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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Can you tell me which item number on the diagram?
  2. You realize those are just supplements not whole manuals - right? Try ordering them from Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost). That is where I get mine. Be patient most are special orders from Germany - so it may take a few weeks.
  3. Porsche now uses a special silicone spray - DuPont Krytox. 999 917 557 00 Krytox lubricant
  4. When the check engine light flashes that means that you have a problem serious enough to damage the catalytic converter and the car should not be driven. Changing the coils is very simple. See the Spark Plug DIY here. All you need to do is remove the rear wheels, remove the heat shield and then remove and replace the coils on each of the bad cylinders. Likely one hour to do it your self. The part number for the coils is: 996 602 104 00
  5. They are the same width. See the spec comparison below: 997_vs_997S.pdf
  6. 74 mm with 14 flats Same wrench is used on Boxster, Carrera, GT3, TT, and Cayenne (not to mention most late model Mercedes).
  7. Carrera (not GT3 or TT) Brake disc thickness, new front 28 mm rear 24 mm Minimum brake disc thickness after machining (1) front 26.6 mm (1) rear 22.6 mm (1) (1) The brake disc must only be reworked symmetrically, i.e. from both sides evenly. Brake disc wear limit front 26.0 mm rear 22.0 mm
  8. Well, since you have a trust relationship with the service manager I think it makes sense to wait for him. I would also ask for an itemized quote up front. Usually in a case where the clutch is "worn out" you would replace the clutch disc, the pressure plate (if it showed signs of scoring, or weak or broken springs), and perhaps the throw out bearing. In a few rare cases the flywheel could be damaged too. If the clutch is just covered in oil (as in a bad RMS leak) you would likely replace the clutch disc and clean and inspect the other parts. Since it is a lot of work to remove the transmission it is wise to replace any questionable parts (IMHO).
  9. ...and you did get longer wheel bolts right?
  10. Same as a 996.
  11. The seat belt signal goes to the instrument cluster and the airbag control. Since the seat belt signal is used by the airbag circuitry too so I doubt you want to mess with that. The rest of the circuitry is internal to the cluster. Still, I'm pretty sure my goes off after a few beeps too.
  12. Loren- I just ordered spacers/bolts for the rear is there a reason to add them to the front also ? Porsche recommends it and it will not hurt anything. It will just make your track 5 mm wider.
  13. If it is the artic silver as the last 5 or 6 years then it is 92U. Did you see the Carrera External Paint Colors here?
  14. If it is a C2 then it could be the idle speed valve is carbon'ed up and stuck. I would clean both before replacing any parts. Also, get the fault code.
  15. The month and year of manufacture is on the sticker on the drivers door.
  16. There have been 3 tanks for the MY99-00 Carrera's 996 106 147 54 996 106 147 55 996 106 147 56 (this is the newest one) For MY01-02 Carrera's there has been another 2 tanks: 996 106 157 01 996 106 157 02 (this being the newest) For MY03- there has only been 1 tank (so far): 996 106 157 03 There is no guarantee that it won't happen again - but most dealers give a 1 -2 year warranty on their work. Oh... and make sure your cap (for the tank) is the newer one - it should be 996 106 447 01. The 00 version is known to leak too.
  17. It is the same as on a Carrera except for the amount of oil (see the table at end of the DIY). You can find it here
  18. Does your car have AC? The sensor is standard on all cars with AC. If you have the plug then maybe someone had a fender bender and didn't replace it.
  19. Turbo or normal 996?
  20. Make sure you get the kit with the longer bolts (000 044 500 09).
  21. Hmm... any signs of chatter or slipping before the work? How many miles on the current clutch?
  22. No, Turbo has a completely different engine and exhaust. What would you do with the turbos anyway? ;)
  23. Coupe and Targa get the same rear bottom seats - Cabs get a different one. Coupe/Targa Cabriolet
  24. Probably won't be cheap... I sent you a PM.
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