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Everything posted by Loren

  1. You remember that with the PST2 you always have to read the fault then clear it in that order? If you do other functions then come back to erase faults it won't do it. I'm trying to remember a thing with PCM1/2 where you have to clear the fault - turn the ignition off (removing the key) - then put the key in and read it again before it will show as erased. You are right the diagnostics say it is the amp. I have heard of some amp failures but those have usually been total sound failures.
  2. MY06 Cayenne Turbo S Order Guide for both US and Canada added today.
  3. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=27829
  4. Try Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost (at the top of every page). Sunset Imports usually has the best prices anywhere.
  5. 996.106.147.56 Coolant tank -- retail $255.79 (as of Jan 2006) 996.106.447.01 Cap -- retail $17.05 (as of Dec 2005) You shouldn't need the switch unless it is broken. 996.641.503.00 Switch -- retail $13.90 (as of Dec 2005) (corrected tank number for MY99-00)
  6. Loren

    Cup Rotors?

    You asked for the Cup Car rotors - those are the numbers from my 2003 Cup Car parts list.
  7. Uh... the parts list says the front shocks and springs changed part numbers in MY04. The rear shocks also changed for MY04. So, I am not sure how much of a difference that will make.
  8. 996.512.109.05 Drive Mechanism -- retail $992.03 (as of Dec 2005) item 12 in diagram (motor is item 13) I am sure Sunset can get you a better price...
  9. 996.624.151.00 Spoiler Motor -- retail $131.77 (as of Dec 2005) Hmm... maybe they got the part and labor mixed up?
  10. What is your model year? C2 or C4? US or RoW car?
  11. That is the correct part number for the switch for Boxster, Carrera, GT3, TT and GT2. The Boxster shares many parts with the Carrera - hence you will see many 996 numbers.
  12. So those little tabs sticking out on the sides don't push in or pull out?
  13. The stock knobs do not have a set screw -- only the optional knobs do. If you have a stock knob you will need to twist and pull up to get it off - to be safe open the top first - sometimes they come off with a jolt!
  14. Yes, for a MY00 40,000 miles. 6 ea -- 999 170 207 91 Spark Plugs (Beru 14FGR 6KQU) MY99-MY01
  15. I would use only Beru or Bosch - both are approved vendors.
  16. eGas cars do not have IAC - instead the throttle postioner opens the throttle butterfly just slightly at idle. It can get carbon'ed up too though.
  17. Are you sure it is not 696 - CD-RADIO "PORSCHE CDR 220"?
  18. That is all you need. Have a look at the installation instructions in the TT TSB section. Look for TSB 5/03 3408 Short Shift Kit Installation Instructions - dated Oct 24, 2003.
  19. Update - The nice folks at Durametric Software are sending me a unit to evaluate. I will need a couple of guinea pigs... uh... er... I mean volunteers that would like to help with the evaluation. I will need a 986 and TT volunteers (and I will use my 996). If you live in the SF Bay Area and want to volunteer - drop me a PM. ps. I have a PST2 so we should be able to fix anything that potentially might get messed up. Honestly - I have tested several OBD II testers and their is little chance of messing something up.
  20. There are TSBs for loose sway bars and upper strut mount bearings. What are the front wheel sizes and offsets (front and rear)? also tire sizes - front and rear?
  21. I emailed them for an evaluation copy to test. I'll post here if we get it to evaluate...
  22. I wouldn't drain it - it is very difficult to purge the air out without a custom vacuum tool. I would use a clean catch pan - make the clamp change. Use a new screw-type hose clamp. Once you have the new clamp in place take the catch pan and filter it through a clean cloth (like a t-shirt) then add it back in. Do NOT leave the coolant cap off with the engine running it - it will spit out a lot of coolant. Use the air purge valve on top of the coolant tank. You can safely leave the air purge open for a few days - checking and topping daily up until the level no longer drops. If you need more coolant buy it from a dealer and mix it 50-50 with distilled water.
  23. 900.80.005.09 NUT M8 -- retail $0.50 (each) as of Dec 2005
  24. Loren

    Cup Rotors?

    996.351.409.9J Left Front Rotor (350 mm x 33 mm) 996.351.410.9J Right Front Rotor (350 mm x 33 mm) 996.352.405.90 Left Rear Rotor (330 mm x 28 mm) 996.352.406.90 Right Rear Rotor (330 mm x 28 mm)
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