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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Hehehe... Hint - how do you get a RoW car in North America?
  2. ncp oils are synthetic (or "non-conventional processing") oils. GL oils have good light running properties because of their light low-temperature viscosity as well as a high level of temperature stability. G rated oils can be used as non-seasonal oil, but do not have the same light running properties as "GL" oils.
  3. The TSB for "Porsche Approved Oils" is 8 pages long. Most of the common ones are in the list below: Mobil 1 0W-40 ncp GL (factory fill) Mobil 1 5W-40 ncp GL Mobil 1 5W-50 ncp GL Castrol Syntec 5W-50 5W-50 ncp G Castrol Syntec 5W-40 5W-40 ncp GL Mobil 1 Tri-Synthetic Formula 0W-40 ncp GL Texaco Havoline Synthetic 5W-40 ncp GL
  4. 6/00 5517 New Microswitch For Front Lid Lock (dated 12-22-00)
  5. Yes, the vent is the oval opening in your pic. The supplied tubing is larger than ours but it is not a problem as the small plastic coupler is large on one end (for the new supplied tubing) and small on the other end (for our original tubing). I did have to cut the original battery fitting off the the original tubing as it seemed glued on. The clear plastic is original and the black is supplied with the battery.
  6. You can buy them here
  7. I paid $64.99 plus tax.
  8. I just bought a new battery from Autozone, as suggested. I tried Costco and while the prices were excellent, my Costco did not have group 48 and were all sold out of group 47. I got a group 48 from Autozone for $65. It is a "Duralast" brand but does not look the same as the one pictured. Also, mine did not come with a vent tube and there does not appear to be anywhere for a vent tube to go. Dumb question but is that bad? Since there is a vent tube attached to the original battery that leads in to the firewall area, what the heck do I do with it? Just let it hang loose? Guess who's battery died today? (mine). I got the Autozone Duralast and the guy said it didn't have a vent tube - I asked him to check again or look at another battery - Oh, he says... I guess it does have one. This is what I bought and installed today...
  9. Likely any will fit. I think they just changed the color/style.
  10. 996 555 623 00 01C Cap (Satin Black) to MY99 996 555 623 01 V01 Cap (Silver) MY00-02 996 555 623 02 V03 Cap (Silver) MY03 on
  11. Window - no, door panel - yes at least the top corner near the clip. 996 537 085 07 Left Outer Gasket 996 537 086 07 Right Outer Gasket My price list is about 1 year old and it shows a retail price of $256.76 each.
  12. That rubber trim wraps around and down under door. It is all one piece. There is a clip behind the inside door panel that fastens the top rubber piece (near the door handle). Then you can carefully pry out the bottom from the clips that hold it in place.
  13. See TSB 6/04 6690 Trailer Hitch Installation Instructions (Option 1D6) (dated 7-9-04) in the TSB section. Perhaps their PST2 is not up to date (software wise).
  14. Could be anything in the picture above. According to the OBD II Manual:
  15. Would that be this connector?
  16. For 996 Cab (to My99) - 996 555 181 13 A11 Black Leather Lining for left windscreen (top) frame
  17. A good read... The "Warped" Brake Disc and Other Myths of the Braking System
  18. Might be a good idea to look for any loose hoses as an intake leak can also cause some hunting. Also, have you had the battery disconnected recently?
  19. Is the AC on? That will raise the idle about 200-300 RPM. If not, try a bottle of fuel system cleaner (like Techron).
  20. Do you have a picture you can post?
  21. Your dealer should do this at no charge. Do you recommend upgrading to 3.0 OS and getting the new Map? For your car you likely need to check the VIN with your dealer. If your car is a true MY03 (not a MY04 build) then your current software version 2 is correct and can not be updated. Your dealer can make one phone call using your VIN to PCNA verify whether your need or can use the update.
  22. Your dealer should do this at no charge.
  23. Hmm... the noise might have been the motor trying to return the spoiler to it's down position - so it could be a motor or microswitch problem. I would remove the fuse (D8 - or fourth row down eighth from the left) and not drive over about 60 MPH until it is fixed (JMHO).
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