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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Basically you will need to remove the seat first. For that you will need a Torx E12 socket (external torx). From there is is just unbolting the old receptacle. Remember DO NOT put the key in the ignition - better yet disconnect the battery (so you don't trigger an airbag or airbag light. If you are trying to do the seat belt buckle update that is a lot more involved (5 page TSB).
  2. 993 361 163 90 Cap for Valve Price (as of Nov 2003) $4.25 each
  3. Please be more specific - cover for what? Do you have a picture? As it says above ;) It is really helpful if you list: · Model year · Body Style (i.e. C2 Coupe, C4 Cab, C4S Cab, etc.) · Transmission type (i.e. 6 speed or Tiptronic) · Interior color (when relevant)
  4. Yes. IMHO - If the only thing you get out of PCA is the monthly magazine (Panorama) it is well worth it. Check out some of the articles here Also, if you want to do club racing, autocross, driver education or driving tours most regions have a variety to choose from. I have never regretted my $42 per year - even when it was $30 per year :lol:
  5. Some dealers will and some won't. If you have more than one local dealer you might want to check around.
  6. Yes the GT3 mk1 (steel) brake calipers are the same as TT/C4S (steel). The wheel hubs are different though.
  7. Hmm... (from the RoW parts list) 996.351.429.10 and 996.351.430.10 are the front calipers for the GT3 mk1. I think you will need new wheel hubs to fit those. 996.352.425.60 and 996.352.426.60 are the rear GT3 mk1 parts. The Boxster S parts fit perfectly and are the exact same size as the standard Carrera brakes - just red.
  8. Here is a link to a copy I have OBC Stalk PDF
  9. Look for a relay that is part number 996 618 980 03 (or could be 02 or 01 if it's an older one). I even took mine apart (to see what was in it).
  10. Yes, remove the relay or disconnect the speedometer wire.
  11. I sent you the TSB with the full instructions...
  12. Correct the reverse wires are on a spot weld on the chassis.
  13. On MY99 cars there is a TSB (8/99 6924 Airbag Warning Lamp On (dated 10-8-1999)) that says faulty seat belt connectors can cause the airbag light to come on. The seat belt connectors are replaced with ones that have gold contacts. If your car has not had the seat belt connector corrective action then it should have it done as this is a likely cause. About a 2 hour job at the dealer - and since this is a known problem I would think most dealers would do it as a courtesy service.
  14. Should be. The wiring component layout in the service manual shows no difference (for the backup wire) for LHD vs. RHD. Also, that would be black/blue (black with blue stripe) NOT blue/black.
  15. That would depend on the power draw for your trailer lights. If it is not too much then you could just increase the fuse size (slightly).
  16. According to Porsche 750 TU (or 7.5 hours). To route the wiring under the carpet you need to remove the seats and rear console.
  17. For a MY99... look on pages 174 to 184. It's all there -- honest :D
  18. There are no additional HP in any aftermarket muffler including the PSE (no matter what their ads say). To get more HP you would also need to change out the cats, headers and re-program (chip) the DME.
  19. Not that I am aware of without changing the seats and the mounts. Brey-Krause makes a "tall man kit" but it only works with GT3 seats. Brey-Krause
  20. The rear console is covered in the B&M Short Shifter instructions. You can download the B&M instructions here (about 2.5 MB). They are actually very good and include pictures.
  21. Have a look at: PaintScratch.com
  22. Have a look at the Brake Pad DIY
  23. You've got mail...
  24. The microswitch in the front trunk is know to cause this sort of problem. Be sure and check it or take the bulb out to test.
  25. Well, everything looks ok in the picture so you must be either getting hung up on the ducting or the damage to the bumper is causing the misalignment. These things fit pretty well so you bumper damage still may be the problem.
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