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Everything posted by Loren

  1. It's not that simple - it is a 5 page TSB. You have to modify the wiring that is on the car wiring harness. Some dealers will do this fix as warranty or goodwill.
  2. Assuming you did not take the steering wheel off or remove the seats with the battery connected. Then this is pretty commonly the problem: TSB 1/04 6924 Airbag Warning Light Comes On: Fault Codes 46 and 49 - dated 7-21-04 gives full instructions on how to replace the drivers side and/or passenger side seat buckles with new ones. About 2-3 hours to do both. (Also common problem in pre MY04 Carrera, and Boxster as well as TT/GT2/GT3.)
  3. I would bleed the clutch slave and see if you get any air bubbles (see the DIY in the 996 DIY section as it is the same for Boxster).
  4. Why were the calipers taken off? What else was done? Did you bleed the clutch? - which is on the same circuit.
  5. Compare the headlight openings on your current bumper and the new one - if they are not the same then it is the MY02 and newer bumper.
  6. Have your dealer read TSB 3/05 4078 Rattling Noises From The Area Of The Front And Rear Axle - dated 7-6-05. It specifically covers these noises and their cure.
  7. Sorry, not off the top of my head. Maybe someone will know someone and suggest here...
  8. Don't have the key in the ignition and don't connect the battery with the seats or steering wheel out. Where are you located?
  9. The only way to reset the air bag light is with a PST2 or PIWIS tester. All dealers have these, some independent shops and a few individuals.
  10. I think that could be an early version of the late model one... unless that is the fab number. The mk 1 GT3 bumper was 996 505 980 03 G2X. The later updated (MY02 and newer) is 996 505 983 03 G2X. It likely would not fit a pre MY02 car without new fenders and lights, etc.
  11. Talk to your dealer - there is a late TSB that talks about BOSE amplifiers needing a software update. The TSB describes primarily PCM2 systems but it might be needed on radio/BOSE systems too.
  12. You are topping off the tank with Pentosin CHF 11 S? - the one in the front trunk (that is shared with power steering). You should also check the level in with power steering with the dipstick in the engine compartment to make sure fluid is getting back there. To bleed you pump with the clutch pedal until Pentosin emerges without air bubbles at the bleeder valve of the servo unit (use a catch bottle). This needs to be pumped about 10 time with the engine running. If that doesn't help then let me know and I'll post the testing for the accumulator and the pressure−regulating valve.
  13. Do a search here this has been covered many many times...
  14. Very unusual... I wonder if something hit it? I think you are going to have to replace the drop link on that side. You might want to consider replacing both so the wear is even. For an RoW car the part numbers are: 996 343 069 03 Left drop link - US retail 41.38 USD (as of Oct 2005) 996 343 070 03 Right drop link - US retail 41.38 USD
  15. Yes, it can be turned on with a PST2 in less than 2 minutes. You will get outside temperature as the default display. Where are you located (as I have a PST2)? You can add a stalk or add a dash switch. Do a search here and/or order Tool Pants DVD for a DIY.
  16. If P1128 or P1130 (oxygen sensing at rich threshold) is stored in the memory, this means that the fuel/air mixture is too lean. Air leaks ahead of the oxygen sensors can lead to a fault in adaptation. Check exhaust system for leaks. Check for air leaks in intake air system. If nothing obvious there then we need see your MAF readings.
  17. Yes, very impressive. :thumbup:
  18. The radio fuse on a MY01 TT is D8 (on the fuse panel). That would be, the forth row down and 8th fuse from the left. Should be 7.5 A.
  19. For the masking refer them to their Porsche Carrera Workshop Manual - Group 9 - Section 94 15 13 Masking film for left/right-hand traffic. For the Litronics, that is covered in: Porsche Carrera Workshop Manual - Group 9 - Section 94 15 05 Left / right traffic conversion for Litronic headlights.
  20. A MY98 Boxster would be DME 5.2.2. If those are Pcodes then your scanner is funny... P1120 does not occur in a DME 5.2.2 nor does P0102. Try gong to an Autozone and get hem to read the codes (for free) write them down and report them here. Also, tell us how your engine is running. Is running okay except for the CEL? or does misfire and/or stumble?
  21. Aren't they in South Florida? Perhaps they don't have any power?
  22. I think this should help... MY03 Sport Exhaust wiring diagram:
  23. No, no engine cooling at all in either spoiler (that I am aware of). Here is a pic of the inside of my aerokit spoiler - note the only opening is to the air cleaner tube. The engine purge fan can cool by also bringing in outside - but only when the engine is very hot - and usually after stopping. On the top side here is what it looks like.
  24. To my understanding neither the Carrera standard (moveable) wing or the aerokit wing(s) do any "engine cooling". What they do is provide cooler air to the intake - cooler than heated air coming from the engine area.
  25. Depending on the year of car and the type of lights (Halogen or Litronic) there is a solution. The Halogens use different internal masks and the Litronics have a mechanical switch (inside the lights) that can be moved.
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