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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Just the standard ISO software and cable. Turns out all three of my cars use ISO.
  2. Option code 447??? Is a spare now an available option for 06? I asked my salesman here in Canada a few weeks ago if there was a spare tire option for 06 and he said no. Can you give more info on this option 447? Is this a Boxster option? How much $$$ for this option? Thanks for your insight. Jim The option does not show in the price guide but DOES show in the Porsche (US/Canada) parts list. Both the 997 and 987 show this option which includes: the emergency wheel, a retaining belt, a boot (to cover the wheel) and a compressor to pump the tire up. I do not know the price for the option - the wheel alone is about $600 US.
  3. See my reply here. Please do not double post your questions.
  4. The emergency wheel for the 987 is option code 447 and has the same (03) part number. The emergency wheel also needs a compressor to inflate the tire. I doubt Porsche would have created a new part if the old one could be used. The 01 emergency wheel was used in the early model C4 and early C4S. You would have to test it to see if it would fit - both in the trunk and wheel offset. As of MY04 the C4S also uses the 03 wheel.
  5. According to the parts list either will work. The 03 part is a newer design and according to the US retail price list $14 cheaper.
  6. I think you will need one with a screw on hose fitting for MY02 and newer Tips. Otherwise the ATF will squirt out.
  7. 999 507 687 05 Fixing Clip (retail $0.77 each).
  8. Since you are a Contributing Member you can see the all the part numbers and install in TSB 3/00 6315 Installing Cup Aerokit (dated 7-21-00).
  9. You can readout the error code with a PST2 or PIWIS tester. Chances are it is a bad microswitch on the front trunk (a known problem which there is a TSB for), or oddments tray microswitch or the rear trunk microswitch.
  10. Could be a bad sender if it doesn't go out after starting (cold).
  11. Have a look here.
  12. The Davis CarChip is a recording device. You plug it into the OBD II port - drive around then remove it and download the info via USB to a computer. More info here.
  13. Well, if you have a laptop computer I like Car-Code as it can give real time and recorded plots of MAF, O2 sensors, coolant temp, RPM, etc., etc. At $120 for the software and cable I have found it hard to beat. I have a Davis CarChip EX that I am reviewing now. So far it looks like a good recorder (of up to three monitoring systems) but pretty limited as a diagnostic tool.
  14. It's covered in TSB 5/03 6658 Aerokit "Cup II" Installation Instructions (dated 5-23-03). Did you get the kit with wiring harness, and other parts or just the wing?
  15. Without the switch the PSE will be always on. No problem as long as you stay under 4000 RPM in quiet zones.
  16. A6 should be CAN high and A14 should be CAN low. A5 is electronics ground.
  17. On GT3 rotors the cooling vanes (inside the rotor) face opposite directions. It is possible on a GT3 rotor to put them on the wrong side - creating little or no air flow through the rotor. If the Brembo's are all the same then it likely does not matter. I would check and see if they are marked L and R or if between two they have different part numbers (front and front and rear and rear).
  18. There is no self-leveling for retrofit Litronics.
  19. 7.5 ft-lbs (10 Nm). If the Brembo J slots are like the stock GT3 rotors then make sure you put them on the side or brake cooling will be non existent.
  20. Have a look here.
  21. Yes, bleeding the clutch on a GT3 is the same. I think the slave cylinder bore is just a little larger on the GT3 - but it functions the same.
  22. After the receipt page you should have been taken to a (simple) page to download. You also should have received a confirmation email and an email with the download link to your PayPal email account (2 emails). That is how it worked for me...
  23. I purchased and downloaded a copy of the 996 manual from www.workshopmanuals.co.uk. I compared them against my factory paper version (which includes all of the current supplements). The downloaded manual appears to be a 1999-2000 vintage and the newest supplement (that I could find) it has is 39 (current supplements in my manual are 95). That means that the manual is only current through early MY2000. The wiring diagrams confirm that also as they only go through 1999. I did not have any problems opening the PDF files but every file I opened did complain of a missing index - which means you can not search across all the files with Acrobat's search function. The quality of the scanned pages is okay at best. Some images are a bit fuzzy and broken up (see below). Oddly enough they also threw into the General section the Service Information Technik Books from MY2002. Since the quality is poor, it does not cover C4S, Targa, or GT3 mk2, and this version does not have the additional supplements I can't recommend it. Even for only $20 much of the information is outdated.
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