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Everything posted by Loren

  1. PIWIS - about 18,000 USD per year to lease.
  2. Contributing Members can view TSBs online as well as a Contributors Only Forum, they can send attachments with PMs, image storage limits are raised for all Contributing Members, RennTech.org email addresses are available and now a personal Blog.
  3. The fronts should be fine - as long as you go with a 235 or smaller tire. 245's will rub and some brands of 235 may rub slightly on a 9" front wheel. On the rear you will need large spacers or different wheels. The offset for the rear with a 10" and 285 tires should be 63 mm - so you are about 18 mm off. Other folks might have some input too...
  4. Oct. 8th - Looks like I'll be there with my PST2 and other stuff to help out. I haven't heard back from Jeff (Tool Pants) yet though. Once this gets confirmed please either post a map or give an address we can use for directions. Thanks!
  5. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...findpost&p=3513
  6. I just tried the article link and it works fine (over 200 downloads as of today). The article and pics are hosted here (by permission). You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader (free) to read the article.
  7. Just a vent line that goes nowhere. Nothing to worry about.
  8. Did you check the intermittent wiper relay (position 16)?
  9. I have the preliminary 997 service manual and the wiring diagrams are not in it yet - so I doubt the 987 wiring diagrams are out yet either. In the past they have usually come out 8-10 months after the first car ships. I'll keep my eyes open though...
  10. The last owners manual I ordered through Sunset Porsche (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) was $18.
  11. I don't know that it can be unlocked and then relocked... or perhaps reprogrammed and then locked? I guess you won't know until you try. If not, then you will need a new trigger unit..
  12. MY99 and MY00 were very close.
  13. Well, it helps if you have the right socket for the seat bolts (E12- external torx 12). It is also handy to have a second person help so you don't scratch anything.
  14. Too be safe - no key in the ignition and disconnect the battery (remember your radio code?). Make sure all electrical connections are securely made before hooking up the battery or putting the key in the ignition - or you will get an airbag light.
  15. Oddly enough the MY99 C2 DME schematic shows the OBD II connector and wiring yet the MY C4 (egas and DME 7.2) does not. The DME 7.2 OBD II wiring does not show up on a C2/C4 (egas) schematic until MY00. Most of the unused pins are not used at all.
  16. The only listing for an airbag fault 100 says to replace the triggering unit. Here is what the service manuals says about replacing the trigging unit:
  17. 996 106 250 55 Hose - retail $50.88 (as of Sept 2005) Be sure and ask the dealer for the appropriate screw-type hose clamps for this hose. There are 4 different clamps.
  18. Look under your car and follow the hose and look for two small connections on the hose. I think it is item 18 in the diagram above. If so you will need 4 new screw-type hose clamps.
  19. IMHO a good dealer will do it for free (it is not even a 5 minute job) the first time. And, then perhaps charge you if change it again.
  20. I sent you a PM. Contributing Members can view TSBs online as well as a Contributors Only Forum, they can send attachments with PMs, image storage limits are raised for all Contributing Members, RennTech.org email addresses are available and now a personal Blog.
  21. It is hard to tell from the pic... Do you think it is item 23 or 24?
  22. sales@wilhelmy-it.com
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