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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Sorry, that is all one piece. 997 552 201 03 8G2 Leather lining (sand beige). I show a retail price of $393.19. Check out Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost (Sunset Imports) at the top of the page for better pricing. My guess is that they will need to order it too.
  2. Fronts 50 or 52 mm, Rears 63 or 65 mm.
  3. C4S already comes with the sport suspension so you would only need the springs and a full 4 wheel alignment. The shocks and stabilizers are the same. For a MY03 C4S Coupe with 6 speed - the RoW front springs should be marked pink/blue (whereas your US sport springs should be silver/blue). The RoW rears should be blue/white (whereas your US sport springs should be green/red lilac).
  4. The rollbars should be fine. There is a small slot that lets you manually activate them for testing - then they tell you to push them back down to reset them. But it sounds like you just tested them... ;)
  5. There is a not a TSB for the air cleaner on a Cayenne TT and the owners manual is very vague. I personally haven't done more than look under the hood on a TT Cayennne so I can't help you here. In most of the Porsche air filter designs you have to remove an intake hose clamp or other connecting pieces to lift the top off. Perhaps another Cayenne TT owner figured it out and will post here? p.s. Once you figure it out take some pics and we will put it in the DIY section - credits to you of course.
  6. Yes, you need to remove the radio from the MOST configuration using a PST2 or PIWIS tester. All dealers and most high end shops have these.
  7. There are a couple of different phone options do you know the option number or part number?
  8. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=14446
  9. ^^^^^^^^^ Zone 7 Concours Winner.....
  10. If the kit includes swaybars then the mounts come with the swaybars.
  11. I don't have a listing of what is in that Tequipment list. If it is the same (or newer numbers) as the one posted here you are likely okay.
  12. The OBD II service book says erase the code and if comes back replace the sensor.
  13. I don't remember exactly. But the parts list says 12 total - or 6 per side - or 2 per cylinder. I seem to remember the GT3 has 18 total - or 9 per side - or 3 per cylinder.
  14. I doubt you will need WD40 etc. - not much rust in California. If you want to be safe then replace the manifold bolts (900 378 131 00). I think they are about $1.29 each retail. Torque setting are here.
  15. Like this? This is a protective coating put on the underside of the car by the factory. Doesn't hurt anything - you can take it all off (a lot of work) or leave it as is.
  16. New cables does not mean that one of them does not have a flaw or a connector that was crimped on the insulation instead of the wire. If they worked before then there is even more reason to suspect one of the new ones.
  17. The link should work now...
  18. How much does the dealer sell these for? Anyone know? Jim Usually about $25.
  19. The 3rd brake light in the rear deck lid should work. If the spoiler light is always on then they did not install the new wiring harness for the aerokit. See the note here.
  20. It's a pretty simple circuit. All the sensors are wired in series - which means any break in a wire will cause the light to go on. If you have an ohm meter you should be able to trace it back one wheel at a time until you find the high resistance.
  21. From TSB 6/04 4440 Summer Tire and Wheel Summary (dated 8-10-04)...
  22. Yes, looks like a cam cover or Variocam solenoid leak.
  23. http://www.beckerautosound.com/soundadviceonline.html
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