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Everything posted by Loren

  1. My quote above is retail from a US dealer. With a PCA discount or from the Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost link above you can likely get it cheaper.
  2. Front openings on a TT bumper are MUCH larger than a Carrera or GT3 bumper. Definitely can't be done on a Boxster or Carrera without removing the bumper -- except by skilled micro-surgeon - and they charge too much :lol:
  3. 996 107 981 00 Protective Plate Price as of Nov 2003 was $110 (retail)
  4. Yup, front bumper needs to come off to change the horn(s) - about a 30 minute job. Just to the left of the center radiator in this pic.
  5. I would get jack stand with flat tops or buy the one that have pins for jack points. Occasionally, they are sold on e-Bay. Or perhaps some one else here knows where to buy them.
  6. The wire is the radio antenna and box with the white label is the radio antenna booster (one of two). If you have the Entry & Drive option there is a TSB for some updates for problems. On the D&E option the door handles have some of the triggering problems.
  7. Yes, center console in "sportsilver" for MY03 or newer.
  8. George, Thanks - I have a lot folks (and manuals) around me with lots of help. P0102 is consistent with an open circuit or short to ground with the signal from the mass air flow sensor (MAF). 5525 is a Porsche only code that says it is getting inconsistent readings from the DME as to engine load. msindi is likely right that it is something your tuner has done in the chipping. A simple test would be to revert back to a standard DME and see if the faults stay gone.
  9. Yes, most dealers get a weekly print-out so they don't have to request a new one search for each one.
  10. 955 044 000 29 Roof Strips (1 set). Be sure and get the separate instructions.
  11. It's here if you do a search ;)
  12. Do you mean the Roof Rail Cross Members?
  13. 955 044 000 30 Roof rail, complete set Make sure they give you a copy of the install instructions if you are doing this yourself.
  14. Try the folks at Sunet Imports - Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost link at the top of page...
  15. Just updated... now version 0.4 GT2 problems fixed ;)
  16. Try doing a search as both have been done and comments are here. As well their are pedal examples in the Garage...
  17. Yes... but you will need a scan tool/software. There are several discussed here. Do a search for scan tool.
  18. Check out our new decal and racing numbers store (provided by Xenonmods.com). Details are here and the store is at the (red) link above Decals/Racing Numbers
  19. Number 14 is: 996 504 561 00 Cover About $43 according to my Nov 2003 price list
  20. Porsche only recommends their 5 mm spacers (all four wheels) for narrow body cars with 285 width tires. Cars with 265 width rear tires can use 5 mm in front and 17 mm rear.
  21. As of MY01 all Carrera's, TT's, etc. have electric releases. The emergency cable still exists though.
  22. You will need to reach behind the passenger side wheel well liner and local the emergency hood release cable. Then pull it.
  23. These have been revised as June 7th, 2004 - still preliminary though. You may want to download them again.
  24. Your state laws will determine what "insurance" companies can sell extended warranties where you live. I have 1Source but I have not filed a claim. Seems like good coverage options though.
  25. Sorry, don't see the pic...
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