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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Motor mounts or CV joints? How many miles/kilometers on the car
  2. Your car already has the same front strut braces that the racing GT3 Cup Cars use. So, IMHO no improvement with carbon fiber ones.
  3. Not a book per se.. but as a Contributing Member here you can use the Retail Price Search feature here (on the Online Docs Menu) to look look up current MSRP for any part number.
  4. MY03 and newer have the MOST fiber optic system - which are difficult to work around since you end up disabling the fiber optic system to hardwire in a conventional system. For a MY99 (to MY01) there is nothing special since it is a conventional system. Any good aftermarket shop should be able to help you.
  5. Are you sure the tank is not leaking down on the hose?
  6. If your tank and cap have never been changed then I would include them as suspect also. Some of the early MY99 cars had some hose clamp problems too. A picture of the bad hose and location will certainly help - cause there are a lot of hoses on these cars.
  7. Do you have a photo of it?
  8. 446 - center caps for your wheels with the Porsche logo. 236 - even though it is not on the current list we are pretty sure it is 18" Tires.
  9. If your car is still under warranty - I certainly would not skip any scheduled service -- whether you do it yourself or have a shop do it. Don't give a dealer an excuse to refuse a warranty claim. As Orient Express said changing your own oil is very easy (20 to 30 minutes) and costs less than $50 in parts (oil and filter). Air filter takes about 5 minutes and the pollen filter 2 minutes. All are documented here on the site. Where are you located? If you are in Northern California you should come to one of our work on cars days - we'll even help you learn to do it yourself.
  10. Hmm... the washer pump gets it's power from the intermittent wiper relay - unless you have the rain sensor option - in that case the power comes from the rain sensor relay. It is just power and ground at the pump itself. Did you check the (brown) ground wire at the pump? If that is fine then the only thing left is the switch in the steering wheel.
  11. Use the Carrera install TSB (4/98 9212 Installing Rain Sensor -dated Jan 26, 1999). It is the same procedure for TT.
  12. The Manual Transmission oil change procedure came directly from the Porsche Service Manual. The fill should take about 2.25 liters.
  13. One recommendation (from another post) is to: "...contact the Insurance Commisioner's office in your state. If they were licensed to sell in your state then there is usually an insurance fund that all insurance companies pay into to cover claims on insolvent insurance companies. It may take you a while to recover, but they should cover you. However, if they were not licensed in your state, you are probably out of luck."
  14. Since you do not have the rain sensor option I would look first at the intermittent wiper relay (since the pump signal goes through the same relay). it could be a bad stalk switch - that would be unusual (and difficult to change).
  15. X97 an X98 are special order items likely deviating stitching. 09991 means manufacture from the exclusive-programme which simply means where Exclusive Program special orders. I have no idea what 10001 is. Only MY99 Carrera's had LSD as an option - after MY99 PSM took the place of Traction Control and LSD. So a MY03 does not have a traditional LSD it has PSM.
  16. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=14453
  17. I really don't think a PSE is any noisier than a stock car under 3500 RPM. I doubt you drive through your neighborhood at 4000 plus RPM.
  18. Porsche recommends Ride height and Alignment be adjusted with the empty weight, i.e. full fuel tank, vehicle with spare wheel/collapsible wheel and tools, but without driver and without additional weights. Most folks I know (including me) that drive on the track have the car aligned/balanced with the drivers weight in the drivers seat.
  19. Have a look at TSB 8/03 9110 Diagnosing And Repairing The PCM2 System (dated 10-20-2004).
  20. Only with a PST2 or PIWIS tester (that I know of). According to the service manual: "The steering angle sensor must be calibrated after: - A new steering angle sensor has been installed. - The PSM control device has been exchanged. - The steering gear and / or components which change the zero position of the steering angle sensor have been exchanged. - Accident repairs - Suspension alignment procedures during which the previous wheel alignment values were changed." "The steering angle sensor actual value must be checked: - After a suspension alignment which resulted in no changes being made to the wheel alignment values. - As a check after steering angle sensor calibration."
  21. Loren, My reverse lights work fine but my mirror does not swivel down. Looking at my manual, it says the dealer can activate this feature if I have memory seats, which I do. This goes for the automatic locking options when the car is moving. Can I do this, rather than take it to the dealer? If so, any idea how? Both functions require a PST2 (or PIWIS) tester to activate. If you know a shop or racer that has one they can do it for you - otherwise you will need to go to a dealer.
  22. Use two screwdrivers to lever out the left and the right detent, then remove the ac control. Then press in detent of electrical plugs and pull the plugs up and off then the whole ac control will pull out.
  23. Try using the search function ;) PSE (Porsche Sport Exhaust) Install
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