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Everything posted by Loren

  1. According to my (very old 964 manual) that should be the DME. I would make sure that connections are not corroded and that the ground is clean also.
  2. Back in late 2001 Porsche had some problems with TT's not starting due to fouled/wet spark plugs. At that time they raised the heat range on the spark plugs from 5 to 6. The higher hear range plugs should be in your car (Beru 14 FR 6 LDU).
  3. It is not supposed to. The manual control works when the lights are. That is normal. That is the correct function. Take it to a shop that has a PST2 (like in my photos above) and have them check the sensor. I still think it is the sensor and I think the only fix is a new cluster. We are beating a dead horse here...
  4. Probably not - no bulb no drain. About the only home remedy I can think of is pull one fuse at a time and try to find the circuit with the drain that way.
  5. Try taking the bulb out and see if that helps with the power drain - if so, then it is the microswitch.
  6. Yes. If the illumination control works with the lights on (as you said above) then it really has to be the sensor.
  7. The microswitch is in the front latch mechanism. A couple folks have covered the latch replacement here already. The switch is 996 613 206 00 - retails for $61.47. That's an obscene price - talk to the folks at Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts ar Dealer Cost) - I'm sure they can do better.
  8. Yes. These readings were taken with the lights off and the display lit.
  9. When you set the alarm do you hear a chirp? Another likely cause is the light in the front trunk... actually the microswitch that turns it off. Try taking the bulb out and see if that helps - if so, then it is the microswitch.
  10. Yes, they remove numbers from PET. I think it is generally when existing stock is gone.
  11. Could be they discontinued that number and it is not longer available. If you wanted new ones I'm sure you would need to order the 996... number (with the color code).
  12. Well it sure looks like a bad sensor... Here are (good) readings on my car. First with ambient light in my garage And, then with a small flashlight pointed at the sensor
  13. The individual button (4 in the diagram) can be used to dim the instrument and switch brightness by hand when the vehicle lighting is switched on. If that does not work it could be your sensor. The only test I am aware of for the sensor requires a PST2 (or PIWIS) tester - then if the sensor is bad you have to replace the whole cluster.
  14. 986.561.607.00 (LH) and 986.561.608.00 (RH) don't come up anywhere in my list. 986 561 307 00 A09(LH) and 986 561 608 00 A09 (RH) were the hinges for the Boxster.
  15. A MY01 Boxster cluster is the newer type and quite different from the pre MY01 cars - apples and oranges. Here is the cluster arrangement for a MY99 Boxster (from the service manual): Item 10 - Q is the check engine light (CEL) - it will light up solid if there is an emissions fault. If there is an emissions fault that could damage the catalytic convertors then it will flash. The car should not be driven if the CEL is flashing. There is no "CAT" light.
  16. You will need a resistor between the two wires... I think someone told me 100 ohms.
  17. Most common problems are a loose or disconnected cable in the back of the unit. Has the unit been out or moved lately?
  18. All are Porsche parts so theoretically you could order them all individually. I suspect that would be a higher cost than Gert's price (in USD). Carnewal.com is very good at putting these packages together and standing behind them. Items I have order from them have arrived at my doorstep in 2-3 days - every time.
  19. Try the process here.
  20. Here is what someone sent me (quite a while ago). I haven't tried everything but most of it seems correct.
  21. I sent it to you in a PM...
  22. Contributing Members can view TSBs online as well as a Contributors Only Forum, they can send attachments with PMs, image storage limits are raised for all Contributing Members, RennTech.org email addresses are available and now a personal Blog. Contributions help defer the cost of running this site and providing this information to you. No one has to contribute but many members do. Without contributions this site would either have to go subscription or cease to exist. You can donate here.
  23. Go to Carnewal.com click on Exterior then on P55 Turbo Front Bumper Package.
  24. I think it is held on with metal U-clips. Just pull them off, and put the new chin spoiler on and push them back on.
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