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Everything posted by Loren

  1. 03 replaced 02 and should work directly for a MY97. 04 is for a MY2000. All the standard units are 3 channel ABS (3 hydraulic outlets) and TC/LSD units are 4 channel ABS (4 hydraulic outlets). So if you don't have TC/LSD don't get one that does.
  2. Jeff is right same issue with the 996. If the cap is leaking it is usually confined to the the lip area at the top of the tank and you notice the coolant level is low. Replacing the cap takes about 30 seconds - replacing the tank takes about 1.5 hours.
  3. It won't be that bad. The idle will hunt for a few minutes and torque/rev range will also adjust fairly quickly. The car will certainly be drivable but don't expect top performance for a few miles.
  4. All C4's regardless of year are egas. The only not egas 996 series car was the MY99 C2.
  5. The Rear Main Seal (RMS) is the seal on the flywheel side of the crankshaft. So, any leaks will appear at the joint where the transmission and engine meet. In a Carrera that would be just about even with the rear wheels and dead center in the middle.
  6. Yes, they have different part numbers and newer Cayenne's use PCM 2.1 as do 997's.
  7. 441 - radio prep 584 - * (sorry that is what the parts list stays - just an asterisk) 680 - MY01 - Digital sound package - MY02 - Bose analog sound system
  8. Well, you you are not planning a lot of track activities you would likely want the M030 sport suspension. Porsche sells a kit that is springs, shocks, and swaybars that are tuned to work together. They will also lower your car about 20 mm front and 10 mm rear. Here is the set at Carnewal.com.
  9. Yes, but when you order parts you will be ordering for a MY04 Boxster (986). I'll bet the 10th digit in your VIN is a "4" (for MY04).
  10. 236 - 18" tires 376 - Sport seat backrest shell 663 - Hands free receiver
  11. What suspension do you have standard or M030 (sport suspension)? Street and occasional track? or track only?
  12. IMHO - $800 to $900 is a very good price. Changing suspensions pieces and a 4 wheel alignment it at least a 5 hour job.
  13. I have sent you a PM...
  14. Did you put the spoiler correct harness back in?
  15. Kim, No they aren't. But they could be. This only adds about 3 inches so it is not like jacking the car up a foot or two. If you really want level then just put them under all four tires.
  16. ar38070 is correct, to bleed the ABS system you need to open the valves with a PST2 or PIWIS tester.
  17. 0 (zero) HP for the PSE by itself. The cut-out is for some European countries that have noise limits (in town) at those speeds. My understanding is primarily Switzerland. BTW... if you don't even hook up the valving (just put the mufflers on) then the valves are always open (loud).
  18. Your 997 will have PCM 2.1. The PCM 2.0 manual may be close and is all we have seen at this point in time.
  19. Perhaps all the "pre-ordered" dealers cars all have sunroofs. That is fairly common as dealers sell the most popular optioned cars from their lots. I do not see any memos that sunroof delete can not be ordered on a factory order car.
  20. Yes, there is even a PCM2 DIY here in the DIY section. It is for a Carrera but a Boxster is pretty much the same.
  21. Well, yes and no. That's why you need to pay the money to see the whole report (if you are really interested in a car). You could also get a report of a major accident damage, flood damage, or even (in some states) a vehicle that was sold for salvage.
  22. Just a couple of questions: 1. Are you sure that P1123 is the only code. Does your scan tool show all codes or just the first one? 2. You said the idle is steady and does not waiver - right?
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