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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Door - Insert a narrow screwdriver from above in front of the clip arrow A, press the fastening lug in direction of arrow B and hold, and carefully pull off the filler flap 1 upwards. Hinge - Insert the removal tool at the locking lugs on the left and right and lift via the locking lugs, remove the plastic hinge 2 in direction of arrow from the filler flap 1.
  2. Porsche's tool Jeff's (Tool Pants) tool (and pic)
  3. Have a look here
  4. 996 613 987 10 A05 Switch, sports exhaust system; installation location> right of radio 996 613 988 10 A05 Switch, sports exhaust system; installation location> left of radio
  5. 996 555 121 07 EHN -- MY99 Left side door panel in Savanna Beige leather w/options M490, and M563 (sound system speakers, and air bag). Retail price $1926.77 996 555 122 07 EHN -- MY99 Right side door panel in Savanna Beige leather w/options M490, and M563 (sound system speakers, and air bag). Retail price $1926.77 996 555 071 17 DFW-- MY99 Left Rear side panel in Savanna Beige leather. Retail price $838.01 996 555 072 17 DFW-- MY99 Right Rear side panel in Savanna Beige leather. Retail price $838.01 Be sure and check folks like Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) for better prices. I always quote list here so folks won't be shocked when they go to their dealer. For the cab rear deck... do you mean item 1? If so, what color? I think MY99 had some color limits...
  6. If you have selected the correct time zone and the clock appears an hour out, check or uncheck box to suit in your My Controls. To adjust your time to Daylight Savings Time: 1. Click on My Controls. 2. On the left side menu under Options, click on Board Settings. 3. Check the box Is daylight saving time in effect? 4. Click the button that says Change my Account Options. Done.
  7. Steering wheel, dash or door? Model year? What are you trying to do?
  8. Leather or leatherette? door options? speakers on no speakers?
  9. Hmm... what would they say to the fact that starting in MY02 all C2 and C4's (except C4S) had 285/30 x 18 (on 10 inch wheels) rears and 225/40 x 18 fronts (on 8 inch wheels)? I've had both on my MY99 Coupe for 5 years.
  10. Looks to me like it is 996 615 113 00. Retail price $122.05. The other possibility is that the "newer" one does not have the adjustment. That TSB is from 1999. You might also ask Gert if his kits have the adjustment too.
  11. Post the part number (on yours) and I'll see if it recommends the newer one in the parts list. Either way I think the newer one will work.
  12. Both... if the ones they took out are both (inside and outside) then they are the old ones and all should be replaced. If they took out red and black ones then they are the new style and then they should only replace the leaking ones. The new ones they put in almost have to be red and black as I don't think you can get the older ones anymore.
  13. The original PSE switches go to a relay, that in turn switches a solenoid, that in turn switches a vacuum valve, that causes the (vacuum actuated) valves on the mufflers to either open or close. If there is a 3rd party switch then it is anybodys guess as to how it is connected and works - someone will need to trace it back.
  14. US or RoW car please? The alarms are different.
  15. Not that I see at this point. There is one for the SportDesign Package but nothing yet for the Off-Road Design Packages.
  16. 1/98 1546 New O-Ring on Oil Protection Pipe (dated 5-14-98). Ask them what color the o-rings they took out were. As I said new ones are red and black.
  17. Hmm... were all the o-rings were black (instead of black and red)? If they were (all black) and they only replaced 3 of them then you may need to make another visit. This is a known problem on early MY99 engines and the TSB implied you should change them all to the new style.
  18. What I think mellowyellow left out of his initial post is that he is using an aftermarket steering wheel with no airbag capabilities. So what he wants to do is "simulate" the air bag with a resistor so the light will not keep coming on. I'm sure he knew the safety risk before he bought the steering wheel.
  19. There is a procedure here for a Boxster ( the Carrera is the same). No pics but a pretty detailed procedure.
  20. On a MY99 C4 you can certainly go with a 285/30 x 18 rear tires - but that will increase understeer even more more in a car that already has quite a bit. A better solution (IMHO) would be to also change the front wheels to an 8" wheel (originals are 7.5"). This alone would bring the cars understeer balance back to near factory spec. If you want to reduce understeer even more then use a 235 or 245 tire on the 8" front wheels (standard is 225).
  21. 4 spoke or 3 spoke? 6 speed or Tiptronic?
  22. I'm pretty sure that is what Porsche used in the older ZF gearboxes. TAF-21 is NOT approved for use in 996 or 986 transmissions.
  23. 996 641 980 76 70C has been replaced by 996 641 981 73 70C. It is for a Carrera 6 speed MY02 on. Retail price: $1987.00
  24. Looks like there might be several small bolts from the bottom. Lift the rear deck lid and look for small nuts on the back side. My guess would be it is both small bolts and double stick tape.
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