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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Ok, I sent you the instructions (via private email) for the early epoxy type sideskirts. These will need to set up overnight - hold them in position with duct tape or the like until the epoxy drys.
  2. I've seen GT3 bumpers on Boxsters but never a Boxster Aerokit bumper on a Carrera. Not that you couldn't - but I think most folks think the GT3 bumper looks better/more aggressive.
  3. Yes, and they are different part numbers. The size and shape of the radiator openings (all 3 in the case of the GT3 bumper) and the Boxster aerokit bumper does not have the GT3 lower lip spoiler.
  4. As alter_schwede said there are two types of kits. The older kit that used epoxy and the newer kit that uses double sided tape. I have instructions for both. Do you know the part number of your kit?
  5. Do you have the double sticky tape type or the epoxy type (older)?
  6. 1. The Motive should be at about 20 psi. Also, if the tubing on the outlet (bleed nipple) is not tight you might see some air bubbles move back after the valve is closed. When the valve is opened the flow should be one way (out) only. 2. If you follow my clutch bleed instructions then you should not get air trapped in the slave cylinder. Again you need about 20 psi at the motive bleeder. here are my instructions from the DIY:
  7. Your car is a MY99 right? There was a TSB# 4/99 6420 Noises at the Windshield and Rear Window (dated 7-13-99) that says to replace: 996 541 903 00 New/Foam rubber cord (6 mm x 6 m, enough for one window) 996 541 531 01 New/Outer seal for windshield The procedure does not require removing the glass just replacing the seal and should take less than 1 hour. Sometimes only the new foam rubber cord is needed.
  8. Here are the instructions - do it at your own risk... From the service manual:
  9. I would try retraining it first. Press and hold down the button for at least 10 seconds after the windows has fully opened. Then do the same for fully closed. If that does not work then you may need to take the door apart to adjust the door window height - (not for the faint of heart).
  10. There are small changes/improvements made every year. Was there something you were specifically interested in?
  11. Porsche sells these only in a set. There was a new part number in 2002 and it is now the only one available. 996 628 901 08
  12. Here is the info from TSB 17/03 9662 Replacing The Key Remote Control Battery (dated 6-25-2004). This procedure is for the Boxster, Carrera and TT. Porsche battery part number: 999 611 108 00 Battery For Key Remote Tools: Flat Screwdriver (small)
  13. Updated Sep 20, 2005 Here is a list of the most popular Porsche shop and technical publications: Model -- Title -- supplements -- volumes -- part number Boxster / Boxster S -- Workshop Manual -- 78 supplements -- 15 volumes -- WKD-483-521 Carrera (1999 on) -- Workshop Manual -- 95 supplements -- 17 volumes -- WKD-483-721 Carrera GT (2004 on) -- Workshop Manual -- 4 supplements -- 10 volumes -- WKD-484-521 996 Turbo / GT2 (2001 on) -- Workshop Manual -- 51 supplements -- 13 volumes -- WKD-484-021 Cayenne -- Workshop Manual -- 56 supplements -- 16 volumes -- WKD-484-221 Individual supplements are numbered by manual number plus supplement number. (i.e. WKD-483-721-88 would order supplement 88 for the Carrera Workshop Manuals). Now for the bad news. Paper manuals/supplements will be discontinued. Here is June 16, 2005 the statement from Porsche:
  14. Updated July 5, 2006 Here is a list of the most popular Porsche shop and technical publications: Model -- Title -- supplements -- volumes -- part number Boxster / Boxster S -- Workshop Manual -- 82 supplements -- 15 volumes -- WKD-483-521 Carrera (1999 on) -- Workshop Manual -- 99 supplements -- 17 volumes -- WKD-483-721 Carrera GT (2004 on) -- Workshop Manual -- 4 supplements -- 10 volumes -- WKD-484-521 996 Turbo / GT2 (2001 on) -- Workshop Manual -- 55 supplements -- 13 volumes -- WKD-484-021 Cayenne -- Workshop Manual -- 56 supplements -- 16 volumes -- WKD-484-221 Individual supplements are numbered by manual number plus supplement number. (i.e. WKD-483-721-88 would order supplement 88 for the Carrera Workshop Manuals). Now for the bad news. Paper manuals/supplements will be discontinued. Here is May 24, 2006 the statement from Porsche:
  15. Updated July 5, 2006 Here is a list of the most popular Porsche shop and technical publications: Model -- Title -- supplements -- volumes -- part number Boxster / Boxster S -- Workshop Manual -- 82 supplements -- 15 volumes -- WKD-483-521 Carrera (1999 on) -- Workshop Manual -- 99 supplements -- 17 volumes -- WKD-483-721 Carrera GT (2004 on) -- Workshop Manual -- 4 supplements -- 10 volumes -- WKD-484-521 996 Turbo / GT2 (2001 on) -- Workshop Manual -- 55 supplements -- 13 volumes -- WKD-484-021 Cayenne -- Workshop Manual -- 56 supplements -- 16 volumes -- WKD-484-221 Individual supplements are numbered by manual number plus supplement number. (i.e. WKD-483-721-88 would order supplement 88 for the Carrera Workshop Manuals). Now for the bad news. Paper manuals/supplements will be discontinued. Here is May 24, 2006 the statement from Porsche:
  16. Updated July 5, 2006 Here is a list of the most popular Porsche shop and technical publications: Model -- Title -- supplements -- volumes -- part number Boxster / Boxster S -- Workshop Manual -- 82 supplements -- 15 volumes -- WKD-483-521 Carrera (1999 on) -- Workshop Manual -- 99 supplements -- 17 volumes -- WKD-483-721 Carrera GT (2004 on) -- Workshop Manual -- 4 supplements -- 10 volumes -- WKD-484-521 996 Turbo / GT2 (2001 on) -- Workshop Manual -- 55 supplements -- 13 volumes -- WKD-484-021 Cayenne -- Workshop Manual -- 56 supplements -- 16 volumes -- WKD-484-221 Individual supplements are numbered by manual number plus supplement number. (i.e. WKD-483-721-88 would order supplement 88 for the Carrera Workshop Manuals). Now for the bad news. Paper manuals/supplements will be discontinued. Here is May 24, 2006 the statement from Porsche:
  17. You do not open the relay the jumper is on the back of the relay panel. If you want the switch to work then you need to do as original instructions said. Then find and disconnect the Speedometer A grey/pink wire for the PSE so that your PCM will not be affected.
  18. If we are talking about the Cardan flange to transmission shaft... Then: If the bolt is an M20 (older version) then it get 74 ftlb. If the bolt is am M26 (newer version) then it gets 118 ftlb.
  19. Just got a new TSB on replacing the battery in the remote - 3 pages! I will try to get it to ToolPants or post it here later today.
  20. The relay should be in position 23 (lower left most relay position) and it should be labeled "Abgasklappen Relais". The part number may be different. Just pull it out to unlpug it.
  21. Believe it or not I found clay bars at Orchard Supply Hardware. And, less expensive than online shops!
  22. First, they were not my instructions - I simply helped someone find the right wires. There are several grey/pink wires used for the Speedometer A connections. These are used to control the PSE cutout, trigger the PCM to vehicle speed and inhibit for the cab top (so you don't try to raise or lower at too high a speed). If you want your PSE open all the time the solution is simple - remove the PSE relay (without removing the jumper bar). No other functions will be affected. If you want the switch to work then you need to disconnect the right grey/pink wire while leaving the others connected. I don't know a good way to find the right one other than trial and error. (oops... edited bad typo PCM was PSM)
  23. I've been using Techron for about 5 years with no ill effects. I use one large bottle with a full tank of gas about every 6000 miles. I think it helps reduce and clean the carbon build up on the intake side - hence smoother idling. JMHO.
  24. 986 551 981 00 Carbon Scuff Plates - BOXSTER (set) List US price as of Nov 2003 $641.36
  25. 996 631 043 01 Left side 996 631 044 01 Right side
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