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Everything posted by Loren

  1. I don't know if the whole console has to come out to get to the rear most screws or not. have a look at the diagram here To remove the shift knob: 1. Selector lever is in position D. Note - The button (inset) at the front must not be pressed down when the selector knob is pulled. 2. Pull selector knob up and off. To install the shift knob: Note - The button must not be pressed down when the selector knob is installed. 1. Selector lever is in position D. Caution - Spring in selector knob is overstretched! - Only move the selector knob as far forward until the tool can be inserted. - Avoid any further overstretching. 2. The unlocking hook in the selector knob must retract to the button (grey object). Lock the hook under the button, using short screwdriver A (for example). 3. Push on the selector knob until it audibly engages in the selector support. The sleeve is then inserted in the selector lever cover. 4. Remove the tool on the handle. 5. Functional test of gear selecting system: - Will the vehicle start? - Do all the selector lever positions work?
  2. I don't think so. The part numbers are different and the piston sizes are different. They might bolt up though? Try asking one of the 993 guys on Rennlist (where most of them hang out). Ask the other way around though - will 996 calipers fit a 993?
  3. Here is what the manual says for possible causes. The stop light switch (see Note) seems a likely cause. The manual has details for testing including voltage/resistance measurements - 8 steps in all.
  4. I suspect so - since the TSB changed the drop link design.
  5. Like this manual seat hardware?
  6. There is TSB (July 2005) for some stabilizer connecting link mount problems. If you are in doubt have your dealer look at it.
  7. I have a November 2005 parts list. Those numbers are for C4S springs. Is your car a C4S?
  8. The OBD II manual says (for Fault P0446) the possible cause are: - Purge air line blocked. - Flow resistance of EVAP canister too high.
  9. There is a long cooling distribution 'tube' that runs nearly the length of the car (see below). If that tube needs to be replaced then there is a lot of work to do. It could be that the gas tank sits on top of the connection/routing on the right side. I think you are looking at 4-5 hours labor plus the new tube, all new hose clamps, new coolant and bleeding/testing of the system. I guess you could always get a quote from an independent shop...
  10. But tires at: Tire Rack - Tire Rack - Tire Rack Install at: Custom Alignment - Custom Alignment - Custom Alignment
  11. Yes, the top of the 3rd radiator tilts towards the back of the car. So when it is mounted the bottom is closest to the front. On a GT2 the hot air goes out the top through a vent in the bumper - on a Carrera/GT3 it goes out the bottom under the car. Kind of hard to see in the pic...
  12. :lol: Nope, you need PET to see the parts list.
  13. I hope so. That is covered in My Blog
  14. Okay folks, sorry... should be working now.
  15. In both Europe and the US Porsche has an exchange parts catalog. It is part of the PET parts system and is updated monthly. There are a wide variety of parts for current and older models available on an exchange basis.
  16. From the OBD II manual - initially temperature is a factor that turns the pump off - but the pump at run when engine is at operating temperature. Potential fault areas are: fuse relay DME air supply lines or bad pump.
  17. Jumping - probably yes but the TSB does not give the pins they say just use the new harness. Aerokit wiring harness: 997 612 670 71 Electric wire harness - retail $46.37 (as of Oct 2005)
  18. Sorry, no a 996 shifter will not work. The 993 uses a different transmission and shift linkage (rods vs. cables). I don't think B&M makes a shifter for the 993TT.
  19. I suggest the latter... ;)
  20. Very well done! :thumbup: Reminds of the old days....
  21. We have added the DME Fault Texts for DME 7.1.1. DME 7.1.1 is used on: Cayenne (955) MY03-04 You can find this information in OBD II P-Codes
  22. There were two PCM2 software/firmware upgrades for PCM2 - one in August and one in September. Your OPC should have TSBs on these (the US/Canada ones are here in the TSB section). It does not say all the changes but there a number of variations that were shipped - that all need updates. Have a look at TSb 12/05 9110 PCM2.1 Navigation Update - dated Sept 7, 2005 For example:
  23. 999 170 207 91 for all Carrera's to MY01. 14FGR 6KQU Retail $13.32 (each) - as of Oct 2005)
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