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Everything posted by Loren

  1. 222 - Traction Control System 234 - ? perhaps 224 Automatic Limited Slip Differential
  2. On a Turbo the rear deck lid is longer - so the part that is the reflector on the C4S is part of the rear deck lid on the Turbo. Chances are you would need to go with a Turbo rear deck lid or aftermarket deck lid/spoiler combination.
  3. Have a look at this: gt3_trans_cooler.pdf BTW... my OBD II manuals says that P0118 is "Short circuit to B+". Most likely causes are: Wiring, Temperature sensor, or DME control module.
  4. P1674 Tachometer Control Circuit Not sure what it does. Does your tach work or have you made any modifications?
  5. All these connections go to the DME (Bosch Motronic). Sorry, I do not have a 7.2 (egas) version OBD II manual so I can't tell you what is in the DME for sure.
  6. 1 and 4 are inputs for the power to the throttle control positioner motor. This is what opens/closes the throttle butterfly for idle, and normal acceleration. 3 looks like it is a constant 5 volts. To me 5 and 6 seem to be the sensing position signals and then 1 and 5 again to position the throttle butterfly.
  7. No, GT3 seats look like this
  8. Pin 1 - minus (-) motor throttle valve Pin 4 - plus (+) motor throttle valve Pin 2 - throttle valve ground Pin 5 - signal throttle valve Pin 3 - plus (+) 5 volts Pin 6 - signal throttle valve
  9. According to Porsche's Maintenance schedules In a 2WD Carrera the transmission and differential share the same case and oil. 4WD cars have another differential in the front. As long as you use Porsche approved transmission oils then you do not need anything else for the LSD.
  10. 1. Put the visor down and release it from the clip near the rear view mirror. 2. Gently wiggle it back and forth as you pull it towards the center of the car. About a 5 second job.
  11. Should pull off. Parts are 996 parts according to the 997 parts list.
  12. What are the part numbers for MY2000 ? Thanks. There are several "correct" part numbers for different versions of PSE that all work fine.
  13. Yes. 964 505 103 00 G2X Cap (unpainted) - retail $8.63
  14. Almost all the parts are different from blower motors to air distribution ducts to AC lines.
  15. I don't think you can get it past the vent without removing it (I didn't try). But who knows it might be worth a try. Removing the vent and switch is not very hard maybe 2 minutes (see the switch knob removal elsewhere on the site).
  16. It is just running the wire down the A pillar, replacing the existing relay with a new relay and doing the initial adjustment. Maybe less than an hour. Your original switch is still used. Here is how it works: Turning the rain sensor on or off. 1. To turn on rain sensor: Turn the wiper switch to position 3 (interval). 2. To turn off rain sensor: Turn the wiper switch to position 0. There are are three ways to turn on the rain sensor if the switch is left in position 3 (rain sensor - on) when restarting the vehicle. 1. Turn the wiper switch to position 0 then back to position 3 2. Actuate windshield washer system 3. Change the rain sensor sensitivity using the wiper interval adjuster. Changing the rain sensor sensitivity. Sensitivity can be set to 6 different levels using the wiper interval adjuster. Turn interval adjuster counter-clockwise: Low sensitivity. Turn interval adjuster clockwise: High sensitivity.
  17. You don't need to remove the engine - just the gearbox. Usually 4-5 hours labor. They should check and fix any other leaks (they see) while they are in there (i.e. intermediate shaft seal, exhaust gasket, cam cover leaks, etc.). Also they should change the case half bolts to the sealed type if they are not already.
  18. All Porsche (Carrera and Boxster) amps are mounted in the front trunk between the battery and the spare tire.
  19. Well, most of the relays I have opened were not really relays in the traditional sense - they were digitial switching circuits. So, you may have to swap it out with another relay with the same part number - from someone else's car to be sure.
  20. Check relay 4 (top row fourth relay from the left).
  21. C00 - ? likely specifies catalytic converter (based on country) XSJ - six point seat belts XSM - safety racing cage XSX - seat belts in guards red 003 - ? 424 - CD compartment 441 - prepared for radio 567 - windshield tinted, upper part darker color 581 - center console front 695 - cd-radio, Porsche CDR 22 722 - ? 990 - seat covers front, cloth/cloth/leatherette
  22. Do a search as this has been covered many times here - with a number of pics. Look here
  23. The sport springs are different than standard springs in both length and stiffness. Correct, the compensation spacers just adjust for small differences in spring height.
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