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Everything posted by Loren

  1. There is a TSB for MY97 - MY00 Boxsters that states a P1128 and P1130 codes are potentially caused by an air leak in the oil filler hose. P1128 by itself is usually a faulty oil filler cap seal.
  2. Per the OBD II manual:
  3. Any dealer should be able to pull up service and recall records by the car's VIN. There was a problem on earlier cars that might be still occurring. Difficulty filling the fuel tank can occur if the flexible fuel hoses in the fuel tank obstruct the inner flap of the fuel filler neck. This was caused by hoses that were not tie-wrapped down and they would work their way up and cause the pressure problem. On a MY99 Boxster E6 should be a 7.5 A fuse for Terminal 30 Telephone/Handy Prep CU Navigation Orvr -- Options M614 / M618 M664. This fuse is the same for all model year Boxster's I looked at (through MY01).
  4. As I read the TSB there are two steps. One is shortening the antenna wire 100 mm. The other is removing the insulation on the last 130 mm of the wire.
  5. Has this always been a problem? There is a TSB for a Fuel Tank Hose Modification (dated 8-12-99) where: 1. Difficulty filling the fuel tank can occur if the flexible fuel hoses in the fuel tank obstruct the inner flap of the fuel filler neck. 2. Incorrect fuel gauge readings can also be caused by the flexible fuel hoses in the fuel tank, should they interfere with the travel of the fuel sending unit arm and/or float. Has this mod been done to your car?
  6. It appears to be very similar to the 996 system. The exception is that the control signal is taken from the DME rather that the speedometer. The install TSB does not say for sure but it would appear that the mufflers are very similar to the 996 PSE and default to always open.
  7. 2. The sway bars mount the same for RoW M030... and in some models are the same as US M030. If they change all you change are the mounting bushings and the sway bar.
  8. We have a place for posting mod pics - please use the "Garage".
  9. If the owners have the original documentation there should be an option list with many number codes. If they do not have it Porsche should be able tell you what options the car shipped with from the VIN - for a fee. RoW stands for "rest of the world". Porsche broke their major build categories into two groups (in the late 70's or early 80's as I recall). There are cars built for the US and Canada that have certain emissions, lighting, ride height specifications, etc. And, then their are RoW cars which have a different set of specifications. Also, some models were not sold in the US/Canada.
  10. Porsche's recommended wheels spacers are 5 mm front and 17 mm rear (max).
  11. That looks great jinijazz. How about a before and after pic? :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
  12. It's a 6mm hex wrench. Most of these on the Carrera are 5 and 6 mm.
  13. If you like a product - please feel free to add it and review it in the Reviews section.
  14. A factory slant nose for RoW cars should be option 506 (US cars was 505). See if the original option codes include option 506.
  15. Check your rear sway bar. It is fairly common for a mount to come loose.
  16. Ok, I think it is 900 219 007 02 screw plug M10 x 1 about $2.31 retail.
  17. 1. Yes (that is the correct number for a MY99-01), always use the latest Porsche recommends. 2. No, just be patient. The last one on each side will take as long as aa the others. Try a ball end allen wrench and a short wobbler extension is handy for the plug angle too. 3. They should be okay until you can change the rest. I'll let one of the doctors here answer the last question... ;)
  18. This is kind of hard to find... did it have a sealing ring (washer) on it too?
  19. You can find (and download) a generic PCM2 manual in our manual section here.
  20. I use an bulb type anti freeze tester that shows you the freeze protection (in degrees) on one side and boil over protection on the other. Most good auto parts stores have these.
  21. My coolant is 6 years old next month. It is neither dirty or broken down. I test it at least once a year and it has not lost any of it's cooling properties. Unless you have a leak or somehow dilute the mixture too much with water I see no reason to change it.
  22. On a Carrera this is not an easy task. You must remove all the cars underbody panels and disconnect several hoses to completely drain the coolant. To refill, Porsche highly recommends uses a vacuum pull method. This method of drawing coolant in minimizes the chances of trapping air in the system (a real problem in this design). If you don't use the vacuum method you will have air trapped in the system that could take weeks to bleed out. I've seen the vacuum method done it it works very well so I highly recommend it. Do a search here for coolant type there have been many postings on the Porsche coolant and the OEM company that makes it for Porsche.
  23. Loren, is there a difference between the 996 and 997 sport exhaust muffler? Yes.
  24. The Porsche TSB is 4 pages of how to fix it. It requires new parts and the drivers side parts are different from the passenger side parts. You can view the TSB by becoming a Contributing Member (a minimum $25 donation) or you can take the care to a shop and have them perform the procedure.
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