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Everything posted by Loren

  1. My older TSBs are filed by the year they were published. Do you know what year 9613 was published?
  2. Just to set the record straight... I was not banned from PPBB (to my knowledge) I simply stopped going there. Mainly because the admins there deleted (what I deemed as helpful) messages. After a series of email exchanges the admins there still could not tell why my messages were deleted - they were not commercial, not did I post links to other sites, nor did I flame anyone or any business. After they did the same to several other friends - I simply stopped going there. No animosity - I just don't need that.
  3. Not yet... it just showed up in the dealers distribution memo today.
  4. Don't foget the vent line...
  5. Orange cover is on the positive side.
  6. ^^^ Regional Concours winner! It really is that clean (and shiny).
  7. I don't know how many miles on your car but unless it is new I would replace the gaskets. I would also replace the nuts as I think they are self crimping - so once they've been taken off and put back on they can loosen. The gaskets retail for about $25 each and the nuts are $3 each. Also, as I recall a local guy did this and one or more of the studs (through the turbo and the muffler) snapped off - with all the heat down there I don't think that is too rare. So, you might want to be ready for that occurrence. It would likely make it a bit easier with the bumper off... I think it all depends on your wrench (spanner?) assortment. Good Luck!
  8. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=1512
  9. Shaft seal (listed) is the RMS seal - that is not the latest part number though. The latest part number for the RMS seal is 997 101 212 00. Their CEL fix sounds like a shotgun approach ($$$). It most likely is the MAF and the idle speed valve likely just needs cleaning (IMHO).
  10. The pic below is from the current (latest) parts list. The difference between 5 and 6 is one heat range. As you can see for MY02 and newer it's: FGR 5KQE0
  11. I pulled the CD holder out and can see an "unattached" wire connector with 4 wires. I guess this could be for many connections? Have a look at this thread.
  12. We have updated the MY06 Carrera S order guide for both US and Canada. We have also added the MY06 911 Club Coupe for the US. Added on August 31, 2005: MY06 Carrera 4 Coupe/Cabriolet for US and Canada and MY06 Carrera 4S Coupe/Cabriolet for US and Canada.
  13. On your cars option list which telephone prep do you have? M193/553 or M618?
  14. 996 552 335 02 01C Console trim for 2 switches (satin black) - retail $6.82
  15. Again, what color? what trim? They come in black plastic, or several leather trims - each is a different part number.
  16. There is also a DIY here.
  17. Yup... the photographs courtesy of Greg Heumann were taken on a TT.
  18. We have just added some MY06 Owners Manuals. They are: Boxster, Boxster S (987) Carrera, Carrera S, Carrera 4, Carrera 4S (997) Cayenne (V6), Cayenne S Cayenne Turbo Special thank you to Viken!
  19. For what model year and what trim? (There are 12 in the parts list).
  20. Solid is better (as if any CEL is good). Flashing means you should not drive car as there is potential damage to the three way catalytic converter. Solid means you have fault code of something that needs correcting or possibly will correct on it's own (after a number of drive cycles).
  21. Are you sure that you didn't knock a vacuum hose loose or forget to tighten a clamp? (around the tank)
  22. ... or perhaps your 3rd stop light does have a problem?
  23. :lol: Everything is kept in the database by member number (i.e. posts, cars in the garage, messages, polls, preferences, message subscription, etc., etc.) - so it would be a real pain to try and trade numbers.
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