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Everything posted by Loren

  1. It is done by VIN so I would just ask that they check for any outstanding service actions against your VIN. The memo was sent to service managers only.
  2. Pull forward the control button -25- of the light switch -31- as far as it will go -direction of the arrow- towards the front. Press in the locking device at the lower side using a small screwdriver and remove the control button towards the front. Undo the fastening screws -21- at the side, remove the side vent towards the front. Disconnect the plug connection -30- of the main light switch -31-. In order to disassemble the side vent, the covering cap -28-, the fastening nut -26- and the inner race -27- of the main light switch -31- can be removed. Remove light switch -31- from the side vent by turning it slightly in clockwise direction.
  3. Yes, there is a footnote on the Summer Tires and Wheels TSB (4/04 4440)- 18" wheel/tire options that states:
  4. Are you talking about the radio or the housing it goes in? To my knowledge you just slide out the old radio and slide in the new one (assuming you have the radio keys).
  5. Dealers now have a list "Cayenne Quality-Improvement Workshop Campaign Fall/Winter 2004" that indicated models/VINs that have potential problems that need to be corrected. There are 18 campaign checks on the list and VINs varying from just a few cars to over 6000 affected. Make sure your dealer verifies that all the campaign updates are done for your VIN.
  6. There is a TSB (6603 9610 Aero Kits dated 10-03-1996) that states:
  7. Oct. 14, 2005 Updated Almost all are now final and complete for both US and Canada. (Special thanks to Poursha)
  8. Nope, unless you have a Tiptronic or... unless you somehow managed to get a 4WD Boxster ;)
  9. Yes and no. If you use the stock harness the brake light will work but the spoiler light will be on all the time. You will either need an Aerokit harness or rewire the pins the existing harness. See the thread here.
  10. Doug, Sorry about your problems. Just make sure they put the same version on both sides. Porsche warns about this in the installation TSB.
  11. It is on the air box and you will need a special security Torx ( a Torx with a hole in the center. There is a Boxster discussion here - similar but don't use those part numbers.
  12. Well, you might try to find an independent shop with a PST2 so they can read out any ABS or TC faults (stuck valve?). Plus they can activate the ABS and TC pumps during bleeding with a PST2.
  13. 6 speed or Tip? Does the car have Traction Control or LSD?
  14. Well, it wouldn't hurt since you don't know when it was last changed. It is one more variable to remove. Another thing to try would be to remove the battery connection for at least 5 minutes (be sure you have your radio code and radio stations written down). Disconnecting the battery will force the DME to reset and re-establish it's levels. After you re-connect the battery it should hunt at idle for a few minutes and then level out.
  15. Manual transmissions are pretty easy. Just follow the Carrera DIY here.
  16. What does the idle do? Does it hunt? (go up and down) or does it stumble and almost stall? Also, I didn't see fuel filter on your list... when was the last time the fuel filter was changed?
  17. Folks... the key here is that if your stock shifter is shifting correctly then the B&M will also - as long as you mark the cable positions (or count the threads) before the change over. I have probably done 2 or 3 dozen of these and I have never had to use the alignment tool on a car that was already shifting correctly.
  18. Ask them for the error code that the OBD II is recording. It should be Pxxxx and could be more than one code.
  19. I don't see one for 45k but here is the standard schedule for a 1995 Carrera:
  20. Porsche suggests inspection of hoses at 30,000, 60,000, 90,000, 120,000 miles but does not recommend replacement unless leaking or damaged. Here are the hose clamp locations (both pics for C2) (a C4 is slightly different):
  21. For the height check of the ready-to-drive vehicle (full tank and tools), place the vehicle on a level surface or on the measuring platform. Front axle Measure from wheel contact surface to the lower edge of the hexagon-head bolt of the tension-strut screw connection to the body. Rear axle Measure from wheel contact surface to the locating bore in the rear-axle side section (between toe and camber eccentrics).
  22. DIY pages are free to all members... Surely you mean donate to Renntech.org? :rolleyes: Rennlist is a fine forum but the technical stuff is here... :lol:
  23. Loren, would it be possible to tell from TSB what Mobil 1 weight would be recommended for "severe duty" (oil changes more frequently due to lots of city driving, more cold starts, etc.) in a warm weather climate. Failing that, is the TSB available online anywhere? Porsche's approved list does not make any recommendations for what other car makers call "severe duty". All of Porsche's approved oil are high quality severe duty oils. Only hydrocracked or synthetic oils are approved by Porsche. Temperature wise Porsche states: Above -12° F. (-25° C): all oils approved by Porsche for the vehicle type to be considered Below -12° F. (-25° C:: all oils approved by Porsche for the vehicle type to be considered which have the SAE class OW at lower temperatures. Contributing Members here can view all TSBs. If you would like to donate just click on the Donate to RennTech.org. Contributing Members also get a special forum just for Contributing Members, larger personal mail box limits, they can send attachments in personal mails and they have much higher image storing limits.
  24. What is the Pcode? Very few bad O2 sensors (IMHO) more likely an intake or emissions leak.
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