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Everything posted by Loren

  1. I think you are referring to the door airbags - and he wants the passenger airbag.
  2. Ready for some bad news? Official Porsche Tech Website $110 per section or $5,200/year
  3. Announcement for New Members and Guests
  4. This will vary depending on the model year. For instance, my 1999 Carrera says to use 15W-50 Mobil 1. There is an official "Approved Oils" TSB from Porsche (that is updated every year) that states Mobil 1 approved oil is 0W-40. That TSB also has 8 pages of approved oils from many companies. Contributing Member can view that TSB (as well as others) here online.
  5. 955 044 900 04 CDC-4 Refrofit Kit for cars without Bose system - retail $881.01 955 044 900 12 CDC-4 Refrofit Kit for cars with Bose system - retail $881.01
  6. Folks... we have a public Reviews section here. If you like a product why not write a short review? Any member can write a review. Thanks!
  7. The part numbers are in the printout I gave you above. I do not know the difference. If you are lucky perhaps a dealer will have both in stock and allow you to compare them.
  8. The printout I gave you above is from the RoW parts list which usually includes all parts used worldwide. I could print it is German if you prefer ;) BTW... the model year 02 (and newer) control is a different part number.
  9. Loose sway bar. Needs to be retightened.
  10. Thanks Loren Can the three plastic rivets that hold the wheel well liner be re used Yes, I have many times. Just be patient when you remove them and don't tear them up. I keep a few spares just in case though.
  11. Looks like the trim piece is either: 996 545 521 04 sealing frame - retail $53.37 or 996 545 545 01 trim frame (to MY01) - retail $62.23 There is not a specific instruction for that piece. From what the manual shows you will need to release and remove the sliding portion of the panel.
  12. 997 653 111 09 FMH Control Part volcano grey/black mat - retail estimate $571.40
  13. Two options: with or without heated seats controls
  14. The cover that surrounds the A/C controls (and seat heater switches) appears (in the parts list) to be all one piece - which would mean you would need to replace the control part. Is that what you mean?
  15. 01C is satin black - the only color it comes in. Satin black is usually a non-shiny plastic finish. My invoice said List Price $43.27 but I paid $26 as I recall. I agree it still pretty pricey for a plastic shelf.
  16. Bumper removal is very easy and is covered here in the 3rd radiator DIY. You can find it here.
  17. 997 505 525 00 01C Cover (left) in satin black - retail $9.22
  18. 996 552 253 01 01C Shelf - retail $34.97
  19. Here is a copy of the parts list - I don't see a version for older and newer cars. ac_control_parts.pdf
  20. Yes, once correctly installed the dealer needs to "turn on" the MOST fiber optic connection with his PST2 (or PIWIS) tester.
  21. I sent him the parts lists - I do not know if it is possible. It looks like a lot of work (more than 8 hours worth).
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