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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Covers all Carrera (996), GT3, TT / GT2 and Boxster (986) cars Here is the long explanation from the service manual on the flashing coolant light. "Four functions of the coolant warning light: 1. Engine coolant level too low -- light flashes slowly (0.5 Hz) 2. Engine compartment temperature too high -- light flashes slowly (0.5 Hz) (engine compartment blower might be faulty) 3. Engine coolant temperature too high -- light is lit; pointer on the right 4. Temperature sensor at water outlet faulty -- light flashes rapidly (1 Hz) ; pointer on the right Note: The temperature warning in point three is indicated if the conditions "engine coolant temperature too high" and "engine coolant level too low" are present simultaneously."
  2. Why do you think it is the coil? These cars are notorious for stuck cold start valves.
  3. That would be very strange since the clutch is hydraulic. It should have bo relation with the rev limiter.
  4. Yes. Can you post a pic or two of the drop links and the main bar bushings (mounts)? I still think your mechanic meant the main bar bushings.
  5. :welcome: Very nice!
  6. It would be best to find someone with a code reader and see what is going on. A bad temperature sensor could cause this (it thinks it is cold out so it gives the car too much gas) or it could be something else.
  7. The only replaceable bushings are the ones on the big part of the bar. They are 996 343 792 09 Stabilizer mounting (RoW part). You will need 2. If the drop links are worn then you will have to replace the whole drop link on both sides.
  8. That would be cylinders 4 to 6 - which would be the passenger side of the car.
  9. BTW... the Porsche RS Spyder won P2. It's first time out. One of the drivers Lucas Luhr said "... we just wanted the car to finish".
  10. Put some more miles on it driving normally. If the battery has been disconnected for longer than about 5 minutes the DME must relearn it's idle and power functions. If it doesn't smooth out I would likely look for carbon build up in the throttle body and idle bypass valve first.
  11. Try locking the car with the door key lock. Then unlocking the same way.
  12. My parts list shows part numbers for the bushings - but it will depend on model year, model, and standard or sport suspension. Give me those and I will get the part numbers.
  13. You have checked and/or cleaned all the major ground straps right... ?
  14. It covers the control unit at the front of your comfort seats.
  15. 996 604 103 00 Starter -- retail $566.10 (as of Oct 2005) Doesn't look too hard...
  16. Thanks to Tool Pants for getting a pic of the new seal!
  17. According to the wiring diagrams - in the front luggage compartment near the battery/firewall. ^^^ Wrong - Sandy corrected me that the wiring diagrams are wrong. It is in the interior. I think Sandy will post a pic.
  18. You will need a PST2 (or PIWIS) and a Porsche code (delivered to a dealer) to lock the unit. I'm pretty sure this is for legal reasons.
  19. Are you sure it isn't 92U (ignore the L) - I think L is for Lacquer.
  20. Phil White has written an excellent article in the October 2005 issue of Total 911 Magazine. He discusses possible RMS causes including improper replacement techniques and has comments from RennTech.org Contributing Member Berny Goodheart (Scouser). Thank you to Philip Raby at Total 911 magazine for allowing us to reproduce this. You can download the PDF version of the article here: Under_performing_seal.pdf
  21. Odd... 996 505 986 92 01C Spoiler lip -- retail $243.63 shows up in my price list
  22. Brown wire with blue stripe needs to be disconnected and taped.
  23. Please PM or email your requests of other members. Thanks!
  24. Not sure it matters since the rate is the same but yes the electrical is long part. The TSB actually calls for 10 hours.
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