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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Regular Members can see the TSB listings but only Contributing Members can read TSBs online here. The TSB is 5/04 4078 Rattling Noises From The Area Of The Front And Rear Axle with an issue date of July 6, 2005.
  2. :welcome: 1.) Your body style is also know as a "widebody" because of the fender flares. Only C4S, TT and GT2 have the widebody design. 3.) Porsche has never made a PSE for the (996) TT. It is likely either a stock exhaust or an aftermarket.
  3. Got to Boxster -> DME -> Coding -> change cruise setting and press F8 to code it.
  4. They look similar but I don't know if they will fit. There is a transmission cover now too. You can compare the parts below: 996_underlinings.pdf 997_underlinings.pdf
  5. I think I said the opposite - I doubt the P0600 and the starting problem are related. If you lose Tip to DME communication the the system goes into a "reduced driving program". The starting problem could be a bad clutch interlock switch or bad ignition switch. I could be wrong but I doubt the two problems are related. I think it might be worth your while to find a (good) shop with a PST2 (or PIWIS) tester and find out more about the problem before you buy $1000 plus parts. You might get lucky with the Tip controller but it could be a bad connection too.
  6. Hmm... haven't done that for a while. I think it sticks on the side - maybe pry gently with a screwdriver.
  7. I've seen the microswitch break (most often) and also the support. 996 613 205 00 Microswitch -- retail $21.16 (as of Oct 2005) 996 637 211 00 Support -- retail $1.16 996 552 097 01 01C is the Lock -- retail $68.34
  8. You will need to remove the latch to get to the microswitch. A contributing member wrote that up here.
  9. Correct. The mufflers don't change only the tips.
  10. Some options are easy to retrofit - so you can always add them later (like spacers). Other options require a different wiring harness or other major "production" changes. For example: you don't want to retrofit a leather dash or heated seats - one requires complete dash removal and the other requires major wiring harness controller changes. My advice would be to concentrate on the options that are not easily retrofit and make sure you get difficult (or very expensive retrofit) options on your factory build.
  11. No difference for a C4S. There were several PSE iterations from late 1999 until present. With the introduction of the 3.6 liter engine in MY02 they went with larger bore bypass pipes. Porsche says not to use the early small bore type on 3.6 liter cars. The later model will fit and work fine on ANY model year 996. You use original tailpipes so the fit to the later model bumper or C4S bumper does not change.
  12. There isn't a specific fuse for that light. It is part of the alarm circuit so if the fuse were out then your door lights, engine compartment light, reading light. etc. would not work also. The other possibility is that the microswitch on the front hood latch is not functioning.
  13. That is a cover (plug) on the end of the camshaft cover. It was likely leaking or damaged. I would also look for any vacuum/intake leaks as they may have knocked a hose off (or forgotten to re-attach it).
  14. Or... you could just read the Porsche TSB 1/05 9662 Design Key (dated Jul 29, 2005) in the TSB section... ;)
  15. That condition should trigger an open alarm sensor when read with a PST2. If you can find a shop (or racer, or private individual) with a PST2 (or PIWIS) tester it should be a fairly easy diagnosis. Where are you located?
  16. On the early Tiptronic's I think the only thing you program (with a PST2) is the country code. Where are you located?
  17. Could be the switch on the door handle (inside the door). Try lifting and releasing the door handle - the window should drop about about 1/2 inch and then go back up when released.
  18. It is a double relay in positions 6 and 7 (second row from the top first and second relay from the left). It should have part number 996 615 11 00.
  19. Sounds like the door may have lost power. Have you checked fuse C3 (third row down - third fuse from the left)? If that is okay, then see if that door locks with the dash power lock switch. Also, does the power windows switch for that side move the window up and down?
  20. Canada requires DRLs for vehicles made after December 1, 1989. Have you checked the fuses and the DRL relay?
  21. It is an RoW part - so you will need to find a dealer that can get it from Europe. The US retail price was $110.70 (as of Oct 2005).
  22. Carrera (997) and TT/GT2 Maintenance Checklists have been added to the Maintenance Checklists section.
  23. Stainless steel vs the soft magnesium aluminum alloy of the engine case. I've heard it does a good job. It really for low driveways, backing into curbs, or other obstructions. I don't think it was intended for off-road racing.
  24. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=3525 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2186 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=1441
  25. The Carrera DIY here is pretty much the same for a Boxster (or TT, or GT3 for that matter). Check with a dealer/parts supply house for the latest part numbers and prices.
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