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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Pinned in the DIY Forum here.
  2. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=5579
  3. We have now (finally) added the GT3 Owners Manual. This version is from MY04 (mk2) GT3.
  4. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=50
  5. That is the only pic/part number list I know of. The Porsche parts catalog has drawings and they are quite small at that.
  6. The Porsche (in car) short shifter and the B&M short shifter are the same shifter. B&M is painted blue and the Porsche is painted black - which you don't see anyway. I think Tool Pants posted a side by side photo somewhere here...
  7. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=5611
  8. The preliminary MY06 Order Guides for the Cayenne (V6), Cayenne S and Cayenne Turbo have been updated to FINAL versions. Other models will be added as they become available.
  9. They are using the Targa blind switch - see below:
  10. 997 044 900 80 PCM 2.1 Retrofit Kit for Europe - I show a US retail price of $2601.63 so your country price will vary. The supplying OPC should give you the installation TSB (Technical Service Bulletin) - if they don't then buy it somewhere else.
  11. Try the folks at Sunset Imports (see Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost at the top menu). If you car is a non-turbo 1987 911 then you will need 911 355 011 12 Master cylinder - retail $239.20. I'm sure Sunset Imports has a much better price...
  12. Looks to me like there was a major software revision and that you may not be able to upgrade. If it can be be upgraded then I am sure it can only be done with a dealer PIWIS tester.
  13. XAA - Factory installed Aerokit Cup XRB - 18" Sport Classic 2 Wheels 236 - 18" Tires 376 - Sportseat backrest shell 696 - CD-Radio, Porsche CDR-220
  14. From a June 22nd, 2005 Sales Bulletin:
  15. Scouser... is the bucket part of an elaborate alarm system? :lol: :lol: :lol:
  16. Yes, that is the default setting on your MY car if the OBC has been enables. Otherwise that display would be blank.
  17. XE8 - Gear lever in dark burl walnutr with aluminum inlay XE9 - Handbrake in dark burl walnutr with aluminum inlay 502 - Made in Finland 537 - Seating positon control - comfort seats - left 584 - Storage box behind seats 981 - Leather equipment without seat covers 983 - Seat covers in leather - front
  18. 2004 C4S Cab - North America version C02 - Equipped with catalytic converter XCZ - Switch travel shortening XNR - Central air vent in carbon XNX - Trim strip in carbon XP4 - ??? XSC - Porsche crest embossed in headrest XJ4 - Ignition lock surround in leather X47 - ??? X54 - Stainless Steel Exhaust Pipes X58 - ??? 265 - Automatic anti-dazzle mirror with rain sensor 266 - Automatic anti-dazzle exterior mirror 288 - Headlight washers 342 - Seat heating left/right 375 - Sport seat backrests 09991 - Manufacture from the exclusive-programme
  19. No, I don't but almost everything is T15, T20 or T30. I think T30 is way too big so they are likely T15 or T20. I think Sears sells a nice small set of Torx with screwdriver handles.
  20. Yes, the emergency pull cord for the front hood is behind the right front wheel well. Most shops and dealers know how to get to it. The fuel lid will not open for the same reason - it is electric. The fuel door is locked (and alarmed) when your car is locked.
  21. The stock two-tone horn is on it's own 25A circuit so you could always bump the fuse up a little.
  22. Becker North America Phone mute/Aux audio-in/Tel audio-in/Radio Removal keys in one kit is, BNA-116.276 ($16.40) To order call (888) 423-3537 x1209
  23. Use a charger that works through the lighter and that will likely have enough power to open the front trunk. Later model cars have a similar jumper point on the fuse panel (in the drivers footwell). If all else fails you can use the emergency manual release behind the passenger side headlight. Do a search here if you have trouble finding the emergency release cable.
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