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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Those would be mix of Boxster (986) Carrera II wheels (rear) and Carrera front 5 spoke wheels. The Carrera has never had 18 x 9" rear wheels.
  2. Start by checking fuse D7. That would be fourth row down and seventh fuse from the left. Then the flasher relay in position 3.
  3. Yes, and I posted that information on August 24, 2005 ;) New RMS Seal And Test Tool
  4. Rich told me that if you two folks contacted him he would re-ship. So try another email or call him. As an aside - I just got a small package that was shipped (from the East coast) on Sept 8th. It arrived yesterday Sept 21st. That took the USPS 14 days to deliver!
  5. I think his car has a CDR-23...
  6. Don't you have a Turbo? If so, it is a different engine that doesn't seem to have that problem. Carrera's and Boxster's with the RMS leak (or Intermediate Shaft leak) drip oil from where the engine bolts to the transmission. Right in the center where they meet.
  7. We added the following new/superseded TSBs today: Boxster (987) - 7 new items Carrera (997) - 9 new items Cayenne - 7 new items Only Contributing Members can view TSBs online.
  8. Have your tried the mute wire on the telephone prep plug? http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=30114
  9. Is it item 3 in this image?
  10. Turn the AC off with the snowflake button then change the fan speed by pushing the + or - buttons. That should put the AC/Heater in manual mode. That works on my car.
  11. I posted an idea similar to ukchris' not too long ago and have recently decided to buy a CDC-4 and harness to see if it would work. I knew the audio came through the optical feed; are you absolutely sure the changer data bus runs through the same? Perhaps someone has a photo/diagram of the changer harness to help solve this. :) http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=578
  12. No, see below: GT2 996 116 015 88 Clutch plate 996 116 027 51 Pressure plate TT X50 996 116 013 52 Clutch plate 996 116 027 51 Pressure plate TT 996 116 013 51 Clutch plate 996 116 027 51 Pressure plate A lighter flywheel will give you faster reving but will make low speed starts a little more difficult.
  13. Is the part in this diagram? If so, which item?
  14. Go to the Alarm Section -->Coding-->Version coding Then choose based on: Version 1 - The doors are automatically locked as soon as the ignition is switched on. Version 2 - The doors are automatically locked if the vehicle exceeds a limit speed of 5 km/h. Version 3 - The doors are automatically locked as soon as the ignition is switched on. If the doors are opened while the engine is running, automatic re-locking takes place if the vehicle exceeds a limit speed of 5 km/h. Version 4 - The doors are not locked automatically. Note: Automatically locked doors can be opened by pressing the central locking button (central locking switch) or by pulling on the door handle twice.
  15. Cayman S order guides for both US and Canada were updated today.
  16. Some dealers write the bolt key number in your maintenance manual when the car is delivered. I have seen others write in on the options tag under the front hood. Don't worry if it is not there - all dealers have a kit (for service work) that has all the keys in it. So, worst case you take it to the dealer and they try keys until they find the right one - then you buy it.
  17. The Porsche install instructions are in the "Contributing Members only" section of the TSBs. Have a look at the "How to become a Contributing Member" announcment at the start of this forum for more information.
  18. Yeah, if you do a search here they were posted quite a while ago. Here are a couple... Also, I have but have not posted GT3, GT3 RS, Forty fast years (911), Targa, and early and late C4's. I didn't see C4S but it just may be in a different place. MY02-on Carrera coupe up to model year 2001
  19. Perhaps you could supply more details on your failure?
  20. Hello again, and thank you for your swift reply. I might be a bit slow here but I cant figure this out. How do I get the cover off to access this, where are the bolts, if any. Best regards Lars Any time you are working with the airbag there is danger involved - as they are detonation devices. You might want to reconsider having a qualified shop do this before tackling this. If you want to proceed (at your own risk) here are the instructions to remove the passenger airbag assembly: 1. Remove ignition key. 2. Disconnect the battery and cover terminal or battery. 3. Remove the air guide at the bottom right. 4. Undo the airbag unit from below and remove it rearward to the passenger's seat. 5. Disconnect the electrical plug connection. 6. Pullout the hinge pin on the airbag unit and remove the panel. When re-installing the torque on the two screws should not exceed 15 ft lb (20 Nm).
  21. 997 1. Find the middle of the lid. 2. Position logo Carrera with the dimensions A and C Carrera logo dimension 129.6 mm+/−1 mm and B Carrera logo dimension 45 mm−1 mm and stick on lid. 997S 1. Find the middle of the lid. 2. Position logo Carrera with the dimensions A Carrera S logo dimension 175.6 mm+/−1 mm and B Carrera S logo distance 45 mm−1 mm and stick on lid. 3. Position logo S with the dimensions C Carrera S logo dimension 175.6 mm+/−1 mm and D Carrera S logo distance 39 mm+/−1 mm and stick on rear lid. 9974S 1. Find the middle of the lid. 2. Position logo Carrera with the dimensions A Dimension: 175.6 mm +/-1 mm and B distance: 45 mm -1 mm and stick on lid. 3. Position logo 4 with the dimensions C Dimension: 19 mm +/-1 mm and D Dimension: 2 mm +/-1 mm and stick on rear lid. 4. Position logo S with the dimensions E Dimension: 190 mm +/-1 mm and F Dimension: 3 mm and stick on rear lid.
  22. Porsche recommends: Pirelli Winter W240 Snowsport N1 Pirelli Winter W240 Snowsport N3 Those are the only winter tires on their "approved" list.
  23. My post in that thread HAS the intructions from Porsche. Did you read what it says? "If the insulation strips are missing, loose, or have slipped out of position, apply new narrow felt tape strips." You likely need to replace the felt strips. 993 555 545 00 Narrow felt tape (15mm wide) - retail $1.50 (as of Sept 2005)
  24. It is just held on with clips so it should just pull off. As I recall there is a cable that attaches to the back so be careful of that when removing. Chances are the clips are loose or broken.
  25. From the service manual:
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