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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Item 8 in rootwood (as it is called in the parts list) is: MY 04 -- 955 552 297 01 4X2 Trim Centre Console MY 05 -- 955 552 297 02 4X2 Trim Centre Console
  2. The parts list shows part listing for olive grain, rootwood, and ash wood for the console trim piece (8 above). Please check your option code numbers as I don't know which is which.
  3. I use hockey pucks - about $4 at your local sporting goods store.
  4. PM me with your email address and I will send you the instructions.
  5. For a Boxster S (all years): 996 352 741 00 Tension Spring (4 per car) $11.97 each (as of Nov 2003)
  6. Which spring?
  7. The spacers will fit your car -- but may or may not be recommended for your wheels. The TSB calls out specific tire and wheel combinations where these spacers have been tested to be safe.
  8. Here is the height info from the same TSB...
  9. P1531 has three likely causes (according to the OBD II manual): - Open circuit in triggering wire. - Open circuit in B+ supply. - Actuator faulty. Basically the troubleshooting is check the wiring - if it is okay then replace the actuator.
  10. The hardtop was changed in 1998 and that version is now used for all model years 1997-2004.
  11. Here is the updated aligment from TSB 13/05 4495 (dated 10/25/2003) (two parts)
  12. :lol: :lol: :lol: jimmyq is just joking. I use Chevron every 4-6000 miles.
  13. :welcome: A CEL is not an uncommon occurence in today's cars. Some of the most common causes of this (emissions) warning are: a loose gas cap (or bad o-ring on the cap) a loose oil filler cap (or bad o-ring on the cap) These would be the first two things i would check. Make sure both are clean and secure. The CEL light can be reset by anyone with an OBD II scan tool in about 5 secs. Alternately you can disconnect the battery for about two minutes and reset it also - but you will need to re-enter the radio code and stations if you do that.
  14. None of these links work.
  15. Sorry, about your headlights. That sucks! If your car is already wired for Litronics then everything should be plug 'n play with full functionality.
  16. Yes, those are the factory aerokit side skirts for MY02 and newer cars.
  17. A MY99 C2 has a mechanical throttle cable and can be adjusted. A MY99 C4 has egas and is more difficult to adjust.
  18. I don't think the C4S standard exhaust is any "upgrade" over the standard 996 exhaust. The muffler outlet is just at a slightly different angle and length to fit the C4S rear bumper cut outs. The PSE for C4S is the same slightly different to fit the bumper cutouts.
  19. Just add a post here for 2nd and 3rd choices. The current version of "Poll" does not support mutiple choice.
  20. Even though you can only vote for one please feel free to add comments/suggestions here...
  21. Did you look at the Oil Change DIY? The most common ones are listed there.
  22. XAA - Aerokit, Front and Rear Spoiler and Rocker Panel covers Left and Right C02 - Equipped with catalytic converter 236 - 18" Tires XRR - maybe XRB - 18 inch sport/classic wheels/tires
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