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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Compressor bolts - 17 ftlb. (23 Nm)
  2. Are you sure it is the microswitch? If you are sure, I'll need to left or right side. Here is how to adjust it.... http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2410
  3. 14FGR 6KQU or equal
  4. With all due respect please note the Baum scanner with the Porsche option is about $4000. About the same price that you can pick up a used PST2. I'm sure both will do a great job and both will test/report much more than the $100 generic scanners.
  5. Here is the dealer CPO checklist (sorry the quality is not too good). CPO_Checklist.pdf
  6. I don't know how it is mounted but it does show up in the US price list as: 993 722 041 00 First Aid Kit -- retail $40.10 (as of Oct 2005)
  7. The headlight part of the wiring harness is custom per car... so you will need to move pins and connectors - that is, you can't just buy a headlight harness. Okay, next question, Can you read schematics? You will need to wire what you have into what you want.
  8. You must be talking about the Protective Fleece For Rear Soft Window - 986 563 855 01 -- retail $22.52 (as of Oct 2005)
  9. If it's under warranty let the dealer decide to tow or drive the car for service. That way there will be no denial claims.
  10. Has your engine ever been replaced? There is a TSB (4/04 1001 dated 10-22-2004) warning that newer engines have the oil level sensor positioned lower in the crankcase. So if your engine was replaced and they failed to recalibrate the instrument cluster - you would get wrong readings. or There is also a TSB (8/02 9020 dated 12-13-2002) for for replacement clusters with a similar warning - that a newer engine will need to have the cluster recalibrated for the new oil level sensor position. or You could just have a bad oil level sensor. (Same thing just happened on my AMG CLK55 - danger oil warning and the dipstick said it was full - I replaced the oil sensor and all is fine). If you know someone with a PST2 (or PIWIS) - a bad sender can be caught with an instrument cluster error code 9122.
  11. 2004 is Bi-Xenon and would require you to change the front fenders, bumper, and lights.
  12. It would be the one closest to the muffler. The terminology is that the sensor before the cat is closest to engine and measures the bad gases - and the sensor after the cat should be seeing cleaned up gases.
  13. I am not sure if RoW cars have phone prep. On US cars there is a connector behind the lower center console that is intended for phone hook up. It has 4 wires: +12 V switched, +12 V unswitched, ground, and Telephone mute.
  14. US or RoW car? (please fill in Location in your My Controls -> Profile) Do you already have a factory or 3rd party phone in use?
  15. I would use the same (stranded) gauge as what it already up there. Seems like a good workaround - but still puzzling :rolleyes:
  16. Yeah, I think there is an new IE bug with Acrobat. Seems after Microsoft's latest security update it won't let you view it in the browser. I normally use Firefox so I didn't notice it until now. It should work if you save it to disk first though.
  17. I would start with the body to engine ground strap (GP14).
  18. 54 downloads

  19. 142 downloads

  20. 113 downloads

    Smarttop 996_en_manual.pdf
  21. 29 downloads

    Smarttop install_996.pdf
  22. 139 downloads

    Smarttop 986_en_manual.pdf
  23. 30 downloads

    Smarttop install_986.pdf
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