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Everything posted by Loren

  1. The end play (if not excessive) should not hurt anything. Some folks go back in and adjust the end after a couple of years after things are well worn in. If it doesn't bother you then I would leave it as is - but if you start missing shifts you might want to tighten it up a bit. When we install them at our "Work on cars days" we adjust them so that the shifter is just loose enough to return to center on it's when released.
  2. 996 552 960 01 Hinge Kit (retail) $24.39
  3. Front speed sensor (item 3) Rear speed sensor (item 5)
  4. You will need to take ALL the hardware off the old one and mount it on the new one. That includes the little clips that hold the trim on the sides.
  5. The ABS and PSM share the same speed sensors on each wheel. A PST2 would tell you which sensor is likely triggering the fault - but you might just check and or clean the electrical connection on each wheel sensor. Be sure and do any plugging and unplugging with the ignition off. IMHO - if you are getting new rotors then change the pads. The problem is your old pads have worn to fit the old grooved rotors so they would not be making full contact on a new rotor - as least not until they had worn enough.
  6. 980 361 169 00 Socket, CGT Lug Nut - retail $229.28
  7. 100 Time Units is one hour. So 1 TU is 0.6 minutes, or 36 seconds.
  8. You may need to remove the mufflers if you can't maneuver the headers out. The torque for the header nuts is 19 ft-lb for each of the six bolts (per side) and 22 ft-lb for the 3 on the cat side.
  9. 996 613 119 10 A05 Targa Shade Switch - Retail price $33.84
  10. Loren

    Brake pad sensors

    The brake pad sensors are just wires. When they wear through they break the circuit. Most folks just use a tie-wrap to keep them out of the way with racing pads.
  11. Schematic says "double relay" - relay in position 6 and 7. That would be second row from the top, first 2 relays from the left. Both should have part number 996 615 111 00. I do not know what happens if you pull them. Let us know.
  12. Correct those part numbers are for a 6 speed. (It only matters for the rear springs).
  13. If your car had the US M030 then they are the same. If your car had the standard suspension then you will need new ones for the rears (996 333 105 03).
  14. Front shocks - 996.343.041.18 are for a MY02. Although the parts list says they can be replaced with 996 343 041 21 (for MY03). Front springs - 996.343.531.19 is correct. They should be marked Green and White. Rear shocks - 996.333.051.22 are for a MY02 (again). Although the parts list says they can be replaced with 996 343 051 26 (for MY03). Rear springs - 996.333.531.26 is correct. They should be marked Green and White. Stabilizer - 996.343.701.04 and 996.333.701.19 (replaces 996 333 701 17) are correct. 996.343.792.12 and 996.333.792.25 are new stabilizer mounts since your new bars are likely larger in diameter. Bump stops and compensation plates can be reused as they are the same. The kits vary so I've seen some with and some without. So the only thing I see in question is the shocks. I do not know the difference between the MY02 and MY03 shocks. Perhaps it is just the manufacturer since the parts list says you can use the newer ones on an older car.
  15. 986-100-922-FX - Replacement Engine MY01 (M481 - 5 speed) M96.22 162 KW/ 220 PS Retail $7295.17 (I think that is the exchange price)
  16. It just slides down and off in my car (maybe mine has been off too many times and is looser now :lol: )
  17. There is an excellent writeup on PSM and how much slip it allows here. As the article says if you turn it off it will allow even more slip before intervening.
  18. I don't think so. I've only seen them re-calibrate the steering angle sensor (after alignment) and test the other sensors to see if they are in range. Since none of the 4WD cars are allowed in professional (American Le Mans Series) racing I doubt Porsche MotorSport has anything either. Maybe the off-road and rally guys have something but I have never heard of it.
  19. The rotors are just held on with two phillips head screws. You might have to tap the rotors a little with a rubber hammer. If the screws are rusted or corroded on then just use a small amount of penetrating oil - be sure an keep the oil off anything else.
  20. Do you mean the defroster trim? If so, look here BTW... the clips will likely break when you remove the pieces.
  21. IMHO... if there is oil on it - yes.
  22. 1. Look here 2. No, there are 3 pieces on the pre MY02 cars. The side pieces come off if you pry them with a dull tool. 3. see item 1 and this thread.
  23. P1128 - Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 2 (Cylinders 1 . 3) - Rich Threshold This means that the oxygen sensor on that bank of the engine has sensed that the mixture is so lean that is can not correct for it (rich threshold reached). Common causes are: - Intake air system leaking - Fuel pressure too low - Volume supply of fuel pump too low - Fuel injectors fouled I would start looking for loose or damaged hoses or other intake leaks.
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