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Everything posted by Loren

  1. You've got a PM...
  2. Dash parts? Do you have a picture of where they go? Neither show on the current CGT parts list unless they are color code parts (ending in 9A4, or D12, etc.).
  3. On a US Carrera it looks like this:
  4. 1st guess is a loose sway bar (there is a TSB on this). 2nd guess is a loose or bad upper strut mount with bearing (there is a TSB on this).
  5. Okay - I didn't see you had PCM2 before. That is a different phone setup - but still requires another option (I666) and the optical cabling to make it work. The Tequiment part numbers are: 997 044 900 71 Telephone Module PCM2 997 622 702 00 Optical Waveguide or 997 622 703 00 Optical Waveguide w/ BOSE Sound System This must be turned on with a shop PIWIS tester.
  6. Taking the cap off will eventually cause a CEL. The crankcase ventilation is part of the emissions control. Check the inside of the cap for a black o-ring if it's not there that would explain the leak - but also usually causes a CEL. Better make sure it didn't fall out when you took the cap off too.
  7. If your install is a flat plate like the item below then you have the cell phone prep. If this is the case then you need to order the docking kit for a specific phone. If your install looks like this (with docking) then you have the full option - but for what phone?
  8. It slides into a recess in the body so you should be able to lift and wiggle it out.
  9. Supplements range from $8 to $11 each retail. Some dealers do not give discounts on manuals/supplements at all. Some dealers will take your order and not follow up on it - so they never ship (I won't name them here). So, I suggest you give Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) a try - they came through for me.
  10. I'm confused... Do you have the option numbers? Do you have the cell prep? or the cell phone option (installed)? ... and US or RoW car?
  11. Not really, they are pretty standard as far as calipers go. Just clean, clean, clean with brake cleaner only. No oil anywhere near them. You may need to bleed them drive the car (cautiously) then bleed them again as the clean surface will attract air bubbles.
  12. I am sure there is lots of good information there. Just a note: since 2001 (which it says it covers 1999 to 2001) there have been at least 50 supplements with corrections, updates and additions to the service manual. I would say well over 1000 new pages. Still a good place to start if you need a manual.
  13. The latest RMS TSB is dated 07-24-2004. Superseded means it replaces earlier versions (at least three that I remember). That same TSB also instructs the shop to replace the bolts with self-sealing crankcase bolts. The reason is that some engines were returned to Porsche that did not have RMS problem but leaking engine bolts (near the flywheel).
  14. Did the dealer activate it with their PST2 or PIWIS system?
  15. Well, if it were my car I'd use the GT3 spacers and bolts which are 5 mm longer. I think the last thing you want is a front tire held on by two threads.
  16. Does your hand brake light come on in the intrument cluster when you apply it? If not then the switch is not functioning and needs to be replaced. To replace the switch you will need to remove (at least partially) the center console.
  17. The schematics show all options for all countries so chances are the wiring harness in a US car does not have the wiring.
  18. Have a look at TSB 4/98 9212 Installing Rain Sensor
  19. I don't know for sure. I would expect the sensor and wiring come with the windshield but not the relay. The windshield is a replacement part not an upgrade part.
  20. If you are replacing a windshield then you can get it preinstalled. A rain sensor can be put on any windshield.
  21. No, it does not come "built-in" but if your windshield had one before then they would put a new one in. Once they are attached I don't think they come off.
  22. What do you want to do?
  23. It is pretty easy and gets installed after the windshield. It basically sticks to the windshield (similar to the mirror). 996 612 981 00 - Retail price is $306.25 but I think I've seen the upgrade kit advertised for about $180. Try Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) at the top of the page. The install TSB (9212) is in the TSB section.
  24. Sounds like you need a new dealer.... I sent you a PM.
  25. The Carrera/GT3 Maintenance Checklists section has been updated to current Porsche schedules. The list now includes a separate schedule for MY04 and newer cars. Enjoy... :D
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