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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Wheel size is usually next to the valve stem on the outwards facing side of the wheel. Porsche part numbers can usually be found on the inside of the wheel. If you can get the part numbers I can look up the offset.
  2. As long as the wheels are 52 mm (7.5" or 8" front) and 63 mm (10" rear) offsets they should fit without spacers. The 10" rears with 40 mm offset will also fit a MY97 C4S.
  3. 996 603 012 03 Alternator $558.69 (retail as of nov 2003) Looks like about 1 hour from the shop manual. This is not brain surgery - you might want to try an (experienced Porsche) independent shop.
  4. All cylinders misfiring has to come down to one of the following: wrong spark plugs bad gas, plugged fuel filter, or fuel pressure too low air intake leak
  5. Amsoil is not an approved oil by Porsche - nor is 20W-50. All Porsche approved oils are 0W-40 or 5W-40. Commonly available (approved) US brands are listed on my DIY Oil Change page here
  6. Sounds like a bad radio or amp or even a loose or broken wire. Most of the TSBs are for primarily the PCM2/Bose systems and that was a software update. There was one delivery issue (TSB 6/02 9120 Activating the CD Radio "Porsche CDR 23" dated 10-11-2002) where the CDR23 was not activated (correctly) by the dealer during delivery prep. They need a PST2 (software ver 14.0 or newer). Earlier versions of PST2 software caused "Impairment of the sound quality due to false vehicle coding of CDR23 and amplifier."
  7. On the rear the kinematic toe-in is not adjustable. Camber and toe can be adjusted via eccentrics. A adjusts toe and B adjusts camber. Tool B (Porsche tool 9626) below is used to get at the right angle for the rear eccentrics.
  8. Yes, they will include all groups. To be caught up you would need to order 40 through 94. The old prices were $8 to $9 each (retail).
  9. All of the supplemets start with the original part number WKD-483-721. So each supplement would be an add on number WKD-483-721-92. You need to look at your last supplement number and get all the supplements from that number to current (94).
  10. http://www.pca.org/panorama/sample_article_3.html A PDF version is also available at the link at the bottom of the article.
  11. ^^^ You can find Gert (and his Porsche products) at www.carnewal.com
  12. I have the part numbers but no details. 997 613 225 00 A05 Garage Door Opener Switch (left hand drive) and 997 618 227 00 Control Unit Garage Door Opener and 997 618 257 00 Support Bracket for Garage Door Opener Control Unit
  13. There was an updated window motor that is described in TSB 1/99 6454 Modified Power Window Motor (dated 4-29-1999) that describes a similar problem. You can ask your dealer to check PCNA records (using your VIN) to see if your car has had or needs the TSB fix.
  14. Because these are all connected via MOST (optical bus) you don't really have a choice other than Porsche's CDC-4. Try Sunset Imports in Oregon for dealer cost pricing (see Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost link above). The is a kit and an optical waveguide that you will need to order: 000 044 900 72 CD changer CDC-4 set 996 622 708 00 Optical waveguide, 911 Turbo (996) Double check the waveguide with Sunset since you have PCM2. There is a TSB with install instructions. Let me know if you need that also.
  15. I only have PCNA (US/Canada) TSBs so I do not have the one you speak about. I do have the service manual description of what part changes were made for the 3.4 X51 kit. I also have the 3.6 X51 TSB if either of those would help.
  16. The gear change is operated by two cables that move a lever on the transmission. The only adjustment I am aware of is at the shifter. Porsche has a special tool that holds the shifter in a neutral position and the cables are adjusted with no slack at that point. Did anything happen that could affect the cables? If not, this is likely an internal transmission problem.
  17. Sounds like a motor or connection problem. What year is your car?
  18. They will fit fine and reduce understeer a little (since the fronts are 8" wide).
  19. No it is not normal. Try re-teaching the window. 1. Press and hold button until the window is all the way up - then hold 10 seconds. 2. Do the same to bring the windows down - again hold for 10 seconds. 3. Test the the one-push open and close. If it still occurs note whether the window even or at an angle?
  20. Those would be the alarm system and central locking controls. The seat memory control box is attached at the front of the seat rails.
  21. The relay is in position 4 and is part number 996 615 117 00. I would check the switch too.
  22. Try the link at the top of the page (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost)
  23. If it is installed/adjusted correctly no adjustment will be needed for years.
  24. We hoping to bring the maintenance kits back... Porsche is in the process of changing their complete pricing structure (for parts). I don't know if that is good or bad ;) Either way the good folks at Sunset Imports are working on it now :D
  25. Yes, the part number above is part of the factory Aerokit. Try MA Shaw.
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