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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Does the drivers side (exterior) anti-dazzle mirror sensor work? They both trigger off the same sensor in the interior mirror.
  2. 996 504 603 00 Chassis Air Duct -- Retail $11.51 (as of Oct 2005)
  3. :welcome: The site has a wonderful search function. Here is what I got on the first try: http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=21380
  4. 996 123 983 71 Left turbocharger -- Retail $3022.65 (as of Oct 2005) 996 123 984 71 Right turbocharger -- Retail $3022.65 (as of Oct 2005)
  5. Whole engine? or the left and right exhaust turbos?
  6. 996 631 495 00 Rear Light Housing - Left -- Retail $430.40 You can likely get a much better price at Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer cost).
  7. Please do not repeat posts ever 10 minutes. The anti-dazzle mirror (interior and exterior) are on the same same fuse (B5) as the backup lights, rain sensor, and door mirror adjustment.
  8. There is a TSB (7-22-2005) that talks a lot about various complaints with PCM 2.1 - but not that one. The TSB is 13 pages long and is available to all Contributing Members. Unless it is newer than that - and I have not received any TSB updates since July.
  9. The DIY Section at the top has the front bumper covered in the "3rd Radiator Install" section. The rear bumper is covered here in a couple of threads - do a search to find it.
  10. I sent Rich another email...
  11. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...=findpost&p=527 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...=findpost&p=528
  12. Knocking, rattling, sqealing... etc.
  13. Do you mean the dealer/shop code in a PST2?
  14. Measuring point front axle The distance (middle of wheel) between the road (wheel contact area measuring platform) and the measuring point A on the axle support is measured. Rear axle measuring point The distance (middle of wheel) between the road (wheel contact area measuring platform) and the measuring point A on the axle support is measured.
  15. Do you know the measuring points? If not I will post that too.
  16. Well, without a PST2 the only things I can think of is to listen to compressor for a worn bearing and also the front radiator fans. The radiator fans should kick up to stage 2 (high) whenever the AC is on. Also, the RPM should come up about 100-200 RPM. With a PST2 (or PIWIS) there are about 2 dozen items you can check and test.
  17. Carrera engines do not turn in the opposite direction - they are mounted facing 180 degrees opposite direction. The difference is in the differential which puts the ring gear on the opposite side in a Boxster. That is how the drive direction is corrected.
  18. PM me if you want a copy of the older (epoxy) installation instructions...
  19. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=3922 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=1149 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=166
  20. When the sideskirts are done properly there should be no gap at all. That is, you can not even slide a piece of paper in the place where they meet. The later version of sideskirts Porsche sold had two-sided tape where as the early version was put on with epoxy. I think one of the complaints was that the epoxy version needed to taped and held in place for 24 hours before the car could be driven. The later version of the double sided tape does not seem to to hold as tight as the epoxy - IMHO. Here is a picture of my factory epoxied sideskirts.
  21. At the top of every page is Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost. Email or talk to Jeff in parts - I'm sure they can take care of you.
  22. At this point it does not look like it. I think you might have to pay for the Adobe Acrobat (PDF) files from Porsche Technical Information website. In the US they cost $110 per manual section or $5200/per year. They show the 997 wiring diagrams are available there for $110. Just remember what you get for $110 is what is "currently" available if they update or correct that section of the manual you have to pay the full price again to get the updates. Porsche is charging 3 to 10 times more that other manufacturers for this type of data (even more than Mercedes!)... In the US they are currently required by law to make this information available - unfortunately the law only "suggests" a reasonable cost for access to it. Please don't get me started on this as I have a very strong opinion on that... :angry: :angry: :angry:
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