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Everything posted by Loren

  1. When you pull on the emergency cable can you feel it put the latch back? I don't understand how the primary release and the emergency release would both fail - unless it were jammed. Have you tried (gently) pushing down while you work the release(s)? I seem to remember Tool Pants or a tech tell about an emergency cable that would not work and they had to fish in there with a snake like grabber to pull the latch - as I recall they said it took hours.
  2. The copy of the parts list I have shows 3 self tapping screws (per side) for the armrest. If that is what you mean they are 4.8 x 16. 900 143 046 02 self tapping screw and retail for $0.29 each.
  3. That is a removal pic - he has already disconnected it from the pump.
  4. Well, you might try pressing down on the front bumper cover it will give a small amount. Perhaps then if the latch is releasing you could slide a thin piece of plastic under the red lever and move it to release the secondary latch. Did someone slap the trunk perhaps damaging the latch or moving it down in it's adjustment?
  5. Does it move at all?
  6. From an August 26, 2005 sales memo...
  7. You don't need to be PCGB club member to access the site - you just have to register (like here). I can see the message fine.
  8. Yes, custom for every car. The schematics always show a fully configured car - which very few are. Porsche simple does not put in wires for options that were not ordered (i.e. PSE, Xenon, etc.). Probably save them a few dollars in costs - but costs them in the retrofit market.
  9. Anti-drive-off featue and central locking.
  10. What Tool Pants is talking about...
  11. It is used for meeting emissions regulations at start-up/warmup. It usually sounds like an electric vacuum cleaner (to me) and can be heard immediately at startup until the engine has warmed to a level that it can control emissions.
  12. The Product Reviews section has been upgraded. Here are a few of the new features included: New Code - faster, leaner and better integrated with new security features. Category Subscriptions - you can now be notified of new review additions on a category by category basis. Of course, you can still get product by product email notifications too. Enhanced My Profile page - to show stats and manage Notifications. Quick Reply box - so you can easily add a quick product review (similar to the Quick Reply box on the forums). 3 new image fields per product - for a total of 6 images allowed per product.
  13. How far do you want to go? Check out the Monster Boxster
  14. Sounds like the car does not have enough "drive cycles" since a fault correction.
  15. The new RMS seal is for Boxster (986 and 987), Carrera (996 and 997). I haven't seen a new tool yet but the new seal is: 997 101 212 00 More info as I get it.
  16. 996 605 104 00 Air Pump - retail $614.52 Try our friends at Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) for a better price.
  17. I talked to a couple different folks about this and they both gave me the same answer. It looks like it would be a real pain because the factory TPMS uses the CAN network bus. So the wiring would not be in your car if you didn't order it. There are at least a couple aftermarket systems that are very good - albeit you have to mount the display somewhere.
  18. There should be a jumper on relay position 28 (bottom row last relay on the right). I'm pretty sure this is just a circuit ground - since 99% of the brown wires in the car are grounds. Just the ground for the LED in the switch.
  19. Many times the number written on a part are production subassembly part numbers. Then they get a real (orderable) part number when the assembly is complete. Try asking the user what model and model year the parts came from. And, whether it is all leather or leatherette.
  20. He is asking about a CDR-23 which is a fiber optic driven system (MOST). It is not the same as the earlier "wired" sound systems.
  21. Nope, 996 555 321 01 comes up as "not valid" too. What model year car and type?
  22. Well, some dealers do alignment but I suggest a third party shop that specializes in sports car alignment. You didn't fill in your location so if you want recommendations that would help. Also, you could ask around and see who aligns the race cars in your area - most of the shops that do that kind of work have the machines and quality you are looking for.
  23. Maybe the emissions air pump?
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