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Everything posted by Loren

  1. None of the next gen cars (Cayenne, Carrera GT, or 997 ) show a flasher relay in the parts list. Perhaps this is now done electronically in a control module? We'll keep checking...
  2. Under the carpet behind the seats. You will need to loose some bolts to lift the panel.
  3. Have you checked the spoiler fuse? Row D Fuse 5 (that would be 4th row down 5th fuse from the left - 15A). The spoiler relay(s) are behind the rear seats next to the DME. They are relay 3 spoiler extension (1st row 3rd relay from the left) and relay 9 spoiler retraction (2nd row, 3rd relay from the left). Both are p/n 996 615 102 00.
  4. I found it! It is... 986.331.361.02. The part in the pic does not look like the one on my car. Must be a different year. 986 331 361 03 replaces 986 331 2361 02 For a MY01 you need: 986 331 361 03 Spoiler (2 per car) 999 507 774 40 Pushbutton (2 per car) 999 507 775 40 Pushbutton (2 per car)
  5. I haven't heard of folks having much luck with fixing the flexible plastic bumper covers - they are not like a fiberglass cover. Here is a diagram with the front bumper mounting pointing (highlighted in purple).
  6. You could try naval jelly to clean the rust. Then use some anti-seize on the threads and paint the heads - but they will likely rust again in a few years.
  7. The horn relay is in position 10. That would be second row from the top 5th from the left. You should also check the fuses (if you haven't already). And, it is not uncommon to just have a horn fail - so it could be a bad horn. There are several threads here on that and suitable replacements.
  8. Sorry... I don't understand what is wrong with your front bumper cover. Is it torn up on the underside so the bolts are gone? The GT3R bumper cover should work with minor adjustments (as you would on any aftermarket bumper).
  9. I have not seen this TSB yet and it may not exist. If it is a factory recall then they sometimes do not create a TSB. I'll keep my eyes open though... PayPal is one option to donate - on that same page you donate using any major credit card (PayPal still processes it but you don't need a PayPal account).
  10. Check with Gert and see if he provides new drop links with his GT3 swaybars. If not, you will need to get them from The Racer's Group or someplace similar. I don't think the GT3 bars will work with the stock drop links on any standard Carrera.
  11. Haven't quite figured out those new buttons and options? Have a look in our new Forum Features Explained forum.
  12. 986 505 311 06 G2X Lining (front bumper) (prime coated) for MY03- on Boxster S. 985 505 551 01 G2X Cover (around opening) prime coated MY03- on Boxster S. The inside retaining frame is: 986 505 555 02 01C Retaining Frame (satin black) MY03- on Boxster S. The parts list does not show a grill of a Boxster S - it looks open. There are grills on the side opening but only the cover lip on the center opening.
  13. 986 606 125 00 replaced that sensor in April 2000 then it uas updated again to 986 606 125 01. I don't know the Bosch number but someone should be able to cross reference it.
  14. Loren

    Access For Horns?

    30 minutes at the most. Detail are in my 3rd Radiator DIY
  15. I believe that SmartTop (as well as the Bahntech solution) are only for Boxsters. The 996 top control is much more complicated - it does not use a relay but a separate control box.
  16. Could be a bad microswitch on one of those. Either ohm out the switches one at a time or get someone with a PST2 to read out which zone is reporting open.
  17. Latest update (Sept 27, 2004) now includes 987 and 997. Thanks Scouser! :thumbup:
  18. I don't think you could call it common but I know of at least two other cases of faulty (leaking) oil senders.
  19. No gods here - just people helping people...
  20. (for standard 996 not C4S) Brake discs Front: 318 mm Rear: 299 mm Effective brake discs Front: 261.8 mm Rear: 247.4 mm Piston in brake caliper Front: 2 x 40 + 2 x 36 mm Rear: 2 x 30 + 2 x 28 mm Brake pad area Front: 254 cm Rear: 196 cm Total: 450 cm
  21. 955 701 105 00 G2X Support (prime coated) for ECE large plate 955 701 105 01 G2X Support (prime coated) for smaller RoW plate You will most likely have to order this from Gert (Carnewal.com) or find a US dealer that can get it.
  22. Yes, the lower shelf has a different curve in the faceplate since it sits lower in the console curve. Lower Shelf - 996 552 243 01 01C satin black or 996 552 982 01 xxx Shelf (replace xxx with appropriate leather color code) or wood or carbon fiber
  23. Leave the center console open... any open zone will cause a beep.
  24. Those specs are for 996 brakes - Here is the same info on the GT3 brakes since they are about the same as TT/GT2: Brake disc thickness, new -- front 34 mm, rear 28 mm Minimum brake disc thickness after machining* -- front 32.6 mm, rear 26.6 mm (* The brake disc must only be reworked symmetrically, i.e. from both sides evenly.) Brake disc wear limit -- front 32.0 mm, rear 26.0 mm Peak-to-valley surface roughness of the brake disc after machining, max. -- 0.006 mm Thickness tolerance of the brake discs, max. -- 0.02 mm Lateral runout of the brake disc, max. -- 0.03 mm Lateral runout of the wheel hub, max. -- 0.03 mm Lateral runout of the brake disc when installed, max. -- 0.06 mm
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