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Everything posted by Loren

  1. This explains it pretty well...
  2. These have been revised as July 27th, 2004 - still preliminary though. Canadian version is also now available. You may want to download them again.
  3. Try locking it down again then release it again. Make sure you don't move the unlock too far as sometimes that will cause interference.
  4. 1. Make sure you find someone that knows how to paint plastics and will get the sideskirt tight on the body panel. 2. Your paint is likely 92U, which is water based paint (92T is conventional oil base). Just check the option sticker under the front hood or in your owners manual.
  5. Well it's either at the door handle (see below) items 8 and/or 2. Or, it is in the inner door release (bowden cable).
  6. Part number as above. That's all you need.
  7. What color? Plastic or leather? 996 552 253 01 01C Shelf (Satin Black) 996 552 994 01 xxx Shelf (replace xxx with appropriate leather color code)
  8. I think I posted this before but here it is again. Call either number and give them your VIN.
  9. Yes, it's the same for all model years. Only the relay has changed over the years.
  10. Could be either... put the stock filter back on then reset the fault and see if it comes back. If not, then it's something in the EVO...
  11. My money says intake air leak...
  12. On the 18's the rear offset should be 65 mm (w/o spacers) and 52 mm (w/o spacers on the front). Some wheels will work with the right spacers and some won't. Likely worth a call to Wheel Enhancement for 3rd party wheels. They know Porsches and what will and won't fit.
  13. What wheel diameter? 16, 17 or 18 inch?
  14. You've got mail...
  15. The top and plastic rear window have to be ordered separately. A black top for a MY00 Cab is 996 561 915 01 A10 and the rear window is 996 561 111 00. You will also need 993 561 959 00 Slide. I have only seen them do this once but it was a very involve replacement procedure where they stretch the top on the car (for several hours) - then seal in the new plastic using a special device to hold the window in the frame and (I believe heats it) until it is sealed.
  16. 1. Ignition rose 996 552 235 03 A03 (Black); silver n/a. 2. Cover, handbrake 996 552 283 02 A03 (BlacK); 996 552 993 01 V03 (sport silver). 3. Porsche does not sell these as just grilles - just grilles and speakers. 996 645 035 02 01C Left Speaker (Black); 996 645 036 02 01C Right Speaker (Black).
  17. The B&M procedure is actually very good and you will only need the console (not the shifter) part. You can download it here
  18. Looks like it does... 996.505.986.91 Porsche MotorSports only part number - dealers won't have this.
  19. I will when I get it... my copies usually show up about 20-30 days after the print date. I usually get mine about the same time as most dealers. As usual, when I have it it will be posted here... :D
  20. Plastic or Leather? Oops... thought I had prices but I don't! :oops:
  21. If you mean the defroster trim - yes they are the same design - the colors and materials are the only changes.
  22. Porsche changes part numbers monthly. It is next to impossible to keep the DIY pages up to date. Always ask for the latest parts as the Porsche PET program will list the replacement. The parts Sunset Imports gave you are correct. The part numbers for front pads for a MY99-04 (as of June 28th, 2004) is 996 352 949 02.
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