small vents under the rear window on the inside... right? If so, they are: 996 555 645 00 Grille Laquered (Left) 996 555 646 00 Grille Laquered (Right) They only come in Granite Grey (D05) or Black (A03) so you would need to paint them. The color code needs to be added to the end of the part number to order them (i.e. 996 555 645 00 A03).
  7. According to what I found it the connector for that plugs into the older lighter to add an accessory. Goes way back to the 356 and as far forward as the 89 Carrera. I don't know if it will work in todays cars as they use a more standard lighter socket now.
  8. Ah... looks like the German version of the same cable/software. Price looks good too! If the cable is properly made then there is little or no risk of damaging the DME. I have probably plugged mine in several hundred times.
  9. Yes, Porsche is ISO protocol as are most European cars, Asian cars and Chrysler (American) cars. I had a look at the site and cable package you show above - it is hard to tell if it includes the software. They did not have any software screenshots that I could find. I guess it comes down to knowing people that have used the product and validation that it works.
  10. Most likely a leaking coolant tank or tank cap. There are TSBs on both.
  11. On a MY2000 somewhere between 30-36K you will want to change the spark plugs to the newer heat range and if they are not already the 4-prong plugs. It is not that hard with the right tools - the short swivel head rachet is the key (and a little patience). The OBD-2 software I spoke can reset DME fault codes and several other system(s) codes.
  12. Yes, they update the program almost monthly so I still use and recommend it. It does all the basic stuff most of us need. A PST2 or the new PIWIS system from Porsche can do much much more (and cost over $4000!) - but some procedures require network communication to Porsche for authorization. There are no aftermarket tools that can do what a PST2 does today. Normal 30K maintenance - Well you will need filters and the link at the top (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) has a kit with oil, air, and pollen filter for $88. Plus you will need oil - about $45. Depending on the year of your car you need to change the spark plugs - about $60. And, if you haven't changed your brake fluid for 2 years (or more) you will want to change that too - about $10. So, if you DIY, under $200 doing all of the above.
  13. X74 is somewhat different that the TT/C4S X73. But if your X73 kit lowered your car 30 mm then it should be fairly close. Anytime you change the ride height you are altering the wheel alignment so it needs to be done. Also, on 4WD cars the steering angle sensor needs to be re-calibrated for the lowered car - this must be done with a PST2. X73 alignment is likely in a service manual supplement I have on order. Sometimes they take a week to get and sometimes they take 3 months! As soon as I have somthing newer I will post it here. Here is all I have for C4S at this point:
  14. MY99 on... Please realize these TSBs are only for people with rattles and other noises. They are "what to to do if you have this rattle...".
  15. Telephone mute is Plug A (Black) pin A3. It likely has a Yellow/Black wire going to it.
  16. There are 2 TSBs on these little noise issues. One is 9 pages and cover several noises and causes (usually fixed with felt and teflon tape). The second one is for A pillars on Cabs only and is one page (same felt/teflon tape type solution).
  17. :lol: Porsche's parts list terminology (on this one) is traditional - "exhaust manifold".
  18. If you are talking about the headers - there are 3 on each header pipe (9 per side). There are 3 bolts where the header connects to the cats. When installing the header to engine torque is 19 ft-lbs and the header to cat torque is 22 ft-lbs.
  19. No, the CDR-23 is a MOST (optical) device and has no aux input. From the Becker North America site: (http://www.beckerautosound.com/soundadviceonline.html)
  20. Correct. I've never had to take anything else off. Hmm... only two bolts then they slide out the side. I usually take them all the way out since you need to get your arm back in there to the back plugs.
  21. This is Jeff's pic. To get the back plugs you need the short swivel head socket wrench shown just to the left of the jack. Note: Do NOT use anti-seize on the threads.
  22. Porsche Sport Exhaust (PSE) - for that "real" Porsche sound. Mine is open all the time. ;)
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