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Everything posted by Loren

  1. In the past they sent them out about once a month in a batch mailing. In late January Porsche changed the way they are distributing TSBs - no more paper mailed to subscribers. We are looking into what our options are at this point.
  2. The TSBs are all grouped by number. Porsche uses the same sequence for sports cars and suvs. The number sequence follows the factory service manual sections to make it easier for the technicians. For instance Group 1: Engine would have TSBs starting with "1xxx" and Group 4: Running Gear would have TSBs starting with "4xxx". Here is the general sequence: Group 0: Entire Vehicle Group 0: Diagnois, Part 1 Group 0: Diagnois, Part 2 Group 1: Engine Group 2: Fuel, Exhaust, Engine Electronics Group 3: Transmission Group 4: Running Gear Group 5: Body Group 6: Body Exterior Group 7: Body Interior Group 8: Air Conditioning Group 9: Electrics Some items are covered under "Campaign Information". These are also included with the TSBs and are labeled with "W" numbers. "W" is for Workshop Service Action. Porsche started a Cayenne Quality-improvement Workshop Campaign in the Fall/Winter of 2004. For a complete listing go to the Contributing Members forum and read the Cayenne item "Cayenne Quality-improvement Workshop Campaign, Fall/Winter 2004" pinned at the top of the forum. Your dealer should check your VIN against all of these outstanding WSA's and perform any that are needed - at no charge. Some of the items you describe are simple software updates to the PCM2 and DME.
  3. The top clips are on the vent. The parts list only shows the whole vent assembly.
  4. Should be clips at the top that engage above the vent and tabs on the side that engage in clip on the sides of the vent. Top clip Side tabs
  5. Have a look at Scouser's In-dash Spoiler Switch Mod in the DIY section here. He describes how he got power for illumination.
  6. There should be locking tabs on the back of the U shaped part that lock into clips in the vent and the sides.
  7. With or without headlight washers? 996 613 508 10 A05 Cap with symbol (no headlight washers) -- retail $3.47 996 613 507 10 A05 Cap with symbol (with headlight washers) -- retail $3.47
  8. That part number does not come up in the parts system. The early Boxster side skirts were 986 559 983 00 and 986 559 984 00 (left and right sides). Carrera side skirts all start with 996 559 983 xx and 996 559 984 xx. That may be the raw (pre coated) part number for a Boxster side skirt. Unless that is the basis for the RUF side skirt (they build on to that) it will not likely fit a Carrera.
  9. It was $7 when I bought one in 2000. I think Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) has them for around $20. Such a shame that Porsche has decided to gouge folks for this simple item.
  10. Have them check the swaybar to see if it is loose (fairly common). They should check the strut too - fairly rare but I have seen a couple loose or bad struts.
  11. IMHO - no. That weakness from earlier 911 designs was fixed starting with the 986 and 996 series cars. Remove your battery cover and you will see that you already have two strut braces. As a matter of fact these are the same strut braces used in Cup Cars.
  12. You can find Scouser's DIY here.
  13. Most of the signals come off the DME (engine computer). Unless your VW type 1 is "really new" I doubt it has those level of signals.
  14. Scouser, Any pics? Like before and after? (during if you have them too)
  15. The glass alone (996 542 512 02) retails for $132.36. I would expect at least a couple hours labor to install, align and test. Depending on your insurance deductible your comprehensive insurance should cover this.
  16. I have added the preliminary MY06 Order Guides for the Cayenne (V6), Cayenne S and Cayenne Turbo. Other models will be added as they become available.
  17. I have am "always open" PSE. I live in Morgan Hill.
  18. Sorry no, when PET says "Qty Model" "8" - that means 8 used on the car.
  19. Yes and Yes. US cars have amber lenses and white bulbs - RoW cars have clear lenses and amber bulbs. From a dealer expect to pay about $17 each for the RoW (clear) lenses. 997 631 033 01 Left side marker 997 631 034 01 Right side marker If you want a (US legal) yellow bulb then also get two 999 631 138 90 - about $1.84 each retail.
  20. Ok guys - everyone is welcome here as long as they follow our simple rules/guidelines. Keep it friendly and keep it on topic and we can all live with differences of opinion. Porsche has changed and/or deleted the no smoker kit at least a couple times. I tried the but the no smoker plug a few years ago and it did not fit in my stock socket. The dealer at that time said they could get the older non-smokers socket needed to fit the no smoker plug. At this point is is fairly easy to say that most dealers don't know the differences and likely are not sure what they have in stock. Sounds like a market opportunity for someone...
  21. Only optional shift knobs (leather/aluminum, carbon, etc.) have the set screw. The set screw is a hex bolt - you would need an allen wrench 5 or 6 mm.
  22. My list comes from the Porsche parts list for that item. There is a TSB for this kit but I have not received it yet.
  23. Well the Fabspeed kit has a very nice plug for the hole that is left when you remove the baffle -- I just can't see spending $200 for it. If you remove the screens and the baffle you will get a much better induction sound and I think faster revs. Just removing the screens and a free flowing air cleaner like a BMC or K&N will give you some noticeable improvement also (IMHO).
  24. Do you mean the Tequipment package "Drive Power 500 PS"? If so, the parts list is three pages long. Looks like larger air intake pipes (for the turbos), air ducts, tie rods, struts, brakes and a different suspension control unit.
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