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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Try doing a search for instrument cluster and or gauges. This has been covered many many times here.
  2. :oops: Forgot the color code - my bad 955 555 102 00 4V8 Right moulding light olive wood (gloss) -- retail $37.57 (as of Oct 2005)
  3. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=10388
  4. These come from a different source. I converted then back to the older Acrobat (5) format. You might want to update to Acrobat 7.x - then you can read them all. They should work now.
  5. Not according to the service manual. If it were my car I would likely do the prescribed maintenance 5-10,000 miles early... but that's just me. :rolleyes:
  6. New info from the TSBs (4/05 1359): The full Boxster (986) and Carrera (996) TSBs are available to Contributing Members in the Current TSB section.
  7. Yes, about $3300. PM me if you want more info.
  8. 955 555 102 00 Right moulding light olive wood (gloss) -- retail $37.57 (as of Oct 2005)
  9. 955 555 101 00 Left moulding light olive wood (gloss) -- retail $37.57 (as of Oct 2005)
  10. 996 362 030 00 Emergency Wheel (and tire) -- retail $354.96 (as of Oct 2005)
  11. Well, 226 is not on any of my lists. Yes, you could install Litronics aftermarket - if they were factory the code would be 601.
  12. 342 - Seat Heating 226 - ? What country?
  13. No they are not the same as the 986. 987 631 033 01 Left side marker -- retail $16.57 (as of Oct 2005) 987 631 034 01 Right side marker -- retail $16.57 (as of Oct 2005)
  14. Rick, Are you sure the drive belt/pulley didn't cause the damage? There are a couple of TSBs for drive belt problems: 10/99 1379 Damaged Drive Belt (dated 1-20-2000) 9/02 1379 Torn Drive Belt (dated 2-14-2003)
  15. It depends on their age and amount of time in the sun. Sometime the clips will break - sometimes the plastic. IMHO it is better do do the removal when the dash area is a little warm from the sun.
  16. Has anybody wired in a radar detector to that circuit? I would open it up and look for a loose or shorted wires.
  17. Hmm... either shorted or miswired? Were the anti-dazzle mirrors installed at the factory or after?
  18. Yes, just one clamp. When installing the gap at the top (dimension A ) should be 26 ± 1 mm; the gap at the side should be (dimension B ) 32 ± 1 mm. Then tighten the clamp to 44 ft-lbs.
  19. Have a look at the "How to..." here. As a Contributing Member you are allowed up to 1MB per post. However most images are fine for viewing at 250K or less. If you need an online image resizer try the one here.
  20. The sensor is on the yellow (+) and green (-) wires so you could try it out of the circuit and see if the resistance changes. This could also likely be tested with a PST2 but I don't have a car with anti-dazzle handy.
  21. I want to have a look at the schematic. What year TT and US or RoW?
  22. Well there is definitely wiring for the mirrors under the drivers seat. Did this happen just after installing the seat? Here is the proper way to test the sensor: 1. Ignition on. 2. Cover photocell on the glass side of the interior mirror; the mirror surface must darken after about 4 seconds. Uncover the photocell. The mirror should brighten within approx. 6 seconds. 3. Repeat, except that before uncovering the photocell, ensure the mirror goes from a dimmed to an undimmed state when reverse gear is selected.
  23. We have added the DME Fault Texts for DME 7.8. DME 7.8 is used on: Boxster (986), S MY03-04 Carrera (996), 4, 4S MY02-MY04 Turbo (996) MY01-05 You can find this information in OBD II P-Codes
  24. Porsche parts list and/or Porsche price list.
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