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Everything posted by Loren

  1. It is basically the same as a 996. Have a look at the 3rd Radiator DIY here for basic instructions.
  2. Ben, Have a look at TSB 1/04 4440 Overview of Summer Tires & Wheels (dated 5-25-04) in the Carrera GT TSB section. It lists: 265/35 ZR 19 94Y Michelin Pilot Sport N0 (Directional) and 335/30 ZR 20 104 Y Pirelli P-ZERO ROSSO N0 (for specified side only)
  3. 92U 911 095 933 20 92T Applicator and clear lacquer (Retail $14.08) or http://www.paintscratch.com/
  4. Retail (List) price at the dealer is $34.
  5. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...findpost&p=1172
  6. 222 - Traction Control 224 - Limited Slip Differential 448 - perhaps 446 - Carrera concave trim center hubs 880 - perhaps 680 - Sound System (for MY99 this meant amp) In MY99 TC and LSD were an option. Always sold together they performed a similar function to PSM.
  7. You've got a PM
  8. I would check you power steering fluid level. I would also inspect the sway bar and front suspension mounts to make sure they are tight.
  9. The fans are controlled in 2 stages (not 3). There is a low setting that is controlled by the DME based on engine temperature. The high setting is also controlled by the DME and the position of the A/C switch. The fans always go on high (on all the time) with the A/C running. Depending on your climate with the A/C off the low speed setting may rarely come on. I live in Northern California and my low speed fans rarely come on. BTW... GT3 Cup Cars do not have fans at all. The motion of the car is enough to keep the engine cool. They do have larger openings in the bumper though.
  10. From the "Approved Tires and Wheels" TSB. My guess is that it is a legal liability issue for Porsche (i.e. Ford Explorer/Firestone tires).
  11. I'll add them as I get them. I've seen about 6 additional TSBs for 997s but they are released only for Europe at this point. To avoid confusion I am only adding PCNA TSBs. Most (but not all) are the same as RoW/Europe albeit PCNA TSBs are usually about a month after later in release. I do not have a reliable source for RoW/Europe TSBs at this time. If I buy them somewhere in Europe and have them shipped here then they likely arrive at the same time as the PCNA version (at three times the cost).
  12. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=626 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=1315 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=203 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2620 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=3153
  13. I am going to close this since it going well off-topic.
  14. Paul, Email it too me -- chances are it's just too big. Contributing Members are allowed large uploads - up to 1 MB per post. BTW... this is legal to re-distribute -- right?
  15. PCM 1 is not TrafficPro or Becker DTM -- PCM 1 is PCM 1 as custom built for Porsche. Have a look at the post here. Perhaps they can give you a contact in Europe for the CDs.
  16. A. Yes. B. No. If you don't hook up the vacuum and electronics stuff the exhaust valves are always open (loud). C. I will send you a PM with it attached. D. Of course they don't recommend the no hoses way - they don't get 10 hours of labor if you do it that way.
  17. You are a Contributing Member so have a look at TSB 6/04 4440 Summer Tire and Wheel Summary (dated 08-10-04). The TSB is 11 pages of approved tires, wheels and spacers.
  18. I have an install procedure for PCM 2.1 (MY05 only) but it does not mention satellite install. They send out TSBs monthly so you never know it could be in the next batch.
  19. Was it ordered with SAT radio? If so... From a PCNA memo to dealers August 3, 2004
  20. Rob, Can you look on your invoice and see what the part number for the bolts they used last year and part numbers for this year?
  21. Please start by looking at the order guide for the model year you are interested in. You can download the order guides from the link at the top left "MY04/MY05 Order Guides". If you find a code not in the order guide then ask here and someone will look it up.
  22. Well... at some point the oil starts to fling onto the clutch disk and pressure plate - this will start to cause slippage and the clutch disk will be ruined. If the slip is too much then the pressure plate starts to overheat and that can be damaged it too. Then there is always the chance that the seal blows out completely (I heard of a couple of instances of this) and all of your oil is dumped on the ground in about 30 seconds - usually meaning a new engine. Sounds like a pretty big risk to me.
  23. Yes, those will fit any MY01 or older Carrera/GT3.
  24. Not usually. Look for a spot right in the center where the engine and transmission meet.
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