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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Well, if you can't fish it out then you will have to remove the valve cover, clean the sealing surface, apply new sealant (Drei Bond silicone - Type 1209 and loctite 5900). Porsche also recommends that you replace the microencapsulated self-sealing bolt at location 3 (in the image below) (Part number 900.378.163.09 (M6 x 16)). Sealant goes around the edge of the cover AND also a small amount on each bearing saddle. Be very careful torquing these bolts down - only 10 ft/lbs. BTW... Porsche also has a special tool for removing the tubes that is like an tailpipe expander. (see image below).
  2. So, would that be a P1124? or are you getting other codes too?
  3. Well, 996 111 987 76 is not a valid part number in my Sept 2004 parts list. As I said the muffler listed for the GT2 only says GT2 next to it - no mention of X50. I've got a friend with an 2004 X50 I'll see if I can get him to crawl under the car and read the part number.
  4. There is nothing in the parts list that signifies the GT2 muffler is used for X50. The GT2 muffler is a different part number but I do not know the differences. Oh... and my 1 year old price list shows it at $2869.42 not the $7000 he mentions. If it came off a GT2 then the part number should be 996 111 987 72.
  5. In the service manual they actually suggest warming the engine first.
  6. Most common are the center armrest console and the front trunk.
  7. IMHO no. I think you want a suspension expert to really look through the car for any other (hidden) damage. If that cross memember is damaged then you could have other damage including several cracked or nearly sheared bolts on other suspension components. I think at least a partial disassembly would be needed to ascertain the damage.
  8. Replacing is the front fender (wing) is not too difficult. The rear panel from behind the door all the way back to the bumper is one piece welded under the rear side window. If you damaged the rocker panel (side skirt) then that could be replaced also - but any rear quarter damage means body work. Do you have a pic or two?
  9. The CD Changer goes through a firewall grommet that is not really behind the battery. Follow the cable laying over the trunk seal in this pic. (image courtesy of Tom Morris)
  10. Best check your engine bottom end if you did that much damage. Look for scrapes or sheared bolts.
  11. The Aerokit Cup rear wing has two sets of screws. Item 16 (900 249 034 02) holds the adjustment plates on the side of the fixed portion of the wing. Item 18 (900 249 041 00) hold the moveable wing in the adjustment plates. Always use Locite (or some other thread sealer) on all the wing screws or they will vibrate out.
  12. Porsche does not recommend X74 on cars before MY02 when they added stiffening to the chassis.
  13. As of the July 9, 2004 TSB no 15W-50 oil approved. Only the following weights are approved and not in all brands: 0W-40 5W-40 5W-50
  14. The switch for cruise control is on the clutch pedal. In non-egas (MY99 C2 only) there is a seperate control box for cruise control. On MY99 C4 and all later 996's (egas) the control is in the DME (DME 7.2).
  15. Harry, The shocks don't make a sport suspension - the springs do. You need to find the color bands on the springs. There will be three color bands - the first two are spring type and last one is tolerance for the spring plate. They will likely be brown and white (standard springs) with a tolerance color of green or white. So your colors may be: brown/white/white. Tell me the spring band colors and I can tell you what they are.
  16. I think all steering wheels are leather covered on 996's. The second one is plain (no aluminum). The leather vs. leatherette is a matter of taste and upkeep/care. If you have a lot of leather in the car (i.e. large or small leather package) then you might want to stick with leather. Here is a pic of mine in leather.
  17. You've got mail...
  18. 996.347.983.29 A28 Black Steering wheel with Aluminum Look/Leather - MY03 on 996.347.804.64 A28 Black Steering wheel - MY00 on Don't forget to order a 3 spoke air bag - the steering does not come with one.
  19. I believe the "K" means special order. You might try Gert at Carnewal.com since these only show on the RoW parts list. Deck Lid K 996 512 991 94 900 cover (in carrara white) with air box Spoiler K 996 512 959 94 spoiler K 996 512 983 94 plate /Left K 996 512 984 94 plate /Right K 999 073 334 00 round head screw M 6 X 16
  20. 955 505 683 00 Grille (V6 and S only)
  21. We have added 8 new skins to the RennTech.org. Now you can take you pick: Refault Blue (default), Ashes to Ashen (Black), Bloody Knows (Red), Bubblegum Shoe (Pink), Olive You (Green), Orange You Glad (Orange), Plum It (Purple) or Tanned Hide (Beige). Just choose your favorite skin with the chooser at the bottom left of any page. A cookie keeps your setting. (Opps... should be working now.)
  22. Were the new clamps just generic ones, or specific Porsche ones? I doubt you can get the cat clamping sleeves anywhere but Porsche. My parts list shows them at about $30 each (996 111 220 01).
  23. Just click on Donate to RennTech.org here or at the top of any page and follow the instructions.
  24. Just follow the 996 DIY here. It is the same process.
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