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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Fuel is usually black smoke. First, I would look for any oil leaking at the bottom of the engine. Also check the coolant level as coolant in the oil will also give white-ish smoke. Any oil consumption? How many miles?
  2. It is really helpful if you list: · Model year · Body Style (i.e. C2 Coupe, C4 Cab, C4S Cab, etc.) · Transmission type (i.e. 6 speed or Tiptronic) · Interior color (when relevant) · Country specific information (LHD, RHD, RoW, US, Canada) or is this a TT?
  3. It sounds like a bad CD drive to me. The good news is it should be covered under warranty.
  4. Is there a CD (DVD) in the drive? If so, does it make the noise without it?
  5. The code will likely clear itself in a few more "drive cycles". If it doesn't hen you can have read and cleared at Autozone or any shop with an OBD II scan tool.
  6. Welcome! Did you know we have a wonder search function on this site? Here is what I got when I did a search for airbag cover. Passenger Airbag cover squeaks
  7. That was the last PCM 1 CD/Computer produced so I would assume it is 16 bit.
  8. 996 106 447 01 Cap - retail $17.05 (as of Sept 2005)
  9. 996 642 122 12 EWD COMPUTER-NAV UNIT - retail US$1553.66 (as of Sept 2005)
  10. 996 610 117 00 Support - retail $1.59 (as of Sept 2005) 900 377 010 09 Nut M6 - retail $0.21 (as of Sept 2005) BTW... I really think you want to find that nut - the last thing you want in a fuse panel is a metal nut bouncing around. ;)
  11. Can you identify which items numbers?
  12. Yes, the RMS (Rear Main Seal) is the flywheel side crankshaft seal.
  13. It most cases (I've seen) the plugs were properly gapped from the dealer. That is of course if you don't any of them. ;) I would rate this job as a 4 or 5. Not too difficult with the right tools - impossible without the right tools. I've read some folks have taken the muffler off to get top the plugs furthest back on each side - but with the right ratchet and extension(s) that is a lot of unnecessary work (IMHO). Expect 1-3 hours your first time.
  14. I see the roof console bulb change on page 232 of the owners manual.
  15. I got a reply back from Rich Calnan at xenonmods.com. He says both shipped but he will look into them for you. Please email him directly about your missing order(s) -rjcalnan@xenonmods.com.
  16. Sorry, I haven't tried that on a 997 yet. The service manual (as expected) does not have that part yet. I think your best bet is to follow the bulb change instructions in the owners manual and then look to get the cover off. Then perhaps you can see how the rest is removed.
  17. The radiators are the same parts. It looks like a bunch of hoses, radiator mounting brackets, and air ducts. If you want the full parts listing PM me.
  18. The Cayman S order guides for both US and Canada were updated today. September 16, 2005 Carrera 2 order guides for both US and Canada were updated.
  19. Only Contributing Members can view TSBs...
  20. That looks a lot like the Porsche one but without the control box. I'll send you a PM.
  21. The Porsche hitch is somewhat integrated (from what I can tell) and does not reduce ground clearance at all. It also become part of the chassis diagnostic (a controller is added) so it can have fault codes and report them. There is an 8 page TSB that details its 3 hour installation.
  22. If your car has PSM then the ABS return pump is controlled through the PSM controller and the relays (pump and valves) are inside. If you have a non PSM car then the relays are inside the ABS controller. If you want the diagram let me know which one (with or without PSM).
  23. The only way I know to do it is with a PST2 or PIWIS tester. It is one of the items in the ABS control section. Sorry the pic is a little fuzzy - but you get the idea.
  24. The GT3 is covered in the Carrera Workshop manual WKD-483-721.
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