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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Can you give me the item numbers?
  2. Two separate items - OBC and Cruise Control. On pre-MY02 cars there is no setting for Cruise Control. Also, Yoseif's instructions are for older PST2 software the current (and last version) is 24 which is shown here. Here are your screenshots - this is my 99 Carrera which should be the same as a 97 Boxster. Select Boxster Do a Control Module Search and then select Instrument cluster Go to Modify Coding Select On-board Computer and use the modify key >> Select On-board computer present and press F8 to activate Back up to the previous screen << and confirm At this point you can confirm the OBC is set on by seeing if the outside temperature is displayed in the cluster.
  3. We do not have some of the older manuals on the site. I bought a MY04 GT3 manual because we did not have one - it was $18 from Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost - at the top of every page).
  4. A CEL is caused by the DME saying that something is not within spec - emission wise. If they have have not graphed the O2 sensors, MAF and fuel trim then they are shooting in the dark. If they are all okay (which I doubt) then the problem must be mechanical or electro-mechanical (i.e. VarioCam).
  5. Have they put a scanner on it and graphed the O2 sensors and fuel trim numbers? Have they looked at the air flow over the MAF (graphed it) too? You can disconnect the MAF and most folks wouldn't notice - until the light comes on. Something is telling the DME that something isn't right and you should be able to see that on the scanner graphs.
  6. The following MY06 Owners Manuals have been added or updated: Boxster (987) Cayman (987) Carrera (997) Cayenne (V6/S) Cayenne Turbo
  7. Do you feel the misfire? You don't mention how the engine is actually running (regardless of the CEL). If the engine runs good and you don't actually feel the misfire then I would think you may have a bad flywheel sensor.
  8. Removing 1. Remove air inlet. Lift up air inlet 1 at the front edge evenly using an assembly wedge, disengage and pull forwards out of the air duct. 2. Remove retaining clips 3. Unscrew sheetmetal screws 2 and pull off retaining clips 3. If necessary, the tabs on the clips must be bent upwards using a screwdriver beforehand. The retaining clips must be replaced for installation. 3. Pull off seal 4. Pull off seal 4. Pull off spring clips 5. Installing 1. Push on seal 4. Check seal 4 and spring clips 5 , replace if necessary. Attach spring clips 5 to the air inlet. Push seal 4 onto the air inlet. 2. Install retaining clips 3. Put new retaining clips 3 onto the tabs of the side section and align evenly in the lug bores. Screw in sheetmetal screws 2. 3. Install air inlet 1. Check lugs (arrows) on the air inlet 1 for damage, replace air inlet if necessary. Insert air inlet 1 in the air duct and engage evenly into the retaining clips. 4. Check air inlet system on the side section and check the gap dimension and make sure it is even. The air inlet system or the gap dimension can be corrected by undoing and shifting the spring clips.
  9. Here is a brief overview...
  10. There was a new TSB on this in April 2005 (TSB 4/05 6128 Convertible Rear Window Bonding Loose). Seems like a problem they are aware of. It explains repair/replacement options.
  11. Please get their permission before posting it here - Thanks!
  12. Check with your dealer - there was a new TSB for Hard Shifting In Range First to Second in February this year. They change out the Tiptronic control unit to fix it. In some cases the DME software must be updated too.
  13. Why not? I usually only replace the blades if they are worn out or damaged.
  14. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=33846
  15. I know folks that have removed them by drilling out the pop-rivets. So, I guess you could do the same and then pop-rivet it back in.
  16. P0410 Secondary Air Injection System, Bank 1 – Below Limit Now we know neither side of the engine (O2 sensors) are seeing the auxillary air pump output. The sound of the pump sounds like a small vacuum cleaner to me. Usually it runs for a couple of minutes at start up. The pump is located in the left rear most area of the engine compartment. Item 1 below (air injection system).
  17. Cost reduction? vendor change? who knows?
  18. Just as clarification - the Porsche monthly published price list is MSRP (Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price). Dealers are free to charge as much or as little as the want. Sunset Imports gives great prices and outstanding service to RennTech.org members - which is why they are here!
  19. Hmm... my OBD II 7.8 DME manual says: I don't show a P0411 for TT. P1411 Secondary Air Injection System, Bank 2 - Below Limit Check: Check function of secondary air injection pump Check relay Check power supply for open circuit Check ground line of secondary air pump etc., etc. 12 tests in all. You should be able to hear the secondary air injection pump at cold start up. If not, check the fuse - the air pump fuse is on the relay support panel behind the rear seats. It should be 40A. Then check the connections in the engine compartment.
  20. The TSB says they don't stock/sell the old ones anymore... so unless you found a dealer with old stock I think you are out of luck. I guess you could go 3rd party.
  21. The numbers are correct. 996 628 901 08 Both divers side and passenger wiper (US) 996 628 045 00 (replaces 996 628 901 07) Rear window wiper The design was changed in TSB 1/03 9227 Wiper Blade Noise - Squeaking and Rubbing - dated 3-7-03.
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