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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Removing the console takes about 20 minutes your first time (without scratching or damaging anything). Once the console is off it's pretty easy to change out the handbrake - maybe 5 minutes. A good time to put in a short shifter if you want one too since the console is already out.
  2. The fan only runs for a few seconds when it does run which is likely why you have never heard it. Here is the criteria: Switch-on conditions for engine compartment fan (this fan pulls air into the engine compartment) - The engine compartment fan is switched on when the engine compartment temperature is > 176 degrees F (80 degrees C) or the coolant temperature is > 216 degrees F (102 degrees C). If the ignition is switched off and the engine compartment temperature is more than 140 degrees F (60 degrees C), the DME control module remains in readiness for another 20 minutes. During this time, the engine compartment temperature is retrieved every 10 seconds. If the engine compartment temperature is > 185 degrees F (85 degrees C), the engine compartment fan is switched on for 20 seconds. If the engine compartment temperature is still > 185 degrees F (85 degrees C) after this time, the fan remains on for a further 30 seconds.
  3. Look at the instructions here too.
  4. Just a reminder... this is Porsche forum, where we talk about Porsches. Please re-read the Board Guidelines/Rules if this is unclear. Please make sure your posts stay on topic. Thanks! :D
  5. There is now a TSB 3/04 3730 Hard Shifting In Range First to Second (dated 11-18-2004) that may be of some help. It is in the Cayenne TSB section.
  6. Porsche does not recommend the use of anti-seize compound on spark plugs being installed in aluminum cylinder heads. The reason is that spark plug torque may not be correctly measured and the plugs will be tightened too much, damaging the threads in the cylinder head.
  7. It's pretty straightforward. For the fronts: Just remove the two caliper bolts and carefully hang the caliper out of the way. Then remove the two phillips screws that hold the rotor in place. Put the new rotor on (making sure that you have the Left on the Left and the Right on the Right). Fasten the screws on the new rotor. Carefully slide the caliper back on the rotor (you may have to press the pads in a little to make it easier to slide on). Put the bolts in the caliper and torque them to 63 ft/lbs. (85 Nm). Porsche recommends that you use new bolts. For the rears: Important - Release the parking brake fully. The process is the same but you may need to back-off the parking brake drums with a screw driver. Then after you are done adjust the parking brake through the threaded wheel bolt hole until the wheel can no longer be turned. Then, turn back the adjustment 5 notches again (release approx. 3 notches until the wheel can be turned freely, then release another 2 notches).
  8. 999 507 427 40 Expansion rivet (11 per car). They were about $0.20 each last time I checked.
  9. Should be the same as the Carrera. Have a look at this thread.
  10. We have added a new feature for our Contributing Members - Blogs! (see the link at the top right...) Contributing Members can create their own weblog here. Blogs can be Private or Public and outside (non RennTech.org members) can view Blogs using a "friendly" URL (http://www.renntech.org/forums/blog/your_blog_name). Blogs can be Porsche related - or personal - or practically anything you want. At this time ONLY Contributing Members can create a Blog here. Regular members can view public blogs and make comments (if they allowed that in your preferences). Guests can only view public blogs. Blogs are not certainly required and not everyone will want or have one but we wanted to make this feature available to all Contributing Members that want it. Enjoy and and thank you again for your contributions to RennTech.org!
  11. Nope, just the four bolts to existing points.
  12. Yeah, the early GT3 side skirts were epoxied on and the later ones are just double sided tape. Porsche sells a kit with attachment parts for the later side skirts it is: 000 044 801 65. You would need one for each side. The install procedure (for the later version) is covered in Carrera TSB 5/03 6658 Aerokit "Cup II" Installation Instructions (dated 5-23-03). If you want to see the older epoxy version then look at Carrera TSB 3/00 6315 Installing Cup Aerokit (dated 7-21-00).
  13. Yes, there likely is. See the post in the Boxster section here. Also, if your car has a very old MAF then the new one (which is a new design) may require the DME to be reprogrammed (only dealers or shops with a PST2 can do this).
  14. No, that is the only "official Porsche approved" plate. Later build cars had changes so that the bolts and hose do not protrude down as far.
  15. Have a look at this thread
  16. Some of it is in the TSB I mentioned above and more detail is (unfortunately) in the ($4500) Cayenne Service Manuals.
  17. Yeah, apparently they stopped putting the latches in MY2004 cars if you didn't order the hardtop with it. Have a look at this post
  18. The fan is actually a purge fan and only comes on when the engine is very hot. When it does come on it draws air into the engine comparment. I'd start with fuse B4 - that would be 2nd row down from the top and 4th fuse in from the left. Should be 15A. There is also a relay (relay 8) for the blower - back in the area behind the backseats where the DME is. There are only two wires to the fan. If you unplug the socket, the brown wire is ground and the red/black wire is +12V.
  19. Ok guys - 964 and 993 have been added. Please let me know if you see errors. I'll keep working on the others a little at a time... :beer:
  20. From the Litronics Installation TSB:
  21. Should be warranty (mine was). I don't think there was a TSB on this but to my understanding Porsche changed the part number and 00 version was to be removed from the shelves (as in "do not use"). The correct part number is 996 106 447 01 (it was about $14).
  22. If it has the old cap (part number ends in 00) it should be replaced - whether you see a leak or not.
  23. Have a look at TSB 1/02 6117 Modified Rear Hardtop Locks (dated 10-11-02). This TSB shows how to replace them so it should give you an idea as to what would be needed to install them.
  24. Any good electronics contacts cleaner should work fine. Also, make sure that none of the pins have pushed out of the connector socket in the car. This sometimes happens on older cars and the pin lock usually needs to be bent back out a little to keep the pin in the socket.
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