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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Yup, exactly.
  2. 15 kg/h + or - 1.25 nominal
  3. Is that the only code? or are there more? What are the O2 sensors voltages and do they vary or are they always the same? See the graphs below... TWC - OK TWC - NOT OK
  4. Correct, those codes do not indicate you have a bad O2 sensor. As 1999Porsche911 said you are running too rich. If you have cleaned the MAF and are sure it is okay then check the EVAP canister for leaks, or cracks or an open purge valve.
  5. I think OxygenSensors.com has OEM sensors. They are about $100 each there. If you don't have a large (19 mm I think) open end/box combo wrench then you might want to buy one of the special slotted sockets they sell too. There are 4 O2 sensors. Two on each cat. One before the cat and one after. Are they suggesting you replace all 4? That seems very odd since even with sensor aging it is usually only one or two that need replacing. Here are some general precautions with O2 sensors:
  6. I get my P21S Gel Wheel Cleaner here.
  7. Normal. You need to drive the car after washing (carefully) to dry the brakes. I like P21S gel wheel cleaner as it "sticks" to the wheels and does not harm the clearcoat. Changing wheel cleaner will not affect the rust issue - you still need to drive the car to dry the brakes.
  8. EVO makes that. I had one for about two months (long story - but I sent it back). That might work but the intake air will still be warm.
  9. have you tried using Search here? ;) It's been covered many times...
  10. http://www.renntech.org/reviewpost/showpro...7&cat=31&page=1
  11. I don't see any way, it's a different engine, intake, MAF, etc.
  12. Well, naturally Porsche has lots of special tools (to sell dealers). They have tools to hold the engine while you remove the transmission etc., etc. It can be done with the right general engine and transmission lifts if you are careful. Drop by a dealer or local shop and ask them if you can watch them sometime - you don't need to tell them why. ;)
  13. Well it's not like the old VW beetle days or even a 914 - I could drop one of those in 15 minutes. You need to support the engine and remove the transmission first. Then the engine. Obviously you need to disconnect the battery and all of the electronics, fuels lines, the AC lines, power steering, and coolant hoses. Not an easy job for the inexperienced - likely 2-3 hours your first time (IMHO).
  14. Likely more than you want to know... :lol:
  15. Try a different testing station - Porsches OBD II port is the same as all others. My tester has worked on everyone I have tried. Have you had the Porsche gas cap recall done? They should have replaced your gas cap for free. If yes, then look at the o-ring on the cap if it is dry then put a small amount of silicone grease on it. If it is damaged then replace the o-ring (191 201 557 - retails for $0.66).
  16. Hi PTEC, I also belong to the legions of pre-00 Boxster owners with the airbag light problem. Local repair shop cleared it once but it reappeared after only 3 days. They are willing to fix it again, I just don't like the wait period to get into the shop. Appreciate if you could also send me the instructions you have. The instructions to fix the seat belt buckles are in a TSB. Contributing Members here can read ALL of the TSBs... hint hint ;) ;)
  17. Hello PTEC, I have the same problem and I also would like the directions to fix this little problem.......thanks in advanced Aaron The instructions to fix the seat belt buckles are in a TSB. Contributing Members here can read ALL of the TSBs... hint hint ;) ;)
  18. Have you tried cleaning it? Sometimes that works. 996 606 160 01 Idle-speed adjuster (retail - $366.28) It should come with a new gasket. Remove the module from the throttle body by disconnection the electrical connection and then removing the two (5 mm as I recall) screws. Be sure to use some carburetor cleaner (lacquer thinner) to clean the throttle body and mating surfaces - then reinstall. Keep the carb clean off of any painted surfaces as it will take paint off.
  19. Leather or vinyl or plastic or painted? or all of the above? ;)
  20. MSRP on the exchange compressor unit (996 126 011 BX) is $925.72 -- perhaps a little gouging there.
  21. Same as the Carrera. See the DIY here.
  22. We added the following new/superseded TSBs today: Boxster (986) 14/01 9110 Coding New PCM Control Module Apr 26, 2005 Boxster (997) 0511 9112 Overheating Fault In PCM Display Jun 22, 2005 5/05 9138 Mast Antenna Installation Instructions (I No. 461) May 31, 2005 1/04 9110 PCM2.1 & BOSE Amplifier Spare Parts Requirements Apr 26, 2005 2/05 1701 Engine Oils Approved by Porsche Mar 31, 2005 1/05 3435 Manual Transmission Repairs Mar 16, 2005 1/05 2706 Charging Battery While Vehicle Is In Shop and During Diagnosis With PIWIS Mar 15, 2005 2/05 3735 Tiptronic Transmission Repairs Mar 15, 2005 Carrera (996) 14/01 9110 Coding New PCM Control Module Apr 26, 2005 Carrera (997) 0511 9112 Overheating Fault In PCM Display Jun 22, 2005 5/05 9138 Roof Antenna (I No. 461) May 24, 2005 7/04 9110 PCM2.1 & BOSE Amplifier Spare Parts Requirements Apr 26, 2005 1/05 6658 Aerokit Installation Instructions Apr 25, 2005 2/05 2601 Sport Exhaust System Installation Instructions (I No. XLF) Feb 24, 2005 9/04 9112 Navigation Module For PCM 2.1 Installation Instructions Jan 10, 2005 Cayenne 0512 9112 Overheating Fault In PCM Display Jun 22, 2005 26/04 9110 PCM2.1 & BOSE Amplifier Spare Parts Requirements Apr 26, 2005 D19 Roof Transport System For Models with Panorama Roof Jan 28, 2005 Literature 0502 Damage to Audio Equipment Mar 4, 2005 Only Contributing Members can view TSBs online.
  23. No, the Targa switch is only in mat black because the Targa did not come to market until MY02 - when all the switches changed to mat black.
  24. Loren, can you tell me if the seat belt wiring has anything to do with my roll over bar light going on? I was driving along tonight and for some odd reason the light just popped on. Help? Raymond The overturn sensor and overturn light control comes from the convertible top controller and is not related to the seat belts.
  25. Model year of car(s) and model of radio please...
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