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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Most likely the early small tube type for 3.4 liter cars only. The latter mufflers (-03 and -04) will work on any year.
  2. Thanks! Just click on any donate button or use admin@renntech.org
  3. Technically they all should have it. I think Jeff's photo is from Stevens Creek Porsche.
  4. According to the TSB the new sensor started with the following VINs:
  5. XKW - ? perhaps XKX - instrument surround in arctic silver XNY - trim strip in arctic silver
  6. From the TSB on the subject...
  7. You probably mean the screw (21) behind the interior air temp cover (20).
  8. :oops: bad cut 'n paste - all fixed now.
  9. 100 Time Units is one hour. So 1 TU is 0.6 minutes, or 36 seconds.
  10. C02 - Equipped with catalytic converter 226 - ? maybe 236 18" tires ? 288 - Headlight washers 411 - 18" Carrera wheels 437 - Comfort Seat Left, electronically adjustable 438 - Comfort Seat Right, electronically adjustable 446 - Cocave hub cap with colored escutchenion 476 - PSM (Porsche Stability Management)
  11. :lol: Sorry, but RennTech.org does not make the decals. The decals are done (with our approval) by XenonMods.com. A (very) small part of each decal order is donated to RennTech.org to help pay for our operating costs. At $12 (for a set of 2) I doubt you will find a better deal.
  12. Looks like a good start. Problem is that in many cases the option numbers mean different things for different models and years. Scouser's list is a good start but many of the codes are for "older" Porsches and they mean different options on the newer cars. The best source I've seen is inside of the dealer parts program PET - where it is based the exact model.
  13. You don't need a PayPal account - just click on the "Click Here" button after "If you do not currently have a PayPal account" and it will take your credit card. Thanks!
  14. There was a Blog error where members that used Internet Explorer did not have a posting box or comments box. Since I don't use IE I missed it. This only affected IE users and has now been fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience. In the future I'll try to remember to test all new features with IE. :rolleyes: We also fixed a couple other cosmetic issues with the blog software - should be good to go now.
  15. It is extremely important to follow the TSB instructions for replacement and torque of these parts. 999 385 004 09 New/Coated crankcase bolt, M6 x 35 (4 ea. required per vehicle) - (about $1 each) 900 385 275 09 New/Coated bolt for intermediate shaft, M6 x 20 (3 ea. required per vehicle) - (about $0.40 each) 999 113 490 41 Shaft seal (RMS) - (about $17.02 each)
  16. For Japan both Mobil 1 and Castrol are sold in Japan. As well, so is Motul, Shell, and WAKO'S Chemical Company Wako's ex Synthe 5W-40. Only Contributing Members can view TSBs online (as well as a Contributors Only Forum, they can send attachments with PMs, image storage limits are raised for all Contributing Members, RennTech.org email addresses are available and now a personal Blog.). Contributions help defer the cost of running this site and providing this information to you. No one has to contribute - but almost 10% of the members do. Without contributions this site would either have to go subscription or cease to exist. Considering a the lowest priced Porsche is around $50,000 (US) and highest priced around $400,000, a single set of Carrera service manuals are $2091.10 - perhaps RennTech.org a $25 (or more) donation to RennTech.org is good investment?
  17. The list is 5 pages long (all Contributing Members have access to it as well as other TSBs). I listed the most popular US brands in the DIY. What brand are you interested in?
  18. Have a look here
  19. There is a certain amount of adjustment with the single bolt that holds the tip on. Loosen it just enough to move it and adjust as follows: A= 25-26 mm (up to and including MY01) A= 22 mm (from MY02 on) If you can't get them equal then the whole muffler assembly (for each side) will need to be loosened and moved.
  20. Porsche use Optimol Optipit for bearings and normal grease for some sealing surfaces (o-rings).
  21. If you have recently had RMS problem fixed or transmission work then check and see that they hooked the wires back up to the switch on the transmission. If not, then check the wires from the transmission switch and if they are okay then replace the switch on the transmission.
  22. There are two TSBs on retrofitting PCM2; one for PCM2 and one for PCM2.1. Contributing Members can view TSBs online (as well as a Contributors Only Forum, they can send attachments with PMs, image storage limits are raised for all Contributing Members, RennTech.org email addresses are available and now a personal Blog.). Contributions help defer the cost of running this site and providing this information to you. No one has to contribute but almost 10% of the members do. Without contributions this site would either have to go subscription or cease to exist. Considering a the lowest priced Porsche is around $50,000 and highest priced around $400,000, a single set of Carrera service manuals are $2091.10, and a single CarFax is $20 - perhaps a $25 (or more) donation to RennTech.org is good investment?
  23. If you don't have NAV you don't have PCM. PCM2 (or 2.1) is the only version for Cayenne.
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