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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Hmm... I don't know of a new harness. Only new harnesses are for TT Aerokit and Cab. Have they checked the two microswitches? And have they done Scouser's trick of cleaning the connector electrical connections (corrosion)?
  2. US/Canada or Row car? and What model year?
  3. P1128 could be any intake (or exhaust leak). This includes the oil filler cap and hose, the oil separator, gas cap, as well as any loose or leaking hoses. Do a search for P1128 and you will find several lengthy discussions and several solutions.
  4. Yes. you can get an OBD II Manual for your model year/DME. The bad news is these were $200 when I bought mine 2 years ago - now I understand they are $800 :eek: So be sure and get a quote before ordering
  5. Tiptronic Knob Removal
  6. After the updates to the latches it doesn't look like anything else changed. You should be good to go. :D
  7. See if the parts in this post are what you need...
  8. Hmm... there are two cables but they only are affected on forward and back movement. Unless the center pivot is somehow loose?
  9. Almost all the base codes are. Later DME's have additional codes and their are still Porsche specific codes for ABS, PSM etc.
  10. Are you saying the shift knob is loose?
  11. Don't be too obsessed with a potential RMS failure - a good number of folks never have them and quite a few others only have one and it is fixed. If you have one you will have an oil spot under the car right below where the engine and transmission meets. As I said I have seen very on Tiptronic cars - perhaps there is less stress on the crank and bearings - I don't think anyone knows why for sure. The (Porsche aaproved) tires for summer are in TSB 6/04 4440 Summer Tire and Wheel Summary. As a Contributing Member you can view this online in the TSB section.
  12. 1. See the Maintenance schedules at the top of the page. 2. No year is any better than any other year (IMHO). I've heard of very very few RMS problems on Tiptronic cars. 3. Someone has already tried that - check on Rennlist and PCGB. 4. Porsche has a list of both summer and winter tires - which list tdo you want?
  13. If you are talking about the Roof Box For Transport System... it is covered in a 6 page TSB.
  14. I don't know where you live but if there is another dealer nearby it sounds like you should give them a try. There are at 4 different TSBs for noise issues in coupe rear windows, rear side windows and side panel trim. IMHO... the dealer should not give up unless they have applied the information (and/or fixes) in all of these TSBs. And then if you still have noises, they should escalate it to PCNA.
  15. P301 and P302 could be bad plugs, plug wires or a Variocam problem. Hmm... P7000 and P7030 don't come up in my list not sure what they are. Here is Porsche's list explaination: The third character indicates the system assembly from which a fault occurred. These are: P01xx Fuel and or P02xx air metering P03xx Ignition system P04xx Additional emission control systems P05xx Speed and idle air control P06xx Computer and output signals P07xx Transmission The fourth and fifth characters represent the components or systems.
  16. Here is a link to a thread where these were explained along with some potential causes: P1123, P1125 thread
  17. Ok, it finally stopped raining here... I see no vibration or movement - or billowing. This is with the sunroof fully open at speeds from 40 to (let's just say lower triple digits).
  18. Did you look at the OBD II code listing at the top of the page? OBD II P-Codes
  19. Ok here is the "unofficial" jack point I use to raise the whole rear of the car.
  20. I don't see any TSBs on this and I don't think I have ever noticed mine vibrating (but it might). There is a wind/water deflector that pops up when the sunroof is opened. I would make sure that it is popping up.
  21. Automatically locking the doors at 5 MPH is set by a dealer using a PST2. If you don't want that then they need to re-program that feature.
  22. Correct, the DME needs to re-learn everything from a power down reset - including the idle. Usually takes 3-5 minutes.
  23. Between Min and Max (bottom most mark and top most mark).
  24. 1.33 quarts is the difference between the two marks. Overfilling can as bad as underfilling. I always keep my car right in the middle. :D
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