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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Brown/White is ground on the left side and Brown/Blue is ground on the right side.
  2. All of those codes are consistent with no secondary air injection - so that is where I would start. Check the fuse, relay, and then start checking the wiring at the pump and vacuum fittings.
  3. Contributing Members can view this document (and others) online...
  4. The recall was for C4's only. They have a much different gas tank because of the 4WD. Your problem sounds like a sticky float/sender. I would try some Techron or other fuel system cleaner first. If you live in a cold climate you could have moisture (water) in the tank so a gas dryer might be appropriate also.
  5. The 3 liter engine has a lot fixes from the early 2.7's. My MY76 911S needed to have new chain tensionors, chain rails, 11 blade fan, turbo oil cooler and several head studs replaced before it it was strong and reliable. The 3 liter engines had all of those problems solved plus more HP.
  6. My battery was 5 years 3 months and 9 days old. Car is driven weekly but not daily. 1- Then vent on the car extra long and the Autozone battery vent tube and connector add another 8-10 inches. I had plenty of tubing even after cutting off the old connector. 2 - YMMV, I tend to look at the CCA, size/fit, and warranty.
  7. We have added Live Chat to the site! Now you can have a "live" chat with someone else on the board. You can use a public room (Lobby) or create a private room for your chat. It can be accessed by clicking in the Live Chat at the top right of any page. We will give this a try for a while and see if everyone likes it and uses it. If it seems useful we'll keep it -- if not then we will drop the service. Enjoy! :D
  8. There is a 15 page TSB for installing the CDC4 on a Cayenne. There are two possible kits depending on your cars original options. Again depending on your original options there are 8 possible installation scenarios. Four involve routing a wire from the rear of the car to the the dash and four that don't. The TSB says 4.2 hours or 2.5 hours again depending on the options.
  9. Depending on your model and DME version - most are the same. The one listed is for DME 5.2 and later DME revisions added more codes. I wanted to get the later manuals until Porsche raised the prices by more than 4X :eek:
  10. Have your dealer perform the fixes in TSB 5/01 6028 Noises from the New Style Sunroof Frame (dated 10-5-2001).
  11. Maybe try the Carrera spoiler harness for the Cabriolet - it has a stop light in the spoiler. 996 612 070 10 Wiring harness in spoiler
  12. The only schematic I have is for a 996 but it should be the same as a Boxster. The schematic shows connections to 6 speakers - 4 front and two rear.
  13. There were two options that year. Is this option M490 or M680?
  14. Pop out a few of the empty cassette holders and grab them firmly - then pull. It just pops out.
  15. TSB 2/97 6692 Installing Roof Transport System (RTS) (dated 12-22-2000) in the TSB section. The main part number is likely changed but the fundementals of the kit should be the same.
  16. They don't actually list one for the TT but they do for a 996 coupe. I don't know why they don't list one for the TT unless they think you never ski or surf ;)
  17. Model and year?
  18. Not if it is a CDR23. From the TSB (0201 9120 Radio CDR23/PCM2: Security Code-Card dated 10-11-2002)...
  19. Porsche use BMC for racing but K&N is also good. Just be sure you DO NOT oil the new filter as excessive oil can get on the MAF sensor and ruin it. I like to take a new filter and wrap it in newspaper overnight to absorb any excess oil (before putting it in a car).
  20. Looks to me like you want to jumper pin 2 to pin 5 to turn the spoiler dash light off. And, you will need to use pin 8 for stoplight power and pin 5 for stop light ground.
  21. Well, it's going to be a bit tricky. You will need to remove the visor to an area where you can work on it - just pull to slide it off the mounting rod. Then remove the light cover (pic 1). The with two butter knives carefully pry the holding tray out (pic 2 - but hinges are on the other side of the tray). Now you will be able to see the plastic hinges (even on the leather visors). if you are lucky one of the spring clips is off or broken. If not the one of the plastic hinge pins may be broken (that was my case). If so, your choices are to buy a new (or used visor) or do what I did and use a dremel tool to carefully drill out the old plastic pin and replace it with a steel pin (made from a large paperclip and epoxied into place). Just use the epoxy sparingly as you need this move easily. Mine ended up as good as new and you don't see the pin so who would know - and it's likely stronger than the original ;)
  22. Did you have a look at TSB 1/00 7018 Noises In The Dashboard Area (dated 6-30-2000). It has 8 pages of noise fixes...
  23. He got you guys again... :lol: :lol: :lol: (Hint - Look closely at the pic) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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